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Can someone rate my research paper?

In the wake of Mega Man 9, I am concerned about these retro fanboys complaining that video games were better before shiny graphics and stereo sound came along. Nostalgia factor is just pure politics and purely abstract. Retro fanboys are one of the most annoying fanboys in my opinion. One thing is that I hate chip music. As I love the video game Heavenly Sword and Lair, I had enough of those retro fanboys saying stuff like "gameplay is more important than graphics/sound" and "video games were better before flashy graphics came along." I have had enough of those 8-bit fanboys overrunning the gaming forums. They are just the mindless vocal minority who like to complain about what they think does not matter. Golden Axe: Beast Rider is a prime example of this case. Technological retroism is not the way. It is like being the wife of Lot, and it limits creativity. I do not consider myself what you call a "graphics whore." However, I do not like the idea of Mega Man 9, because of the message its fans are sending. I do not like 8-bit, but 16-bit is fine with me. 8-bit is overrated but 16-bit is tried and true with RPGs. The 16-bit Final Fantasy games were far more successful than their 8-bit counterparts. However, I do not want high-definition gaming to die.

The vocal minority of gamers believe that gameplay value is everything and graphics and sound do not matter. Gameplay is no more important than graphics and sound, nor is vice versa. Gameplay judgement depends on how you experience the video game. Retroism is a threat to the evolution of video games as an art form. The Mega Man 9 approach is not very productive. Capcom is not good at making great games with great graphics, but Konami, Namco, and Square Enix are. We should have new direction in gaming, not the same old thing from the 1980s. Graphics complement gameplay. It is unwise to focus on thing and neglect the other. A game that is all about gameplay value and nothing about graphics or audio only appeals to retro fanboys. The user feedback also depends on how a video game developer hires its people and how to user plays the games. Gameplay value is in the eye of the beholder.

E-on Software, Inc., the maker of Vue, should step in and make graphics development easier for video games, thus making Vue Game. That would reduce the cost of development. E-on Software, Inc. could be involved in the development of the eighth, ninth, and tenth generation consoles.

I am all for remaking video games into today's graphical standards, but I would not say that the original version is no good. Remakes are a great thing. A remake as I define it is any re-released game that makes a jump from low definition or standard definition to high definition, a jump from 2D to 2.5D or 3D, goes from lackluster 3D to photorealistic 3D, or a direct port that contains significant gameplay changes. Gamers have been begging and pleading for a high-definition console remake of Final Fantasy VII. That is because a remake done right takes everything we love about a video game and expands upon them, while keeping what is so enjoyable about the original gameplay intact. Full-fledged remakes enhance the gaming experience.

The most noticeable change in a remake is updated, more realistic graphics. As far as remakes go, there is no downside to redoing a game with more realistic graphics. The core game mechanics are basically the same, but everything gets more realistic presentation. There may be nostalgia factor involved in playing games the way you originally played them for the first time when you were a child, but in entirety, being able to play your favorite game with more realistic presentation style, such as photorealistic backgrounds, detailed character models, and enhanced color and atmosphere only adds to the gaming experience. Graphical enhancements also lead to other non-graphical enhancements and widen the variety, and open the door to things that are impossible to achieve in the original because of the graphical technology of the original's platform does not support them.

The Nintendo DS remake of the Famicom/NES classic Final Fantasy III. One great feature of the remake is the way each character gained a unique appearance. Fans of the original version of the game will remember that all four characters are basically palette swaps of each other, and their appearance was depends on their job class. The graphics technology of the NES days were too primitive to create four unique characters in a game with over 20 job classes. However, the Nintendo DS remake's graphical enhancement enabled the idea of four unique characters which consequently led to backstories and character personality development for them, which the original version lacked.

Raytracing will one day replace rasterization. It enables graphics and special effects that are too time consuming to implement in a rasterization environment. The video game industry has not yet gone into raytracing. When real-time raytracing becomes mainstream, rasterization will go the way of the dodo, and the focus will be balanced between graphics and gameplay. Final Fantasy should go the 1080p 3D Crystal Tools route. The mainline Final Fantasy games should be in 1080p 3D Advent Children quality graphics and symphonic soundtracks when real-time raytracing becomes a reality on the consoles. Therefore, when real-time raytracing becomes a reality, Final Fantasy I and II would be remade in 1080p 2D as downloadable games, and the rest of the mainline Final Fantasy games would be remade with 1080p Advent Children quality graphics. The 1080p 2D remakes of Final Fantasy I and II would be available for download forever on PC, on the next generation Nintendo console, and on the PS3 and PS4, and on the Xbox 360 and 720, and so on. Mario, Zelda, and Fire Emblem should also go the clear cut HD route. Castlevania should go the HD 2.5D route. Mega Man may go whatever route it wants to, but not overdo the same route.

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*Looks at wall of text*

*punches Roxas*


Originating in France by its scholarly philosophes, such as Montesquieu and Diderot, who traveled the land searching far and wide to spread their ideals, this unique sense of individuality would impact and shape man forever.

Even my teacher picked up on the reference. -.-;

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In other news, I finished my research paper.



ohmigod I love you, but I'm not reading that. OTL

I missed you toooo, Roxxy~ ;3;<3 *hug*

Don't miss me as much, though. It makes me feel bad. </3

And I've got stuff to do tomorrow. So I might not be on then either. D':

But I did~! D:

*hugs tighter*

Oh... Aw... ;_;

Let's get what we CAN get done tonight....

Days progress...? Or has Xion been a bitch? :3

Awwwww. :'C

Well, don't do it in the futureee. </3

Makes me feel bad when people miss me.

Probably not much, still, since I've gotten into that YouTube song search rage I get into every once and a while. D':

Yep, like I said before, Xion is being a bitch. >3<;;

As if six heartless weren't enough, puh... Saix, you fucker, why did you make those machines...?

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ohmigod I love you, but I'm not reading that. OTL

Doesn't matter :P

Awwwww. :'C

Well, don't do it in the futureee. </3

Makes me feel bad when people miss me.

Yep, like I said before, Xion is being a bitch. >3<;;

As if six heartless weren't enough, puh... Saix, you fucker, why did you make those machines...?

Oh... fine then~<3

Sorry for hurting you. :[



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If you want people to read that, double space. It's a pain to read in the lines like that.

But I don't want people to read it. .-.

You got a day off tomorrow? :P

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If you want people to read that, double space. It's a pain to read in the lines like that.

But I don't want people to read it. .-.

You got a day off tomorrow? :P

Then why show it? >_>

Mmhm. Next week is midterm week. I must do spectacular on my Citezenship and Government Midterm if I want to be in honors next year...

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Then why did you post it?

To show my awesome achievement that took me most of my weekend. For lulz.

Mmhm. Next week is midterm week. I must do spectacular on my Citezenship and Government Midterm if I want to be in honors next year...

Same here, only for World Civ. :sob:

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