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68.8 GB (73,920,589,824 bytes to be exact)

The only thing that sucks about it is that it runs at 5,400 RPM. And that's my laptop's hard drive.

Now as for my external drive, it can hold 596 GB (639,976,079,360 bytes to be exact)

Edited by Luster Warrior
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the arrow disappeared when I went to screen shot it apparently (was pointing to my C Drive); 49.7 GB, cause less is more? lol~

my computer works fine for me, even with the limited space, heh <-< stop staring at my destkop background, lolz


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80GB for OS

640GB for media

I don't understand how my friends fill TB drives.

Even with my anime, my TB drive still has over 850GB of free space. I have all 29.1GBs of Dragon Ball Z on there too.

Edited by Cynthia
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For those too lazy to do the math:

Total space available: 298.09 GiB

Total space used: 203.83 GiB

Percent used: 68.4%

Total Space Available: 320 GB

Most of my free space is on my linux partition, because I haven't been using it as much as I anticipated.

That said, I should probably get an external HD, as nice as my laptop is. Either that or keep up to date with burning off DVDs of unused material for archiving.

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the arrow disappeared when I went to screen shot it apparently (was pointing to my C Drive); 49.7 GB, cause less is more? lol~

my computer works fine for me, even with the limited space, heh <-< stop staring at my destkop background, lolz


Is it just me or does your desktop look like it's someone performing oral sex...?

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Five hundred on this machine, plus a five hundred gigabyte external hard-drive for movies and games and shit.

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Is it just me or does your desktop look like it's someone performing oral sex...?

no no...uh, not intended that way lol but I can see how I have that part covered by my windows there; the other hand is just over his mouth as if he had just sighed and been too lazy to move it

uploaded to my Flickr if you want to see the full picture, scaled down for convenience

back on topic, so I can assume my laptop is the most inferior system of most everyone here in terms of storage capacity? -feels special- lol~

Edited by Rhaan
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My new laptop is going to make me so happy. Better video card, better screen resolution, HD support, more RAM, faster processor, and lower price than my current.


Sorry I just can't get past how that window over his background made it look like someone performing oral sex... That is an extremely strange coincidence...

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I'd fill up at least 1/3 with my music if I had it all on one hard drive.

How the hell... Do you save all of your music as flac? 340GB of music is fucking insane.

You could save your CDs as isos and fit 500 of them in 1/3 of a TB.

Edited by Meteor
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I don't have a whole lot of free space left. I know all the anime I have downloaded is on the D drive, but I can't begin to work out what's filling my C drive.

Probably a shitload of different music and soundtracks that I haven't put on my iTunes yet, or something...

Edited by Raven
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