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Phoenix Wright

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Okay, I'm going to come out and say it; The Day After Tomorrow was a great movie, and you people should be ashamed for not liking it. I will go see this because it is delicious disaster porn. Who gives a shit how outlandish it is, THEY HAVE THE CAPITOL BUILDING ROLLING ON TOP OF A GROUP OF PEOPLE COME ON THIS IS BRILLIANCE

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It's the same piece of crap The Day After Tomorrow was...

Okay, I'm going to come out and say it; The Day After Tomorrow was a great movie, and you people should be ashamed for not liking it. I will go see this because it is delicious disaster porn. Who gives a shit how outlandish it is, THEY HAVE THE CAPITOL BUILDING ROLLING ON TOP OF A GROUP OF PEOPLE COME ON THIS IS BRILLIANCE

No, it's a silly movie, like "The Day After Tommorow", I thought it was awesome...when I was 10 <_< . Now I realize how crappy, unrealistic and sci-fi these two movies are, it's basically the same thing just with 8 years of difference, and these disaster movies nearly always take place in NYC (Independence Day, The Day After Tommorow, 2012, etc.), yes, I already know they are from the same director, but the fact still applies.

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Okay, I'm going to come out and say it; The Day After Tomorrow was a great movie, and you people should be ashamed for not liking it. I will go see this because it is delicious disaster porn. Who gives a shit how outlandish it is, THEY HAVE THE CAPITOL BUILDING ROLLING ON TOP OF A GROUP OF PEOPLE COME ON THIS IS BRILLIANCE

It takes balls to defend a disaster movie that Al-Gore may very well have been involved in :lol:

Honestly I liked it too, well except for the President dying and those pesky wolves... that was BS <_<

I think people don't like the day after tomorrow, or at least pretend not to, because of social pressure. Kind of like when Britney Spears suddenly became unpopular. It takes balls for a guy to say he's a Britney fanboy.

I can honestly say that this movie is going to be great, simply because of the ground breaking open like an unstable lego set! Furthermore, I want to see this just to figure out WHY the ground is breaking up like an unstable lego set! Every other apocolypse movie to date has had some sort of in preview explanation that a meteor is coming, or the earth's magnetic field is down, or global warming is coming. Well not this movie. It looks like the mantle of the earth just disappeared and now the crust is breaking up as it falls into the outer core! THAT IS F*CKING EPIIIIIIC!!!!!! :awesome:

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Okay, I'm going to come out and say it; The Day After Tomorrow was a great movie, and you people should be ashamed for not liking it. I will go see this because it is delicious disaster porn. Who gives a shit how outlandish it is, THEY HAVE THE CAPITOL BUILDING ROLLING ON TOP OF A GROUP OF PEOPLE COME ON THIS IS BRILLIANCE

It takes balls to defend a disaster movie that Al-Gore may very well have been involved in :lol:

Honestly I liked it too, well except for the President dying and those pesky wolves... that was BS <_<

I think people don't like the day after tomorrow, or at least pretend not to, because of social pressure. Kind of like when Britney Spears suddenly became unpopular. It takes balls for a guy to say he's a Britney fanboy.

I can honestly say that this movie is going to be great, simply because of the ground breaking open like an unstable lego set! Furthermore, I want to see this just to figure out WHY the ground is breaking up like an unstable lego set! Every other apocolypse movie to date has had some sort of in preview explanation that a meteor is coming, or the earth's magnetic field is down, or global warming is coming. Well not this movie. It looks like the mantle of the earth just disappeared and now the crust is breaking up as it falls into the outer core! THAT IS F*CKING EPIIIIIIC!!!!!! :awesome:

Don't forget the earthquake scene.

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I thought I was the only who loved The Day After Tomorrow. Who cares how how blown up these movies are? Disaster movies are awesome in my opinion. It is annoying that it always takes place in NY though.

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Because New York is fun to destroy. They secretly hate New York City.

Yeah. Because many humans are so dumb that they just like to destroy big things like bulidings. Ever wandered why mostly everyone likes to destroy thos card-made buldings?

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It's the same piece of crap The Day After Tomorrow was...

Okay, I'm going to come out and say it; The Day After Tomorrow was a great movie, and you people should be ashamed for not liking it. I will go see this because it is delicious disaster porn. Who gives a shit how outlandish it is, THEY HAVE THE CAPITOL BUILDING ROLLING ON TOP OF A GROUP OF PEOPLE COME ON THIS IS BRILLIANCE

No, it's a silly movie, like "The Day After Tommorow", I thought it was awesome...when I was 10 <_< . Now I realize how crappy, unrealistic and sci-fi these two movies are, it's basically the same thing just with 8 years of difference, and these disaster movies nearly always take place in NYC (Independence Day, The Day After Tommorow, 2012, etc.), yes, I already know they are from the same director, but the fact still applies.

I could portion this post and address each grievance I have with it, but instead I'm just going to ignore it and posts a picture of a retarded-looking horse.


Good day, sir.

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Okay, I'm going to come out and say it; The Day After Tomorrow was a great movie, and you people should be ashamed for not liking it. I will go see this because it is delicious disaster porn. Who gives a shit how outlandish it is, THEY HAVE THE CAPITOL BUILDING ROLLING ON TOP OF A GROUP OF PEOPLE COME ON THIS IS BRILLIANCE

I'll also admit that I liked The Day After Tomorrow, but all it takes is a little knowledge of science to notice that it is scientifically inaccurate, which must be the main reason why most people who hated it, well, hated it.

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I think so, but I like Danny Glover. I like all black actors who avoid stereotypes. I'm looking at you, Nick Cannon, you so called fucking actor.

Don't you like, love Keanu Reeves?

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I watched it a few days ago. It was ok, I'm not a fan of disaster movies, but the world falling apart was pretty cool. On a way.

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It was a pretty good movie. I just hated how when someone died they would go like: "Oh no he died, oh well lets go on." They don't really mourn for people's death. The most "touchy" part of the movie is when the Indian sceinctist died. The most epic part was when the Great Lama rang the bell and the tusinami rolled in. The only funny part in the movie was when the one girl with the dog stuck up her middle finger.

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