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The official Claim a Character thread


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You can't DO that! >_>

Claiming VENOMOTH.

I can and I fucking well did

Claiming Joey and his top percentage Rattata with perfect IVs (no, really).

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Can we share Dio Brando? He's too hawt not to share. Oh, and I need him so we can team up to crash EdWAD Cullen and Bella Schlong's wedding and abort that abomination with the Poke'mon name.

Oh and to whoever claimed Char Azanble, Amuro Ray and Bright Noa: Can we share?

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Can I claim Zero's MMZ incarnation? Or does someone already have claim on him. Because I searched him and nothing really useful came up...

I searched for him once wanting to claim him, and only found something when searching "Megaman" instead of Zero, apparently he is claimed but couldn't find who did it :/

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Can I claim Zero's MMZ incarnation? Or does someone already have claim on him. Because I searched him and nothing really useful came up...

I claimed Zero for quite a while, and then I released my claim. No one has attempted to claim Zero since I released him, though there were people who wanted him before I released him.

In any case, he's currently unclaimed, so you're free to have him.

(I suspect there's something wrong with the search functionality, because I only found these posts by searching "mega zero" and "megaman")

Edited by Railgun
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I claimed Zero for quite a while, and then I released my claim. No one has attempted to claim Zero since I released him, though there were people who wanted him before I released him.

In any case, he's currently unclaimed, so you're free to have him.

Really? ...Okay. I claim Zero, then.

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(I suspect there's something wrong with the search functionality, because I only found these posts by searching "mega zero" and "megaman")

I find the search function to not be very efficient, Zero wasn't the first thing I tried to find but couldn't even if it was there :/

And not even counting when it's a 2 or 3 letter name

that's why we need lists like the touhou one

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I find the search function to not be very efficient, Zero wasn't the first thing I tried to find but couldn't even if it was there :/

And not even counting when it's a 2 or 3 letter name

Well, <4 letters is confirmed to be rejected by the search, but there should be nothing wrong with "Zero" alone...

that's why we need lists like the touhou one

Indeed. It shouldn't be that hard for somebody to make a Mega Man List or something.
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Has the user who claimed Amuro Ray, Char Azanble and Bright Noah been active? If not, then I claim them along with the Sasabi and the Nightengale.

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I claim Winda, Priestess of Gusto and Wynn the Wind Charmer

I'm gonna have to make a YGO list aren't I.

I'm afraid you might.

Incidentally, Wynn was claimed long ago (I have her).

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Claiming the following monsters from YGO TCG:

Ghostrick Succubus

Ghostrick Doll

Ghostrick Mary

Ghostrick Yuki-onna

Ghostrick Jackfrost

Pirika, Lineage of Gusto

Edited by Agnés
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