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Project X Zone 2 confirmed.


I heard it was leaked, so it's confirmed now?

EDIT: Aha, I see.

It'd be nice to see some Onimusha or Chaos Legion recognition this time around.

EDIT 2: Holy... Kiryu and Majima

Edited by Soledai
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NinjaMonkey is a useless waste of space and I can't stand him and I'm on the verge of talking to eclipse about taking one for the team and bitching him out publically I fucking

This man is 30 years old and acts like a fucking entitled child why

good opinions

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Now would be a good time to raise money through Kon artistry.

I have this one guy willing to buy several quarter-body sprites

But he hasn't actually given me any of his requests :<

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wanna bitch about it some more?

You guys are just being... I don't even know. This is just isn't something I'd like to see a moderator say let alone anyone else about a person just because they dislike them.

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is it baldur

Yup :I

And of course, since it is Baldur, I'm not gonna do jack unless he pays up front

Not that I have high hopes that he'll even pay in the first place, but hey might as well

At least he's not Brendor

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we're talking about a person who literally told luminescent blade

to her face

that she should go back to china if she can't be assed to love english

and i'm barely paraphrasing

i would never abuse my position against him, ever, but it's no secret that i do not like the man.

your bitching about our bitching is worse than our bitching, hth

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NinjaMonkey is a useless waste of space and I can't stand him and I'm on the verge of talking to eclipse about taking one for the team and bitching him out publically I fucking

This man is 30 years old and acts like a fucking entitled child why

This is why we are not-siblings. <3

NM is 30 wat.

Yeah i cant get that one myself.

Unfortunately, there is no evidence that he was ever warned over that debacle.

Wow. Just...wow.

I have wanted to punch Ninja Monkey on multiple occasions

I still wish I could

Entitled prick

Indeed. Like, i just..the stuff that guy says like, all the time, is legit awful.

I dunno about that

I do.

wanna bitch about it some more?

Sometimes, ill be browsing the forums and being liek "doooteeedooo interwebz. Oh look, stupid comments. Oh look meh." And then i see comments like this one. And i go "oh yeah. There was a reason i have grown so terribly fond of Integ." <3

GUYS! GAME OF THRONES IN LESS THAN AN HOUR! I am both excited but filled with dread.

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Yup :I

And of course, since it is Baldur, I'm not gonna do jack unless he pays up front

Not that I have high hopes that he'll even pay in the first place, but hey might as well

At least he's not Brendor

I just told Baldur to fuck off in varying degrees of civility until he decided to ignore "no i don't want to work for you" enough times for me to block him

Like how hard is it to get that "no my commission status is not open"

I heard nightmare stories about working for Brendor, eesh

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You guys are just being... I don't even know. This is just isn't something I'd like to see a moderator say let alone anyone else about a person just because they dislike them.

He's an incredibly unpleasant and rude person

And has made a racist comment towards Lumi on at least one occasion

I don't see why I have to be nice to a person like that

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