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Sure. You'd have to ask ZM about Lon'Qu!Severa, but I'll share the rest with you. XP

Great. My heart belongs to Stahl!Severa anyway. Never dabbled with Lon'qu!Severa.

Edited by Foxxie
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What if they have Miracle and Counter?

It won't matter cause right now I'm claiming Grima, who has Dragonskin,and then trying again. Besides, she belongs with her Mar-Mar anyway. (But I'm willing to share if I must)

Edited by Hero-King
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I'm claiming Tiki as my waifu.... And to whoever that might have taken her before me, I have five words for you:


*Attacks with Lethality*

Hmph. Aside from the fact that Tiki's attention and my time are two things that are so very out of your reach, you committed a very serious crime by impugning her name. I DO NOT take well to anyone insulting my beloved's honor by calling them "waifu", and unfortunately for you, you'll just have to learn that the hard way. *shoots two Crash Bombs at the edges of the bridge that he's standing on*

TL;DR version: You. Are. Late.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Hmph. Aside from the fact that Tiki's attention and my time are two things that are so very out of your reach, you committed a very serious crime by impugning her name. I DO NOT take well to anyone insulting my beloved's honor by calling them "waifu", and unfortunately for you, you'll just have to learn that the hard way. *shoots two Crash Bombs at the edges of the bridge that he's standing on*

TL;DR version: You. Are. Late.

(first time I ever use that term and I knew I would regret it)

*Shamefully dies*

Edited by Hero-King
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I'm claiming Tiki as my waifu.... And to whoever that might have taken her before me, I have five words for you:


*Attacks with Lethality*

It won't matter cause right now I'm claiming Grima, who has Dragonskin,and then trying again. Besides, she belongs with her Mar-Mar anyway. (But I'm willing to share if I must)

FE13 Tiki is Xane anyway.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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