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Aaaaand now after his ebay invoice my dad is going to only have $30 left over \o/ (and he needs to charge me for rides to work as well but I've got plenty of money still so I can easily provide)


At the very least, though... he got a job the same time I did, so he's going to start getting more money soon too

WELL ANYWAY today's already having a very rough start but at least whatever happened didn't come without recoveries

I woke up unable to breathe and after having a restless sleep of being unable to breathe but that's fixed now because I found out that even after I thought we ran out of old medicine we still had some and my dad saved me

And even though I spilled half of that medicine I don't use it often anyway and it'll probably last me the next 6 months until I hopefully get insurance

And even though I nearly put cereal into a cup I fixed that by grabbing a bowl!! \o/

And even though my dad's nearly bankrupt and needs my help with money he got a job just like me so soon we'll both be making money! (And also he is putting a lot of stuff on ebay on sale now because it's gotten too quiet there for him so hopefully that sale will rack up some more money again while he waits on getting paid)

I must stay POSITIVE and FIX THINGS as they come along!!!

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I guess since some people have their own individual forum theme styles to them; even though Shirley always changes her theme and name often I recognize her almost 100% of the time because I've picked up on the kind of style she has~ I tend to recognize Kinumi, Koneko, and slightly even Tonton (mostly when he went through his fe icons) easily as well!

Not everybody always has an easy style to pick up on especially if their tastes can vary a lot but sometimes you can get a bit of a grasp on people

As for TE, I find that avatar odd on him as well~ As far as I recall it's not often he's using FE official art (has he ever?) Usually he uses themes of mature men or cute girls from the legend of heroes or other stuffs that are not FE stuffs~ (oh and particularly people with glasses!!)

Edited by Freohr Datia
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As for TE, I find that avatar odd on him as well~ As far as I recall it's not often he's using FE official art (has he ever?) Usually he uses themes of mature men or cute girls from the legend of heroes or other stuffs that are not FE stuffs~ (oh and particularly people with glasses!!)

technically i used finn before

but yeah, this one will likely not last much but shirley demanded it, so i had to

TE is mean but not as mean as Nightmare.

that's a start
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