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Class S-Rank Part 1


Which S-rank for each class do you prefer the most?  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. Paladin

    • Swords
    • Lances
    • Axes
  2. 2. Falcoknight

    • Lances
    • Swords
  3. 3. Warrior

    • Axes
    • Bows

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Doesn't matter at all in this game since the S rank weapons come when the game is practically over. So just the one which pops up first, which is lances, lances and axes respectively.

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Paladins: Lances. There's many Lance users so I don't see why you'd use Swords much other than early game and occasional Axe users. Axes would take too much effort to get to S for these guys.

Falco Knight: Lances. I think it's stupid to even have this as a poll. Pegs tend to have low STR so they need all the MT they can get and giving them Swords just because they weight less is nothing more than stupid reasoning resulting in superfluous AS. Only thing Swords on them is good for is to give them some avoid against Axes.

Warriors: Axes. Similar to the Falco Knight situation. With Hand Axes they've already got range so the only point in using Bows is against fliers for bonus damage but a Hand Axe should be sufficient for the most port. Then there's the fact that bows lack 1 range so the WEXP is slower than Swords for Falco.

Edited by Sirius
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The lance for Falcon Knights and the Axe for Warriors for the reasons Sirius listed above, and it's the first weapon they use. With the Paladins, it depends on the Paladin in question. I would personally go for Swords for Sain, Lances for Kent, Axes for Marcus. Because it helps balance them out a little IMO. Axes are a little hard to raise on a fresh Paladin, even though it is a good weapon for them.

Edited by Little Al
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Paladins, it depends (for example, Kent would S Swords, Sain Lances), Falco Knights with Lances, and Warriors with axes. Personally, I'd try to S Axes for Paladins, but I already usually have Dorcas ready for Basilikos. (I favor him) Falco Knights need the extra power more than extra speed. As for Warriors, why favor bows over axes?

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You want to S Axes always if you have the option since those weapons are basically the only ones without overkill accuracy. Also, you can S Axes faster than any other weapon type by the way. With a little luck with the Devil's Axe. One kill from the Devil's Axe is 16 wexp. h4x. And one non-kill swing gets you more wexp than a 2hko with a Steel axe (8 wexp vs 6).

Then Lances are sorta worth S'ing over others since Javelins are awesome in this game. So basically for your Paladin, choose between S'ing Axes or Lances.

Swords are totally not worth S'ing...unless you're Guy or Matthew who like that +5 crit.

And Bows are also not worth S'ing at all basically since they never miss and are never on the bad end of the weapon triangle, and trying to purposefully S them is probably counterproductive for your Warrior.

Edited by A2ZOMG
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Paladins and FalcoKnights: They should get lances to S rank imo FalcoKnights need all the damage they can do to an enemy.

Paladins should get S rank in lances unless if you plan to give the Paladin Regal Blade instead of Rex Hasta.

Warriors: S rank in axes Basilikos>the bow that drops from Uhai, if your warrior is RNG screwed in skills I would get S rank in Bows instead.

Edited by Jason W.
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For Paladins, I generally end up S-ranking lances out of convenience. I think I managed to get Marcus to S rank axes a couple of times because of his starting axe rank.

Falcos always end up S-ranking lances. I rarely, if ever, have them use swords.

Warriors S-rank axes. As with Paladins, this is a matter of convenience. Geitz could probably S-rank bows fairly easily, but I think his starting B rank is more than sufficient.

Edited by Charlie
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I accidentally S-ranked swords for Marcus in my 0% growths run and I regretted in numerous instances.

I also S-ranked lances for Isadora, but also regretted that because the AS loss from Killer Lance kept from doubling sometimes in lategame...

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It completely depends on the chaaracter for me...you can't say I'll go S rank in lances Florina & S Rank swords for Farina...



Sain: Lances

Kent: Swords

Lowen: Lances

Marcus: Lances, one time S-Ranked in Axes

Isadora: Swords

Pegasus Knights


Florina: Lances

Fiora: Lances

Farina: Lances or Swords



Dorcas: Axes

Bartre: Axes

Geitz: Bows(Obviously, there's no other bow user could have 30 Str...)

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