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Yes they did, and it was okay/decent, but... still Mind Zero was not

But I get the feeling it'll be the Mind Zero garbage tier localization

Edited by Soledai
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didn't aksys do fate/extra


i'd take them doing extella and xseed tokyo xanadu any time

Yes they did, and it was okay/decent, but... still Mind Zero was not

But I get the feeling it'll be the Mind Zero garbage tier localization

isn't the source material also bad for mind zero

idk about either tbh i was commenting more on the port

oh yeah also

[spoiler=tocs]toval is totally the toby in carnelia isn't him lol

Edited by Tonton
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Ever since I got home everything is tanking I'm either numb and feel detached from myself to the point it scares me or I'm overwhelmed by so many negative and irrational feelings I have to fight it and fight the urge to tell people exactly how I feel because I might not be taken seriously and have it be assumed I'm being edgy or they might get extremely concerned I don't know how to talk to anyone either and isolation and boredom just leads to more breakdowns

I'm supposed to get an appointment this week so its a matter of holding on for a few days and I'm not sure if I can do it, my friends have offered letting me stay with them for a week or so but they're still with the one friend's mom who is unbearable though she usually stays holed in her room when at home but she also smokes all the goddamn time too and I don't want to be around that

and then theres the possible drama about it with my parents since they took me being gone the last week very personally and they're accusing of me hiding things from them because they notice me being more depressed

I'm stuck ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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I don't think so. Pretty sure I've had a theme even shorter than Fie.

well, I don't know how tall Fie is, so I'm not sure what to make of that. Edited by shinpichu
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re Lettuce

talk to Pride more thennnnnnnn and maybe you should take your friends' offer even if their mom smokes a lot. I mean it might be better than your parents... but then maybe you should try to... I dunno, find some way to reconcile with your parents too? I mean so they don't think you're hiding things from you

but has anything happened to make you feel overwhelmed?

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I always talk to Pride when he's available, but he's not always around nor do I expect him to be but when its just me its a problem

I guess I can look into it, and I'm not sure how to reconcile when they're being so smothering and act is if I'm disappearing forever even when I want to move out to a place thats still in the same city they live in >_> I think it'd be easier to do if I didn't have to live with them.......

Hoo boy, basically general stresses in life and the difficulty managing my emotions in general

theres a lot of loneliness, sadness, anger, jealousy, and then theres the guilt of feeling those things I feel like i'm a burden to everybody and I switch between feeling like I deserve better and that people don't care enough and are out to get me to that I'm the actual worst and that people would be happier if I wasn't in their lives because all I do is hurt them

I also feel a lot because I can be fine one minute but then something that would only mildly inconvenience or annoy someone else just makes me feel the most intense anger or sadness for hours and my intrusive thoughts really flare up then and i'm sensitive over everything like how someone responds to me I can even mistake anything neutral as negative or if someone else gets more positive attention than me or if I'm feeling like I'm being ignored its like a entire laundry list that nobody should have to deal with from me

all in all its exhausting to deal with on a daily basis and I feel worn out and get head pressure a lot too, so yeah ,_,

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oh god why did I feel like I was reading about myself >_>

Well try like talking to them when you can maybe. Of course it'd be easier if you didn't have to live with them but what can you do now?

But yeah, you just kinda have to hang on for a bit... maybe try to remember you're not alone? I'm sure a lot of people told you that but hey I feel the same as you! So I'm an actual person who understands. :(

paranoia huh... my psychology side is trying to kick in too

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oh god why servers

I'm trying to work here


Also someone please translate this 剣属性攻撃に対する回避率を大きく上昇させる

I think it's saying "Evasion rate is greatly increased against sword type attacks"

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No idea mang

I'll try its just talking to them in general is like chewing on nails, you have to somehow carefully word everything you say and even then it doesn't always work like right now my dad is giving me shit about Pride asking if he or mom have ever noticed me seeming off even though he was fine with it then, I'm so sick of it

i will yeah, and idk why I tend to forget about things like that when I'm at my worst maybe I should keep physical proof of when people do say supportive things?? :s I dunno how much it'd help-- I really appreciate it though

paranoia is a thing too yes..tbh I have no idea whats going on with me anymore

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Maybe you could try being in that environment less like uhhhhh

I dunno what you do on the daily but just like set aside 30 mins or something as like "I'm outta the house I'm aimless I got no problems" and see if that does anything for you.

I do get that kinda feeling of not liking being home because my family leaves me speechless for no reason more than usual, or like I just don't feel like making words and I've never gotten that apprehension towards anyone outside of my usual routine so it kiiiiiiinda works for me.

You can meet it halfway and instead of making it grueling like HOLD ON UNTIL APPOINTMENTS try small things in the down time, because if therapy isn't all that and a bag of chips like you're expecting it can maybe backfire.

(I don't think I'm terribly emotionally helpful so I'm just rattling off small things that can be practical?)

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No idea mang

I'll try its just talking to them in general is like chewing on nails, you have to somehow carefully word everything you say and even then it doesn't always work like right now my dad is giving me shit about Pride asking if he or mom have ever noticed me seeming off even though he was fine with it then, I'm so sick of it

i will yeah, and idk why I tend to forget about things like that when I'm at my worst maybe I should keep physical proof of when people do say supportive things?? :s I dunno how much it'd help-- I really appreciate it though

paranoia is a thing too yes..tbh I have no idea whats going on with me anymore

I see.... it seems to me that they're trying to make up not noticing you're depressed and needed help. I mean of course it doesn't mean he's going about it the right way. But I dunno, I'm not him so I might be wrong too.

oh I know how that is. I also forget the supportive stuff when I'm at my worse too so you're not alone. maybe you could keep physical proof, like writing down names of people who understand and are there for you and stuff.

possibly bipolar symptoms but not full blown though, at least I don't think it is, and I kinda just try to see through my own stuff. I wish I could help more though :( we're all here thoughhhhh

also unrelated but I totally feel the same way as your skype status but obviously about Ein and not Pride

Edited by Altina Orion
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I see.... it seems to me that they're trying to make up not noticing you're depressed and needed help. I mean of course it doesn't mean he's going about it the right way. But I dunno, I'm not him so I might be wrong too.

Her parents aren't trying to make up for anything. Not to shit on them, but they completely failed to do something about Lettuce's obvious deterioration in hobbies, interests, and motivation. Short of offhandedly suggesting she just go out and do stuff and trying to shove pills on her, anyway. They failed to understand their daughter, and their constant focus on her perception/treatment of them makes their approach abrasive and is the reason Lettuce is so uncomfortable around them. I'm not counting on them being better parents, but hopefully they can manage to be supportive in whatever ways they can.

oh by the by hello again fellows i greatly enjoyed my trip to FOREST ZONE aka virginia

lovely place with at least one lovely person

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