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If the first one's that one, then yes, I've played the game.

Oh, I thought you said you played some other and still had to play the first one...

It's 1 in the morning here... SO LATE. D:

Anyway, good night and sweet dreams!

Good night~

I'm facepalming so hard at this "cross-examination" I LOVE THIS GAME

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Here's what I saw battling some Japanese dude.

So first Klefki uses Safeguard, preventing status effects on its team.

Then it used Swagger on his TEAM MATE!

Then its team mate's attack rose sharply and DIDN'T GET CONFUSED!

But the only thing about that moveset is that it only leaves two slots for other moves.

But it does allow the other Pokémon to hold an item other than a Persim Berry.

Although, dual screens or Thunder Wave. Decisions, decisions.

Actually I wanted to run Carbink as a dual screens/stealth rock/explosion suicide lead, and then Klefki would just be Thunder Wave/Substitute/Swagger/Flash Cannon fucker or whatever it learns hahaha.

Are they? I never asked where they lived, so I don't know...

Mumu's in New Jersey. Sirius is... in New York? I think?

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True, I don't think that's something you forget that easily


Funny fact: my time is actually different from TE's because he got DST but I don't :D


Actually I wanted to run Carbink as a dual screens/stealth rock/explosion suicide lead, and then Klefki would just be Thunder Wave/Substitute/Swagger/Flash Cannon fucker or whatever it learns hahaha.

Mumu's in New Jersey. Sirius is... in New York? I think?

I'm not sure if that's a good idea... Carbink doesn't get priority like Klefki. Also, because if its 50 base attack, Explosion will do literally nothing. Not to mention you get TM Explosion through BP. And I wouldn't want to waste the BP on the TM. I'd rather spend it on a Life Orb, Assault Vest, or Focus Sash.

Actually, you should just ditch Carbink and add Togekiss. All the Togekisses I faced were ANNOYING.

It's bulky and spams Follow Me, allowing its partner in battle to set up whatever it needs.

And then it can heal with Roost. SO. ANNOYING.

It, too, can Dual Screen and Thunder Wave and Safeguard and a lot of other support moves. And while its defenses aren't as good as Carbink's, it's HP has a 35 higher base, which isn't that much but it helps a lot. Not to mention a Bold Togekiss's defenses are still both over 100.

Substitute on Klefki would be pretty much useless and Flash Cannon may help, but not as much as other status moves would.

East Coast US, I see.

Edited by Fruity Insanity
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I'll just go back to doing Kagura things, I think...

Also case 4 finished

I am expecting a lot from you, case 5

I heard it was apparently a really big one that "ties all the cases together" or something of sorts.

Wouldn't surprise me in the least.

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