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why not right now

when it's out, of course

because I don't feel like reverse-adopting right now

well of course... I don't feel like playing the Japanese version all over again when I'm like, probably halfway through the game now. <_< and then get DLC costumes when it comes out in english.

although one thing is odd is that the o button is for interacting and stuff, like regular attacks while the x is for 'back' and the artes. I can't read the furigana for the kanji for the artes.

Edited by Espeon
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So as I was heading home, I saw that on the nearby theater they're gonna air the World Cup. Well, it only said, "Coming soon: México vs Camerun", but with that most likely other matches will follow. Wow, that's a first, or at least, first that I know.... heh, watching soccer matches on the big screen... dammit people, put The Wind Rises already, who cares for the World Cup!

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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just wanna have fun

that's all they really waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant

some fuuuuuuuuuuuuun

Cindi Lauper?
I'm a fan of Emily Autumn, though when I played it and my family heard they were all... "Who's butchering that song?"

...omfg, how did I not recognize them. that's like one of the few ships I HAVE for that anime

It's such the perfect ship, how can you not?

[spoiler=Edolas Arc]I used to ship Natsu and Lisanna, but then she didn't stay dead, and it's kind of weird now and I don't know what to do with that...

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I remember you from a dream I thought was truth

You bright with magic and I blinded by my youth

All I wish is for your hand to hold you see

Only your smile kills the dark in me

With these hands I try to hold what I cannot seize

I'm like a rose thrown into a violent breeze

All my strength, blown away, with my heart I will stay

Praying for light - guiding my wish with all my might

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It's such the perfect ship, how can you not?

[spoiler=Edolas Arc]I used to ship Natsu and Lisanna, but then she didn't stay dead, and it's kind of weird now and I don't know what to do with that...

I'm one of those weird people who doesn't really ship Natsu or Lucy with... like... anyone. Or Gray or Juvia or... actually, I think I only have two ships for that whole series atm.

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[spoiler=Edolas Arc]I used to ship Natsu and Lisanna, but then she didn't stay dead, and it's kind of weird now and I don't know what to do with that...

fwiw, I shipped Natsu x Lisanna even before then. That said, she kinda vanished right after the Tenrou arc, so idk.

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fwiw, I shipped Natsu x Lisanna even before then. That said, she kinda vanished right after the Tenrou arc, so idk.

That's what I meant, but I tagged it with the arc that was getting spoiled, sorry for my disastrous lack of clarity.
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That's what I meant, but I tagged it with the arc that was getting spoiled, sorry for my disastrous lack of clarity.

Yeah, it makes sense, since the point you made actually DID spoil the end of that arc.

Also, I can't help but like the Juvia/Lyon ship, weird as it is. It's like a gender-flipped Gray/Juvia.

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I'm one of those weird people who doesn't really ship Natsu or Lucy with... like... anyone. Or Gray or Juvia or... actually, I think I only have two ships for that whole series atm.

All of my Lucy ships are friendships.

I would ship Gray x Juvia, but he's obviously not into her, so I'm just kind of cheering her on in the background but realize it will never amount to anything (and probably shouldn't, nobody should be forced into love).

I'm undecided on Ever x Elfman. It feels real, though.

I can't think of any others, but when it went on hiatus for so long, I forgot so much.

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I can't think of any others, but when it went on hiatus for so long, I forgot so much.

The other main one that I see a ton of people ship is Levy/Gajeel, and it's pretty adorbs.

I've seen a fairly sizable Laxus/Lucy fandom too, fwiw.

Has Fairy Tail been fully dubbed yet? I've only watched the first two episodes.

There's a lot more dubbed than that... I dunno if the whole thing's dubbed, but...

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All of my Lucy ships are friendships.

I would ship Gray x Juvia, but he's obviously not into her, so I'm just kind of cheering her on in the background but realize it will never amount to anything (and probably shouldn't, nobody should be forced into love).

I'm undecided on Ever x Elfman. It feels real, though.

I can't think of any others, but when it went on hiatus for so long, I forgot so much.

Ever x Elfman is a sorta there, sorta not, need a little more info. Levy/Gajeel, though... <3

The other main one that I see a ton of people ship is Levy/Gajeel, and it's pretty adorbs.

I've seen a fairly sizable Laxus/Lucy fandom too, fwiw.

There's a lot more dubbed than that... I dunno if the whole thing's dubbed, but...

Since the manga is still going, it's of course not fully dubbed. xD I know for a fact that the entire first season is dubbed, but not sure about the others.

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just wanna have fun
that's all they really waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant
some fuuuuuuuuuuuuun

Ha ha ha...
...And wb. ^-^

Ohai there NTG

That avatar, did they add a new ending to NTG Maker? Or...

NTG got you to come back.
Haven't seen you here in awhile. XD

This is what happens when I feed her too much.

20% hit from a MERC.
This is Chapter 3 on Lunatic Mode.


Feed her more!

More. More.
~Grey Fox

Does it really matter if I'm just trying to steamroll everything via feeding her everything?

...I've never had anything past level 13 on Chapter 3.
And that B rank.

Forget Chrom till Ch4.
Go all out on MU till then!!!!!

I'm amazed I'm still alive.




You see, I work for a corporation, and today that corporation decided to have "offsite job training" at some hotel. I didn't know how to get to the place, so one my coworkers said I could just follow her. No problem, right? Wrong, so unbelievably wrong. She starts going back and forth between lanes without turning on her turn signal, and I'm doing 85 mph just to keep up with her. Then when we get there, she's like "you're such a turtle" and I'm like "I WAS DOING 85". And keep in mind I've had my brakes go out on me while driving twice, so I've developed a bit of a fear of going fast.

I'm never following her anywhere ever again. I still love her though.

In jail.
Because the speed limit is only 65. XD
What no one don't know won't hurt, em. Right?

feed me mooooore!~ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

I still hunger for the blood of my enemiiiiies~ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


I still have a name change up.

This is perplexing

Can't wait to see it!

such is life


Any ideas?


i forgot what i was saying "sometimes" about

because i had a morning exam

argh yer gotta start a good schedule and stick to it. but... yeah,i know how hard it is. as weeks go by i start to wake up later and later

ooh what a fairly tall kouhai. did you know how short i was?


Hey Frosty

late hi to you too~~~
my summer break starts after next week... how to make it productive...

Time to parteeeeeee.

When did NTG return.


i didn't
yo! lo.

So is NTG just a hallucination.

How unfortunate.
Of course...
Not a mirage, or diversion.

So, according to the cable guy who came yesterday to hook up our cable...my PS3 is HD capable yet I'm not currently playing in HD.

So he left me a cable to use to be able to play my PS3 games in HD.

I took a look at it, and my PS3 doesn't have a port for it. Looks like the standard cable used to be able to watch cable TV channels. Idk why he thought I could use it to play PS3 games in HD, cuz I'm pretty sure that a different cable is required for that.

Just like the PS2 could play DVD's. PS3 can...too.
Saved us lots of money from having to buy a DVD player.

wait omg i can moderate fe4 thread now

ha ha ha ha ha THE POWER IS MINE

no ;~;

Heh heh heh....

There really isn't anything worth moderating in here. Trust me.


Ahhhhhhhh trying not to panic right now

I had to drop a class because at the moment I'm having a hard time keeping up with the class Ialready have with having to work overtime nearly every fricking day. I called a few days ago to drop it and I talked it over with my academic counsellor and she gave me the okay

Except for yesterday she sent me an email telling me that I should call my financial advisor before she drops the class because my financial aid plan was apparently changing? I haven't even heard about anything of the sort.

Of course, since I've barely been home the past two days I didn't read it until a few hours ago. So I call up my financial aid guy but all I get is a voicemail. I wait for a while and get no response.

And now their office hours ended and I don't know what to do. I don't know if she decided to drop the class for me, I can't reach anyone now and if I keep the class then I've already failed to turn in most of the week's assignments because I thought I could drop it. This is the last day that it could have been dropped too, so unless a miracle happens I'm fucked ;O;

That sounds really strange, maybe it has something to do with student loans?

Overtime every day? That has to be exhausting.

But...everything will go up in shambles if this Financial Aid isn't straightened out. DX

No idea. I guess tomorrow I might see the class missing from my list, but I don't even know how dropping classes works. No one's even in the offices over the weekend, so I don't really have much in the way of options. I guess the only thing I can do is try to finish the assignments from the class I wanted to drop so at the least I'm not totally fucked if I have to keep it.

I kind of feel like curling up in a corner and dying right about now.

I'm at loss for words. -.-
I hope everything goes okay with your Financial Aid.

Maybe not dead, just nonexistent for a few days. No work, no school, no me. Then I can come back into existence and maybe feel better? That would be nice.

mmmm... I wish I could have that too, maybe. But man, it already sounds so stressful to have to work and go to school...

So stressful life is.
It does give off a better lesson and a learning experience in the end.

Yay, an isolated thunderstorm

Guess who may not go to sleep unless there is a blackout

Why it happens often in the east cost..? Nobody knows.

It really is. But I have no choice otherwise, really. I can't lose my job, especially since it took me a couple of years to actually find it, and I'm afraid of what will happen if I stop taking school. I have no scholarships and no help from my parents, and I'm not at the point to where I can even begin to make payment plans for all the student loans I've accumulated just for one year.

In this situation...I'd go in a panic confused not knowing what to do.
But...if only you could get ahold of your fucking Finanical Aid advisor. DX

thoughts of people that pair Finn

Pair Finn with Lachesis even thought we all know she did Beowulf first.

She did three men.
That slut. -.-
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I think you can go all the way through Tenrou Island dubbed actually Kat

I didn't watch the anime except for when I was studying and needed background noise, so I honestly wouldn't know. I mean; I collect the soundtracks because they're AWESOME, but I don't watch.

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