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I should also note that prior to playing FE7 the first time I had much experience with Guilty Gear


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[spoiler=Pokémon List - X/Y Edition]Integrity - Naive Delphox

Soluna - Bold Vivillon

Lux - Naughty Roserade

Drayano - Gentle Blastoise

Sirius - Gentle Tyrantrum

Pride - Hasty Lucario

Makaze - Careful Pidgeotto

Sask - Lax Dunsparce

BLS - Calm Litleo

Musashi - Hasty Furfrou

Numbers - Careful Venipede

Balcerzak - Bashful Snorlax

Ether - Rash Spritzee

Rei Rei - Quiet Whismur

Seph - Hardy Drifloon

Lychees - Modest Helioptile

TheEnd - Naughty Aerodactyle

Roxas - Docile Luvdisc

Darros - Quiet Binacle

Crashman - Bold Electrike

Kintenbo - Impish Stunky

Iris - Quiet Chingling

Nightmare - Lax Machoke

Freohr - Docile Lapras

Bianchi - Lonely Chatot

Bananas - Modest Tentacool

Lumi - Relaxed Gible

Ninji - Jolly Shelmet

Harudoku - Timid Basculin

Camtech - Impish Pawniard

Sara - Lonely Litwick

Ein - Quirky Phantump

G. Officer - Modest Poliwhirl

Dio - Calm Haunter

Fia - Lonely Sneasel

Blacken - Mild Yveltal

Rehab - Impish Geodude

Kon - Modest Noibat

AceTactician - Calm Floatzel

Vashiane - Quiet Quagsire

SoC - Impish Jigglypuff

Shirley - Sassy Gothorita

Soul - Timid Spinda

Dagron - Gentle Druddigon

Pilot - Rash Rufflet

Superbus - Timid Mewtwo

Acacia Sgt - Careful Zigzagoon

Psych - Lax Caterpie

Interest - Brave Bunnelby

Tangerine - Hasty Bidoof

Hazuki - Gentle Skitty

Herr Wozzeck - Hardy Abra

Chalis - Impish Espurr

Fruit Ninja - Quirky Hoppip

Shuuda - Naughty Axew

Fox - Lonely Absol

Furetchen - Naughty Hippopotas

Hikarusa - Lonely Mawile

Hatari - Rash Omanyte

WarpedWizard - Brave Kabuto

Patty - Naughty Shieldon

NoNameAtAll - Serious Cranidos

AstraLunaSol - Sassy Tirtouga

Enjolras - Lax Archen

Etelleranet7 - Bold Wailmer

AceNoctali - Adamant Eevee

MidNightmare - Bold Nidoran♀

DLV - Naive Woobat

Popo - Brave Miltank

☆Holmes - Hardy Mantyke

Polydeuces - Lax Octillery

Eryth - Bold Trapinch

Bubblegum - Impish Goomy

Faval - Quirky Skorupi

Levant - Hardy Klefki

ThingyPerson - Modest Foongus

Snowstorm - Brave Beartic

Ice Sage - Timid Delibird

Boron - Gentle Pupitar

Chainey - Timid Spoiler

Fireman - Serious Torkoal

Emerald - Rash Lombre

Aw, I couldn't make it. Marthur's gone.


Why am I a Hoppip, omg?

No reason.
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Handwriting, huh? My handwriting is shit regardless of language or script

So shit in fact, that I must write in ALLCAPS whenever I need my writing to actually be taken seriously/be legible for another human being

I'm willing to bet that TE is going to say something about this... but... here goes.


errr I slacked off on my studies last week but I think thats uh

tsushikomi-ga arimasen

whatever that means

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