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what is that korean song

All my dreams, crushed! I can't be scary, mean OR dumb! Oh, woe is me!
Didn't you know. TheEnd has a mind like a steel trap. If he sees so much as an opening, he will strike without mercy, and hold you in his mental deathgrip forever.



No, I did not know that.... THAT'D BE OKAY THOUGH. It's TE. Wait, that might come out wrong.

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what is that korean song

Translated into English (and how I found it in youtube) it would be "Wrongful Meeting" by Kim Gun Mo.

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It's not like the rest of us Folgore Rangers have been faring any better. 13th and Mancer have completely disappeared, Jedi left for a better future, and JB's been trolling every denizen he hates. It's like we're all incompetent or something ;_;

So we share troubles, huh...

Now I got this image in my head of Zeddmare and Yellow sharing troubles with each other and drowning their sorrows in a bar.


No, I did not know that.... THAT'D BE OKAY THOUGH. It's TE. Wait, that might come out wrong.


Too late, it already did.

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Translated into English (and how I found it in youtube) it would be "Wrongful Meeting" by Kim Gun Mo.

That sounds so sad / heartbreaking.


Too late, it already did.

I said I'm sorry. :(

...BUT.... It wasn't meant to sound wrong.

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So we share troubles, huh...

Now I got this image in my head of Zeddmare and Yellow sharing troubles with each other and drowning their sorrows in a bar.

Wow, that would be quite hilarious XD Maybe they'd come to an actual truce (for a short time) if that ever happened.

That sounds so sad / heartbreaking.

Yeah, it is a bit of a sad song. I can't translate the lyrics/meaning very well because I don't understand it entirely, but from what I can understand it sounds like stuff just gone wrong.

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Yeah, it is a bit of a sad song. I can't translate the lyrics/meaning very well because I don't understand it entirely, but from what I can understand it sounds like stuff just gone wrong.

I see... yeah, it sounded like it... and like regretting now.

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I said I'm sorry. :(

...BUT.... It wasn't meant to sound wrong.

That's what I thought. It's okay Shirley. It's not your fault.

That hardly matters, I'm afraid.

Wow, that would be quite hilarious XD Maybe they'd come to an actual truce (for a short time) if that ever happened.

Get someone to draw it and write the accompanying short skit.

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That's what I thought. It's okay Shirley. It's not your fault.

That hardly matters, I'm afraid.

>_> but you can be nice if you want.

what why not. I meant to say ...something like TE is still awesome? :<

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Hmm...good question. I have no idea!


no I'm sorry I shouldn't be zetsubouing you more than you already are ;_;

...so you are nice now!

wait wait wait but I want zetsubou. FEED ME MOREEEE.

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So I ended up finding out my Fletchinder is going to evolve, but I really don't want her to because she looks perfect as she is ;~;

I wonder if I'll make this like another Dragonair...

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I see... yeah, it sounded like it... and like regretting now.

That's probably close, yeah.

Get someone to draw it and write the accompanying short skit.

Okay just let me smash thorough this writer's block first

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Hmm hey Mumumumumu have you seen

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it is a thing



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Best at Videogames:


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Chainey: For outstanding performance in role-playing situations:

Dark God of Sexual Horrors:

All-Time Denial Deity:

Best at playing the chew toy:

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Senor Juan-in-a-million: Pungeon Master:

...that guy:








If you haven't yet then here you go!!

If you have yet and you haven't voted yet, then whyyyyyyy?? D=

If you have yet and you have voted as well, then.... cool!!

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