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Question for Marthur, whenever he sees this:

You mentioned using 3D models for drawing and stuff awhile back, I think. Where do you get your models? For humans, at least. I DL'ed 3ds Max and I remember thinking your way was really good and it would save me a lot of trouble drawing, I just never got around to asking.

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Game: Yoshi's Island (SNES)

Normal Mode: Beat World 4!

Hard Mode: Beat World 6 or get a Perfect in Worlds 4 and 5.

[spoiler=I don't know if this is what you mean by "get a perfect" or not?]


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Question for Marthur, whenever he sees this:

You mentioned using 3D models for drawing and stuff awhile back, I think. Where do you get your models? For humans, at least. I DL'ed 3ds Max and I remember thinking your way was really good and it would save me a lot of trouble drawing, I just never got around to asking.

I use a biped but...

I just woke up and I won't be here this morning, so I'll write some guidelines once I'm back...

[spoiler=I don't know if this is what you mean by "get a perfect" or not?]


Nope, he meant a perfect in all levels of World 4 and 5 : S

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I use a biped but...

I just woke up and I won't be here this morning, so I'll write some guidelines once I'm back...

huh, alright

Anything helps though. I just kinda freehand my models, and I'm not entirely confident in myself with that so I was thinking of trying other ways.

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princess battles!

long live the queen has the same issue

have you SEEN the fonts on that one?

LLTQ had perfectly fine font, though... Sans serif, but that's a common enough flaw I can't fault it too much.

...also holy shit, more things to do there, I missed seeing

1.3 Plot Update Now Available + New Achievements

March 8 - Hanako

The latest plot update for the game, complete with new story options, features, character portraits, marriages, and ways to completely ruin your country is now available.

There are also 6 new achievements to find, which will remove some people's 100% status but hopefully only temporarily.

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huh, alright

Anything helps though. I just kinda freehand my models, and I'm not entirely confident in myself with that so I was thinking of trying other ways.

Do you know how to use 3DSMax a bit, or are you completely new to it btw?

...ridiculous. That 4-4 castle alone ate like, 30 of my lives.

Just clear world 6, baaaal





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Just clear world 6, baaaal

That's the goal, but I need to clear all the worlds ahead of it too. This game is just tedious though.

The 100% stage was an accident on the rolling ball level. Before I crossed the finish line I hit select, noticed the only thing I was missing was stars and used a 10 stars item to top off.

I'm not a fan of platformers.

My main complaint is the sound effects (baby Mario / mice) which almost make me want to turn the sound off.

I did turn the sound off >_>

you know who smash bros needed


I have a new challenge idea now, thanks reirei Edited by Balcerzak
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LLTQ had perfectly fine font, though... Sans serif, but that's a common enough flaw I can't fault it too much.

...also holy shit, more things to do there, I missed seeing

it's not terrible and gamebreaking, but i'd say it's extremely mediocre as a design choice

the real problem i had with lltq was that the flow of the game was constantly interrupted by restarts

felt more like minmaxing game to me more than strategy or anything

i guess it's pretty decent for the price, but i'd probably tell a person to buy isaac

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[spoiler=biped guidelines]
I'm going to assume you don't know anything about 3DSmax, so here's the basic commands to know to move around:
Wheel button : move around
Alt + wheel button : rotate around
Scrolling with the wheel : zoom in / out

Your toolbar should look like this :

The tools you'll use the most are the three I highlighted.
Translate / Rotate / Scale
Try to place some objects and get used to them.

First let's just place a box as the floor. It's useful to make sure your character is grounded.
You can select a box in this menu :
Try using the translate / scale tools to make it like you want.
Also, the coordinates at the bottom will help you center it in the scene if you set it to 0,0,0
Once your box is in place, you can freeze it by right clicking on it and select Freeze Selection. This will make it so you won't move this again by accident.

Next we can create the biped in this menu:
It seems you can choose a body type in recent versions, so either use male or female biped.
Below that you have the structure of the dummy. I usually set the spine links to 3 as 4 is overkill. Add to 5 fingers with 3 links to them.
I usually don't bother with the toes though, you can put 5 but I prefer using only 1 (with one toe link usually) and scaling it)

Now place it in the scene and :
Woohoo! We have a biped now.
Note that the size isn't really important, but if you want to make it human size (around 1.7m), go ahead.

Here's the important part now. Before starting moving it around, we'll need to set the proportions first. This need to be done beforehand, because trying to do it later on will break your poses, and you'll have to do again from scratch.
Click on the biped, select the motion tab and click on the icon with the figure.
You can now scale the body parts as you see fit if you want non-realistic proportions. Here, I scaled the torso pieces and the legs a bit as well as the arms as a result (they need to reach mid thighs). You can also see that I scaled the only toe link I had.
I didn't do it here but fingers should be scaled as well as they are definitely not proportionned well (usually, the base link is the same length as the two remaining links.) There are plenty of things you can change like making it fat, making the thighs thinner, the arm more muscular, or giving it a supersized head. It's really up to what you want to do.

Note : for the arms and legs, make sure you select the two opposite limbs before scaling them, so that they both have the same modifications.

BTW, if you want to modify the structure again, you can do it right now as well.

Once you're happy with your changes, click on the figure icon to exit it. You can now pose your biped any way you want using the translation and rotation tools :
(I just ripped a Chun-li pose)

You don't have to be very precise, but be mindful of the center of gravity. You'll find that rotating and moving stuff can be weird sometimes, but you'll just need to practice that.
You'll notice that the biped is off the ground though since it's center around the pelvis.

To put it on the ground, select said pelvis and :
...click on one of the two arrows to move the whole body around or the circle thing to rotate it. You'll probably need to move the feet again so they're both on the ground.

Now choose a different view and hit CTRL+C. This will create a camera in your scene.
(BTW you can change your scene layout by going to Views -> Viewport configuration -> Layout)

A camera has a camera and a target, both can be moved invidually (or at the same time if you select the blue line linking them).
You can move the camera in the perspective view (don't try to move in the camera view.) and it will show you how it looks in the camera view until you're satisfied :

Now you just need to save it as an image file.
Click on your camera view and go to Render -> Render Setup
The only thing you really need to change is the picture's size. Make it big so you can work on it comfortably and hit render.

The pic will be rendered and you can hit the save button to save it as a .PNG (All the black area will actually be transparent).

The result is this pic.

I didn't proofread this

If there's something you don't undestand, feel free.

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It's a sign that you should move to London

Can I take Ein with me?

You wake up the same time as when I normally boot up my computer. Think about it

Uh.... So what does it mean? :o
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