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It lasted a couple weeks during July.That kind of uprising is only likely to happen again during the World Cup. I wonder if people will realize it'll likely make things worse, though.

I see. Here they still had something during Independence Day and the city's anniversary.

Hopefully some people will realize that, but it most likely won't be enough to avoid it. We can really only wait and see how things will turn out.

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Hey Rey, if that happens, I call dibs on your shit

Too late.

Annie gets Japanese 3DS Capture Card and my wapanese import games.

Amelia gets my nice tablet and laptop.

Other sis gets my Awakening merchandise.

And another friend gets all the fighting games.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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well, one reason is because I can't get any female Eevees by breeding. :<

Would you like me to help in getting you a female Eevee? My Sylveon's a girl and I doubt it'd be that hard to get another female~

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Too late.

Annie gets Japanese 3DS Capture Card and my wapanese import games.

Amelia gets my nice tablet and laptop.

Other sis gets my Awakening merchandise.

And another friend gets all the fighting games.

I'll fight this other friend that gets the fighting games


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Would you like me to help in getting you a female Eevee? My Sylveon's a girl and I doubt it'd be that hard to get another female~

that's what I did too. :< the first batch was by female sylveon and male pikachu (yes I did that combo).

but thanks though. I'll manage something.

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I wonder what my type is...

Someone tell me mine as well.

I'll tell you as soon as I get out of the Elite Four which I'm battling for, like, the sixth or seventh time.

[spoiler=Pokémon List - X/Y Edition]Integrity - Naive Delphox

Soluna - Bold Vivillon

Lux - Naughty Roserade

Drayano - Gentle Blastoise

Sirius - Gentle Tyrantrum

Pride - Hasty Lucario

Makaze - Careful Pidgeotto

Sask - Lax Dunsparce

BLS - Calm Litleo

Musashi - Hasty Furfrou

Numbers - Careful Venipede

Balcerzak - Bashful Snorlax

Ether - Rash Spritzee

Rei Rei - Quiet Whismur

Seph - Hardy Drifloon

Lychees - Modest Helioptile

TheEnd - Naughty Aerodactyle

Roxas - Docile Luvdisc

Darros - Quiet Binacle

Crashman - Bold Electrike

Kintenbo - Impish Stunky

Iris - Quiet Chingling

Nightmare - Lax Machoke

Freohr - Docile Lapras

Bianchi - Lonely Chatot

Bananas - Modest Tentacool

Lumi - Relaxed Gible

Ninji - Jolly Shelmet

Harudoku - Timid Basculin

Camtech - Impish Pawniard

Sara - Lonely Litwick

Ein - Quirky Phantump

G. Officer - Modest Poliwhirl

Dio - Calm Haunter

Fia - Lonely Sneasel

Blacken - Mild Yveltal

Rehab - Impish Geodude

Kon - Modest Noibat

AceTactician - Calm Floatzel

Vashiane - Quiet Quagsire

SoC - Impish Jigglypuff

Shirley - Sassy Gothorita

Soul - Timid Spinda

Dagron - Gentle Druddigon

Pilot - Rash Rufflet

Superbus - Timid Mewtwo

Acacia Sgt - Careful Zigzagoon

Psych - Lax Caterpie

Interest - Brave Bunnelby

Tangerine - Hasty Bidoof

Hazuki - Gentle Skitty

Herr Wozzeck - Hardy Abra

Chalis - Impish Espurr

Fruit Ninja - Quirky Hoppip

Shuuda - Naughty Axew

Fox - Lonely Absol

Furetchen - Naughty Hippopotas

Hikarusa - Lonely Mawile

Hatari - Rash Omanyte

WarpedWizard - Brave Kabuto

Patty - Naughty Shieldon

NoNameAtAll - Serious Cranidos

AstraLunaSol - Sassy Tirtouga

Enjolras - Lax Archen

Etelleranet7 - Bold Wailmer

AceNoctali - Adamant Eevee

MidNightmare - Bold Nidoran♀

DLV - Naive Woobat

Popo - Brave Miltank

☆Holmes - Hardy Mantyke

Polydeuces - Lax Octillery

Eryth - Bold Trapinch

Bubblegum - Impish Goomy

Faval - Quirky Skorupi

Levant - Hardy Klefki

ThingyPerson - Modest Foongus

Why am I a Hoppip, omg?

oh wait, I can use those eShop cards they sell right?

Yes... areyouplanningonembezzlingmoarmoney?

how do i eugenics in this game shit

You know, there's the SF main site for a reason.

>already saved after 3-turning the chapter


Let me tell, you, I did the same. (That is, fishing the chapter before Severa could talk to Holland.)

So I started the file all over again.

I should stop playing EO4, but I can't

I just bought EOU: The Millenium Girl today.

And Pokémon Y.

And a GameStop PowerUp card.

Because of Maryland's 6% tax.

It came to be $100.

I'm not spending any more money for the rest of the year.

(Although the Zelda 3DS XL looks really tempting...)

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