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Help me, somebody.

A teacher of mine used to say "The more stupid things you say, the less you will have left to say."

But I'm starting to doubt that

I don't dislike it.


. Edited by Marthur
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[spoiler=filthy casuals]V3UWzyw.jpg

i don't have the funds nor resources to play it

nor am I allowed to play M rated games

it's m?

oh, nvm then

even neal has already played it, though

Edited by OldMan
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lux, lux, lux

what even

[spoiler=filthy casuals]V3UWzyw.jpg

it's m?

oh, nvm then

even neal has already played it, though

yeah that's a problem in my household

I'm afraid to know what that means for me

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you need to help yourself first

I try and I try, but no matter what I do, I always fail.

A teacher of mine used to say "The more stupid things you say, the less you will have left to say."
But I'm starting to doubt that



LoGH is okay.

I'd be lying if I said I loved it, but I by no means disliked (or hated) it.

[spoiler=filthy casuals]V3UWzyw.jpg

even neal has already played it, though

Lawl. I'm must be a "filthy casual."

Persona 4 was good. I started P3P, too.

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It's like you made a cameo in gen 1 and became a regular in gen 3.

Almost like Hildegard

that's lovely

i probably made scattered posts from time to time

i think I've been too strict with my sister cause I almost got bested in a battle

holy fuck

they grow up so quick.

don't underestimate your imouto, dude. hehe

It is going to be for sure something I need to do.


wow Sask is going on a mission

LoGH is best watched slowly but without taking any breaks, so that you don't have to process too much information and don't forget what's been happening.

Exactly!!!!!! and ranting/logging helps with the memory part too.


i don't care when Neal resumes LoGH anymore. i just want him to truly appreciate the series without any pressure.

i think i remember it ever since i came here

these last few days have been worse than ever tho

wow :<

my next door neighbour has been renovating for... almost a year now? although in the daytime i had uni so i could avoid most of the noise.

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they grow up so quick.

don't underestimate your imouto, dude. hehe

totally unbiased


i don't care when Neal resumes LoGH anymore. i just want him to truly appreciate the series without any pressure.

won't happen
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I try and I try, but no matter what I do, I always fail.


You don't think enough before posting.


LoGH is okay.

I'd be lying if I said I loved it, but I by no means disliked (or hated) it.

Exactly!!!!!! and ranting/logging helps with the memory part too.

i don't care when Neal resumes LoGH anymore. i just want him to truly appreciate the series without any pressure.

Neal ruined it for himself the moment he said he'd finish it in two weeks.
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totally unbiased

won't happen


nope, pretty biased

actually he really did slip up having his whole team weak to a type


Neal ruined it for himself the moment he said he'd finish it in two weeks.

I know... I'm sure LoGH only reminds him of his failure now. but some day

I started P3P, too.

Female route, only

slink all the guys


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We have to blame you for encouraging him.

i expected him to learn some lessons from the experience

naturally, i was wrong


nope, pretty biased

actually he really did slip up having his whole team weak to a type



i was being sarcastic, silly

and you know it too

I know... I'm sure LoGH only reminds him of his failure now. but some day

Female route, only

slink all the guys


one day right

/closes pocket

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