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Welp. Time to play Sen II. Good thing I already have it. :3

I don't even know where to start. I guess it'll be with the negatives, since I want to end on a positive note.

[spoiler=Sen I rant]

First of all, screw Crow. I thought he was a good guy. :'(

Second, the games was formulaic af. Literally the same thing from chapters 1 to 6.

Class -> Free Day (Quests/Schoolhouse) -> Practical Exam (Battle) -> Field Study -> Some big incident that happens to be exactly where Rean is at the time.

Third, no voice acting is suffering. Playing in Korean will be harder, but at least it'll have JP voice acting.

Fourth, the quartz system isn't bad, per se, and I loved the master quartz, but I much prefer the older quartz system. Wouldn't mind a hybrid of Sora/Sen. I guess that's what Ao is, though.

Fifth, that ending. Okay. It wasn't bad. It was a cliffhanger, and a huge one at that. But like TE mentioned, it ties no knots at all. Like, at all. If they had stopped after the festival, it would have been better. They basically started Sen II, and said, "whoops we showed too much time to stop."

Lastly, and this is a minor complaint, but I want a young boy character, too. We have Tita/Renne, Tio, and Fie/Millium in Sora, Zero, and Sen, respectively. We have our lolis. I want a shota to match. And ship. Elliot comes close, but he's 16, not 13. And a kinda crappy character. ~o3o~

Make it happen, Falcom.

Now to move on to what I liked.

Kiseki is Kiseki. The world, the characters, I liked them all. It was an enjoyable experience. The anime archetypes were a bit much, but they were still fun.

Also, who would've thought that the maid was an Enforcer.

Oh, and Olivier is still as good as always. Best Kiseki character. I love him.

So many connections, to the point that it sometimes seems unrealistic...

Anelace's grandpa is Rean's master? That one bracer I saw in Zero is another practitioner of the same sword style, as is Cassius?

Not!Arseille was cool.

Fie carried my game. Ranged overworld attack + Force + XL S-Craft + Quartz that makes first attack/craft do double damage broke the non-boss fights. Even some boss fights. Just spam S-crafts over and over and over... But maybe that was me being slightly over-leveled.

Earth Wall is still broken. Just more expensive. And has a different name, but it's still totally Earth Wall.

Last dungeon gave off strong 3rd vibes. Liked it.

Music is great, as expected.

"I swear..." being the encore piece was cool. Nice throwback.

Vice President being a fanboy over Rixia was interesting.

We got background info about all characters except Rean, Millium, Crow, and Emma.

Sara is cool.

Nurse Obaa-san is based.

Jusis was one of my favorite characters. Pandora is a cool master quartz.

The one that restores HP/EP/CP when walking is broken, too.

I tried dancing with Elliot. Imouto blushed. Maybe she's a fujoshi too.

If I end Sen around level 65, I wonder how far Sen II will level me. 130?

That would be 3rd-level numbers.

Which would mean Sen III's level cap is 200?!?!?!1!1!1!1!

Elliott's entire family is adorbz.

I need to play Zero and Ao to find out what's been going on Crossbell's side, with all this independence stuff and whatnot.

Anyway, I'm losing my train of thought, so I'll stop here, but I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but w/e.

it's too much to wrap my head around right now.

One question. Does clear data matter as much in Sen II as it does in Sora SC? Because I'll be playing the game in Korean, and my NA save file won't be compatible.

I totally don't regret spending 56 hours on this... over the course of five days...

Yes, I marathoned this game.

All these stories with good stories. Having had no internet for a week has done me good. Got to finish Steins;Gate, 999, and Sen. Quite the productive winter break, if I do say so myself.

Now to pack since I'm going back to school tomorrow.

Gonna finally have my computer in my hands again. \[-_-]/

Dunno if I should marathon more Kiseki or play League since I haven't played in over a week now... (No internet, rip.)

Probably a bit of both.

Gotta start watching some of this season's anime, too.

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sen 2 starts at fixed level 40, no matter what you do

there are some fluff additions that acknowledge your bonding event for instance, but i think it's pretty small compared to fc/sc (not entirely sure; either way you can choose a different waifu in this one anyway)

you get bonus items based on level and bp, but the requirements are pretty outrageous (i remember only getting the tier 1 reward)

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