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But the stream said who it was next to Bleublanc. Unless you mean more in-depth information. :T

And if they can stream all that, RELEASE THE GAME NOOOOOOOOW

but i couldn't see the name because of the thing with the xseed people in the corner

lol they barely showed anything

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but i couldn't see the name because of the thing with the xseed people in the corner

lol they barely showed anything



They still said everything was translated and edited >/

Edited by Altina Orion
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Maybe you could try being in that environment less like uhhhhh

I dunno what you do on the daily but just like set aside 30 mins or something as like "I'm outta the house I'm aimless I got no problems" and see if that does anything for you.

I do get that kinda feeling of not liking being home because my family leaves me speechless for no reason more than usual, or like I just don't feel like making words and I've never gotten that apprehension towards anyone outside of my usual routine so it kiiiiiiinda works for me.

You can meet it halfway and instead of making it grueling like HOLD ON UNTIL APPOINTMENTS try small things in the down time, because if therapy isn't all that and a bag of chips like you're expecting it can maybe backfire.

(I don't think I'm terribly emotionally helpful so I'm just rattling off small things that can be practical?)

I think it'd help but I still can't drive yet and even now my parents won't let me walk outside alone I mean technically they can't MAKE me stay but idk I'm afraid of going against them and I'm nervous about being out by myself anyway as it is I can only get out if my friends are available

and ya you have a point there too........ goddamn I hope there are not shit therapists here also dw Damian you are very helpful I like how succinct you are THANKS

I see.... it seems to me that they're trying to make up not noticing you're depressed and needed help. I mean of course it doesn't mean he's going about it the right way. But I dunno, I'm not him so I might be wrong too.

oh I know how that is. I also forget the supportive stuff when I'm at my worse too so you're not alone. maybe you could keep physical proof, like writing down names of people who understand and are there for you and stuff.

possibly bipolar symptoms but not full blown though, at least I don't think it is, and I kinda just try to see through my own stuff. I wish I could help more though :( we're all here thoughhhhh

also unrelated but I totally feel the same way as your skype status but obviously about Ein and not Pride

I'm not too sure about that, it seems more like they're embarassed that someone else called them out on it and now they want me to be open about everything when I really can't because its them and their ego gets wounded by everything and they're being really aggressive about it too but...I dunno either

That sounds like a good idea, if you know of any other healthy coping methods I'm open for suggestions too ;v;

Its ok, I'm sure if theres anything else going on here besides the depression and anxiety it'll come into light eventually once I get help-- thank you though!!!!!!

ahhh, thats sweet to hear \0/ Its a good feeling to know

oh by the by hello again fellows i greatly enjoyed my trip to FOREST ZONE aka virginia

lovely place with at least one lovely person

Wow um, hello

u still smell

I'm going to sleep now. Anyone who didn't wish me a happy birthday is the WORST PERSON EVER

I just got hereeeeeeeeeee

happy birthday Charlieman

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I'm not too sure about that, it seems more like they're embarassed that someone else called them out on it and now they want me to be open about everything when I really can't because its them and their ego gets wounded by everything and they're being really aggressive about it too but...I dunno either

That sounds like a good idea, if you know of any other healthy coping methods I'm open for suggestions too ;v;

Its ok, I'm sure if theres anything else going on here besides the depression and anxiety it'll come into light eventually once I get help-- thank you though!!!!!!

ahhh, thats sweet to hear \0/ Its a good feeling to know

Oh. That's another reason... that fits more. ._. Especially after Pride correcting me lol. Then maybe you should tell them just that, that's they going overboard and then if they get defensive or something, say that they told you to be open about everything and stuff. Though I'm not sure how wise this is...

oh man I wish I had more healthy coping skills. I mean the most people tell me, and I mean people by like therapists and psychiatrists, is to try to find something to distract you or do something productive. I mean better than dwelling or being all irrational or emotional.

I just wanna help. ;w;

IT IS. Or you mean a good feeling to have? Well, both I guess.

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lettuce your situation sounds very similar to mine actually!!

like, my parents were kinda "get over it already" with me and then it hit them that depression is serious and now they want to flip everything upside down and no one's like instantly emotionally supportive so you just don't talk to them still

imo don't make "reconcile with parents" too much a priority if U PERSONALLY don't feel like that's where your depression/anxiety is coming from, idk your situation that well but for me personally I was just okay with my parents understanding I needed time or whatever and I don't want to force myself to feel like "I'll talk to my family for HOURS EVERYDAY" because I just didn't think that was my problem at all.

Therapists might focus on that before they get the whole story from a bunch of appointments because y'know, home environment and all that. Just let them know if your problems are more practical or something if that's the case!!

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well reconcile with parents isn't something for everyone

and I don't think it's one that can be done IF the depression/anxiety actually steps from them >_> like that they cause more depression/anxiety like my mom did

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Oh whoops

well if you mention your parents a lot in the issues you talk to them about, then yeah, it's kinda natural they'd try to suggest that then

But then that's why we're supposed to let them know more details so they know better how to help us \o/

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fuck i was just listening to this

You can say whatever you like about Sonic, but most of the vocal tracks from the franchise are pretty darn good.

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Fruit forgot your birthday again?

She was already the worst person ever.

Now she's even worse than the worst person ever.

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So Lu Bu confirmed for Fate/Extella

Let the memes begin

Considering who's localizing this game, I'll be really surprised if that joke doesn't show up at all.

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