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The official Claim a Character thread


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^ It's spellt Shonik if you wanna be funny.

I claim the grand masters of Pokemon TCG (Courtney, Steve, Jack, and Rod), which is kinda unsearchable :/

Courtney didn't give any results and I would imagine her to be the first one to be claimed from those four. So I'm pretty sure you can have em all.

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I claim the grand masters of Pokemon TCG (Courtney, Steve, Jack, and Rod), which is kinda unsearchable :/

Share? :awesome:

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More claims, searched for them and none gave results, so here we go (Heroes Time!):

From Magvel, I claim Grado and Latona (FE 8)

From Elibe, I claim Roland, Elimine, Hanon, Bramimond and Hartmut (FE6-7)

From Akaneia, I claim Artemis, Iote and Ordwin (FE 1, 3, 11 and 12)

Also Caineghis, Guinevere and Zephiel.

For weapons, time to claim Imhullu (I'm unbeatable now!), Starlight, Wo Dao and Parthia.

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I claimed Wo Dao, but it doesn't show up in searches.

Mmmm, then it's okay.

I still have Imhullu to avoid being killed by your Lakche from now

*evil laugh*

Sorry Lakche

Share please :) ?

Edited by Light Lord
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Sure, go ahead even if it means facing Lakche as a Bishop or Sage with that tome and new skills maybe.

The least I could do to get the share of the most awesome sword (aside from legendaries and killing edge).

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More claims from Fire Emblem:

Leaf, Greil and Runan.

By the way, is Ike claimed? The search did not went well with him. If not, then I claim him as a Lord (FE PoR).

Edited by Light Lord
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By the way, is Ike claimed? The search did not went well with him. If not, then I claim him as a Lord (FE PoR).

I would find it hilarious if he hasn't been.

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More claims from Fire Emblem:

Leaf, Greil and Runan.

By the way, is Ike claimed? The search did not went well with him. If not, then I claim him as a Lord (FE PoR).

OK...I claim...Ike...and theres nothing you van do about it

If you can...I claim Elincia or Micaiah

Also, for future reference, I found this post by typing "claim Ike" in the Search bar WITH the quotation marks. There's no 4-letter requirement then. Of course, it's not very reliable since the character might still be claimed through different word setups. But IF it finds something, then yeah, it's good enough.

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