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Prissy or Serra

Mobius One

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EDIT: Ok, so I just finished this run through tonight and I've posted final stats @ the bottom in case you want to jump straight to those.

Okay, so I'm just starting a HHM run through and I'm on ch.12 (Birds of a Feather). I did already play through LHM and got my Serra up to around lvl 6ish (almost 7 IIRC). So I'm thinking I want to use Serra because I've already put the time into her and she didn't turn out like crap. I'm @ work right now so I can't post stats, but they're not too bad. (I'll post when I get home). So the question is, Serra or Prissy and does it really matter?

Some factors that come into play are.... (REMINDER: Post stats for remaining chars. once @ Noble Lady)

UPDATED *Current w/ Ch. 19x Prisoner of Magic*

OK so here's what we've got so far. Current Chapter: 19x Priosoner of Magic

Stats: Format is Name LvL HP/Str/Skl/Spd/Def/Res/Luck

Hector 18.42 36/15/15/11/18/5/10 (has been Secret Book'd)

Serra 16.15 29/10/10/9/6/14/17 Healer Tank! (but wtf, only 1 pt in speed since lvl 1 >.> )

Matthew 13.30 26/5/7/19/5/1/8 < average pretty much everywhere :(

Eliwood 11.54 28/9/7/12/7/3/12 :( Very bad luck w/ this failure's speed (he kinda caught up speed-wise)

Guy 11.91 29/11/15/18/9/4/11 Guy FTW woot for gaining stats!

Lyn 13.32 27/9/17/16/6/2/12 17 Skl wtf lol

Sain 15.29 29/18/9/14/8/4/9 One STRONG M f'er

Oswin 16.55 35/17/10/6/17/9/5 Also Strong

Raven 12.32 34/13/18/19/7/3/3 Lolwtf Myrmidon stats also wtb luck

Florina 13.52 25/12/14/18/7/5/11 (has been energy ring'd)

Prissy 14.58 19/11/9/9/3/14/14 WOW way to suck, amirite?

Erk 8.370 20/9/8/11/4/6/3 Not that it matters

All others @ base stats or don't matter

Also at this point I've got a fulfilled support chain like this:

Raven A Prissy B Guy A Matthew B Oswin A Hector B Eliwood B Lyn A Florina B Serra A Sain

Really is gonna suck to drop Prissy due to her supports, maybe I'll promo her for the hell of it, or maybe she'll get those balls outta her mouf and L2 LvL.

Both Erk and Lucius got crappy lvls in LHM, so I don't plan on using either of them in HHM.

Sain turned out really good during LHM, so I'm going to be using him, Kent was sucky, so just 1 pally.

Florina turned out really good too, so good that I decided to give her the str ring in Lyn's mode, she's guaranteed a spot too.

Lyn was given the Angelic Robe from her chapters.

I plan on using Guy, Raven, Sain, Oswin, Hector, Lyn, Eliwood, *healer*, Nils/Ninian, and Florina, (also Heath if I can b/c he's just so damn Badass).

If you have time in your reply, I'm looking for the best way to go about supporting all these peepz, so any help there would be much appreciated!

One last thing, there seems to be some confusion among the internet as to whether tactician bonuses exist in this game or not, can I get some clearification on it? (also, if they DO matter, I believe my tactician affinity is thunder).

Just as an FYI I have played through all FE's from 6 through 9 and am currently working on FE10. I've done 6 only once, on normal, played through 7 on every difficulty (including HHM) before, done 8 HM w/o using the towers, done FE9 3 times, once on hard, also played through FE11 once on Normal >,<.


Hector 20/11 51/22/22/16/26/13/15

Nils 20 37/0/2/26/8/14/26

Eliwood20/12 48/20/22/19/19/12/23

Lyn 20/13 43/19/29/26/14/11/23 Max Skl

Florina20/16 46/23/21/28/9/14/22 Max Str & Speed

Oswin 20/15 54/29/18/12/27/19/11 Max Str (Oswin Pwnz Joo)

Guy 20/12 48/22/24/25/15/10/21 Didn't take note of HM bonuses when aquired :(

Raven 20/12 54/23/25/26/16/8/12 '' '' '' Also Max Speed at like 20/8

Serra 20/16 39/22/16/17/10/24/30 Max Luck

Sain 20/12 40/25/15/21/14/7/16 Max Str

Heath* 20/11 52/25/25/20/19/13/15 Max Skl *Athos Drops @ 10/-

Prissy 20/12ish Died via Flametounge :( stupid hateful Fire Dragon


Matthew16/- 28/5/9/20/6/1/10 Max Speed lol, just absolute shit stats so I didn't promote him thus jewing Uber Oswin and decent Guy out of some supports :(

Supports were Sain A Serra B Florina A Lyn B Eliwood C Ninian & Eliwood B Hector A Oswin B Matthew A Guy B Prissy A Raven

Actually managed to get a C rank overall with ~559000g and "33:33:06" play time, yet the save file on the epilogue is something like 41hrs etc etc.

Edited by Mobius One
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Priscilla, if only because you're using Guy and he really wants the crit boost. She can take A Guy/B Raven or Sain. Then you can have HectorxOswin A, LynxFlorina A, Eliwood B with Lyn and Hector. Whoever's left of Raven and Sain should be fine on their own.

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Wow, thanks so far guys! Great help! (btw, still @ work but I will post those stats to give a better picture)

I'm looking over the support options you mentioned and it looks like if I do an A Raven/ B Sain for Prissy and then do a Matthew/Guy A support everyone at least has something going for them :(. My character comps kinda suck but w/e, this is definately not a ranked run.

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You really want to use both, though, since they're both very good units. If I had to choose though, it'd probably be Priscilla for mobility and slightly better combat usage.

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Use both, seriously.

I've never done a run through w/ 2 healers <_< seems like I kinda don't have the room for it if I'm already using 11 units. Idk... maybe, I guess I could go w/ Raven A Prissy B Guy A Matthew B Oswin A Hector B Eliwood B Lyn A Florina B Serra A Sain?

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I must go for Priscilla, because of her great movement, and good growths. I never raise a Priscilla that isn't able to perform well.

I did use Serra once, she did well for herself, especially after she promoted. But, I wanted to use only one healer unit, so I went with Priscilla.

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i mostly use Priscilla since she almost always maxes most stats :P

She's also mounted and she's got Anima. :)

Although, IIRC, Serra has Thunder affinity as well, so... yeah. She's gonna get a minor hit and crit bonus.. but i dunno.

it's you're pick

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Personally it's a matter of preference. If you wanna use both, go ahead. Although when it comes to choices, I'd say Priscilla. One reason being that outside of Sain and Lucius, Serra has a hard time building supports due to her support speed with her five remaining support options. If you're really planning on using both, give Serra an A with Lucius, and a B with Sain. Which leaves a B open for Raven to take a B with Lucius. Alternatively, Lucius's B could go to Priscilla, and Priscilla's A could go to Guy. But it's your call.

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i mostly use Priscilla since she almost always maxes most stats :P

She's also mounted and she's got Anima. :)

Although, IIRC, Serra has Thunder affinity as well, so... yeah. She's gonna get a minor hit and crit bonus.. but i dunno.

it's you're pick

Is that what the true Tactician Bonus is? I've seen so many people say that it did myriad of things and I didn't know a "reputable" source to check to see what the actual bonus was. (btw, I see the like 2nd post telling me to check serenesforest's explanation of stats, but I didn't know if it was indeed right).

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Is that what the true Tactician Bonus is? I've seen so many people say that it did myriad of things and I didn't know a "reputable" source to check to see what the actual bonus was. (btw, I see the like 2nd post telling me to check serenesforest's explanation of stats, but I didn't know if it was indeed right).

It pretty much adds one point of accuracy, avoid and crit evade for every tactician star. Other than that, I really don't know how to answer that question.

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Using two healers is optimal on most games in HM (FE6, 7, 10, 11).

Use them until they have to promote, then ditch the one with worse stats or supports or something. Or promote them both if they're turning out well.

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well use priscilla first, see how she does; if she isn't doing awesome after a few levels then switch back to serra because you did say she was doing good

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Using two healers is optimal on most games in HM (FE6, 7, 10, 11).

Use them until they have to promote, then ditch the one with worse stats or supports or something. Or promote them both if they're turning out well.

Really? I always thought having 2 units on the field who couldn't defend themselves at all a bad thing, and 3 to be just downright dumb (Nils/Ninian). :mellow:

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Try playing the game without stalling whenever your healer can't keep up with the demand.

Ninian can act as a secondary healer by giving the primary healer more turns.

I was referring to the idea of having 2 healers AND Ninian B) .

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Really? I always thought having 2 units on the field who couldn't defend themselves at all a bad thing, and 3 to be just downright dumb (Nils/Ninian). :mellow:
Well, that's not playing smart. See, what you're supposed to be doing is having the healers behind your dudes that are advancing, healing them whenever they take damage so they can advance faster. =/

Also, Serra and Ninian/Nils are quite durable due to their really good evade, especially after the former's promotion. So dying in battle is rarely an issue for them.

Priscilla has a lot of dying issues since stuff tends to easily oneshot her earlygame due to her fail base HP, or if it doesn't oneshot her she still gets killed in two hits. And her evade isn't quite as good as Serra's either.

Edited by A2ZOMG
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Priscilla has a lot of dying issues since stuff tends to easily oneshot her earlygame due to her fail base HP, or if it doesn't oneshot her she still gets killed in two hits. And her evade isn't quite as good as Serra's either.

You've got to stop spewing bullshit.

On Priscilla's joining chapter, if we pretended that Erik's Horseslayer didn't have an effective bonus against Prissy, his 17 atk doesn't OHKO her 16 HP/3 def. On chapter 15, 18 atk Iron Axe fighters and Steel Lance knights fall short of OHKOing base Prissy. On chapter 16, the strongest enemy on the map doesn't even come close to 19 atk. Enemies don't "easily oneshot" her earlygame.

7/0 Serra avoids the 3RKO from enemies most of the time with 12 atk or under with 20 HP/2.9 def. All lance wielding enemies on chapter 14 have at least 13 atk. Most Iron Bow archers and nomads and some Iron Sword mercs/cavs can also get 13 atk. In chapter 15, quite a few enemies have much more than 14 atk, and some Iron Bow archers/nomads reach that quantity as well. So Serra's 2RKO'd by lots of enemies, which, although better by Prissy, isn't better by much.

As for avo, Serra leads by about 6 when they both join, then Priscilla starts catching up due to slightly better avo growth and viable support options with units that offer avoid, so that claim has almost no weight at all.

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What Reikken says basically.

tl;dr version:

Serra joins at level 9 at the end of Lyn mode. By the time Priscilla joins, she should be like level 12 or so. And if you don't believe that is possible, she gets 2 heals a turn after Nils joins and this meets the requirement of S ranking tactics. If you got Nils to level 7, then she'll be level 11-12 after Lyn mode.

So take a level 12 Serra when Prissy joins.

7.5 mag, 12.4 AS, 37.4 avo, 22.5 hp, 3.6 def, 11.1 res, 12.6 critavo

6.0 mag, 8.0 AS, 23.0 avo, 16.0 hp, 3.0 def, 6.0 res, 7.0 critavo

Serra is clearly waaaaaaay better upon joining and it stays that way for a long time since she's much better at staying near the frontline where you get to heal ppls. So she's getting more heals when it counts. It only takes 11 attack to 2shot Prissy, so she's not safe whenever long range weapons come in play.

Also, Serra is one of the best supporters for Lucius, Sain, and Erk, so no, she also has perfectly viable supports, and Erk wants to support her more than he wants to support Priscilla. Full avo and def > full cavo, and Erk is lacking good supporters for the entire game until Pent comes and Serra support also > that.

And then she promotes and she wtfpwns Priscilla for the rest of the game.

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