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The official Claim a Character thread


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Strangely enough, no. That first 'r' isn't actually there. When I first looked him up, I misread it as 'Formotiis', so I understand the confusion.

*looks it up* Huh.

Read the whole post next time. There, now we've all learnt something new today, and I can stove in some grazhny bastard's head with a frying pan.

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I claim all of Seth and Eirika's future children, since they always get married in my PTs.

(I wish they had kids FE4 style, so Seth's son ends up with growths of 145/70/75/75/55/55/45 and will cap just about everything.)

Also a weapon claim, I claim all Javelins in the FE series, including those sexy forges I made Abel so he can ORKO just about everything.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Searched for Gordin. Someone has apparently claimed him...but not in this thread. So I claim Gordin.

I also claim Steel Swords.

Edited by Yossarian
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So how does this work u just say u claim so and so or do u have to check if someone else has already claimed that character

Use the search function in the top right corner of the page. If the search didn't turn up with a claim, then post your claim here. Also, you can claim weapons/music/food/ whatever you want.

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I claim:

that rock over there

the mystery zone in pokemon

poliwag cuz it's legit

marys little lamb (I'm the reason she had a little lamb)

the window everyone throws things out

real salt lake

those little yellow guys from dispicable me

pizza (has anyone claimed this yet)

sukiyaki (:

team rocket (has anyone claimed)

high fives (has anyone claimed)

sango and kagome (inuyasha)

the monster under the bed

the indestructible school desks shown in the aftermath of bombs and earthquakes

Edited by HongLei
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I claim Toblerone, and all chocolate with any sort of mint in it. Why has no-one claimed chocolate yet?

Edited by Rhythm
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Use the search function in the top right corner of the page. If the search didn't turn up with a claim, then post your claim here. Also, you can claim weapons/music/food/ whatever you want.

Though, if you want to claim an SFF memeber, you have to ask their permission first.

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I claim all of Seth and Eirika's future children, since they always get married in my PTs.

You can't claim what doesn't exist. :P

I claim Hector and Lyn's child who does exist and is named Lilina! I don't care what anyone else says that's canon

But too many people have her already. Meh.

I claim Natalia and Anise from TotA. And Sync, can we share Legretta?

As for chocolate, I claim 3 Musketeers.

Edited by El Rey León
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You can't claim what doesn't exist. :P

But they will exist. Just not in game. 8D

I claim the crack pairing Karel x Ayra. Just kidding.

Unless that is allowed.

I claim Samson from FE1/3/DS.

Yossarian, mind sharing Astram?

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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You can't claim what doesn't exist. :P

I claim Hector and Lyn's child who does exist and is named Lilina! I don't care what anyone else says that's canon

But too many people have her already. Meh.

I claim Natalia and Anise from TotA. And Sync, can we share Legretta?

As for chocolate, I claim 3 Musketeers.

@Bold: I think Soul has already claimed Lilina, El... :mellow:

@Italic: Ask for share.

@Underline: SHARE PLEASE!

Edited by Luke fon Fabre
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Yossarian, mind sharing Astram?

Go ahead.

I claim the SD generic units Hepto, Jiminez, Rejek, Wladis, Quatro, Hendexa, and Lucer.

As long as they aren't beginning as or reclassing to Archers/Snipers. (Hunters are fine)

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Though, if you want to claim an SFF memeber, you have to ask their permission first.

...did you just make that rule up all by yourself?

I claim Hector and Lyn's child who does exist and is named Lilina!

Yes, both Hector's and Lyn's child exist. They are named Lilina and Sue respectively. I see you want to claim the former but I think she's already taken.

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...did you just make that rule up all by yourself?

No, he hasn't. It got established when people started claiming members.

^This, you really need to stop always expecting the worst of me.

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