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The official Claim a Character thread


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I'm still gonna eat you.

Hope you like like salt, my body's full of it. In fact, your BP'd probably spike.

Edited by Crashman_Alpha
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I'm mean literally eating in that I rip and tear you apart and devour your innards for the delicious Atma so I can learn how to use the most basic of skills. =w=

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I'm also low in cholesterol~

Speaking of which, unless otherwise already claimed, I claim Joey Wheeler fron yugihoh!

Edited by Elieson
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I claimed Sarah from Shining Force II. We can share! I also claim the Onion Knight from Final Fantasy III because that little guy is a more of a badass than Cloud or Squall.

Edited by The Fanfic Hunter
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MM!Sarah rocks endgame!

I add to my claims both Chaos and Loki from the Ragnarok series (the awesome manga, not the crappy anime).

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Adding to my claims, unless someone has claimed them:

K'(pronounced Kay Dash, from the King of Fighters series)

Kula Diamond(KOF)


Yosuke Hanamura(Persona 4)

King(KOF, originally from Fatal Fury if my memory is correct)

The SNK Boss of SNK Bosses, Rugal Bernstein(KOF. Dear god that guy is HARD)

As well as his son, Adelheid Bernstein

That'll be all for now.

EDIT: fixed the spelling of Yosuke from Yousuke. Good job me!

Edited by Ssbmfreak36
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Yosuke's already claimed, though~ Otherwise I would've claimed him a long time ago lol

Oh bloody hell. thanks for letting me know. Stupid me forgetting to search the CORRECT SPELLING. Gah....None of the other ones were claimed though right?

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Ha ha.

Claiming my main, huh? XD

"Falcon Love Punch" indeed. XD

Ha ha ha ha...


And I'm claiming Petra Johanna Lagerkvist (she's yet another Arcana Heart character).

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Oh bloody hell. thanks for letting me know. Stupid me forgetting to search the CORRECT SPELLING. Gah....None of the other ones were claimed though right?

I don't believe so. They're all yours. :)

I claim Kirio Hikifune.

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