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Afa's Drops

Mobius One

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I gave the drops to Serra. The description did say give it to your favorite unit. I might give it to someone else next playthrough.

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I'm pretty sure it doesn't affect EXP gains, just growths, but not a bad idea.

Really? I thought it Did.

Also, is the Growth Gain 5% or 15%? The site says 5% but I have heard both. -_-

Edited by TheCilver
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Usually Nino because she's probably going to be the only decent unit I haven't leveled at that point.

In what world is Nino decent?

I give them to the lord that hasn't promoted yet, or to an underleveled unit. Or just to a random unit that's been a tad RNG screwed.

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In what world is Nino decent?

In the world of abuses and extreme favoritism. There's people who see the best characters as he/she who can see more green stats after being babied a lot... Nino seems to achieve this if you get her to 20/20, thus she's decent in the eyes of some despite all her shortcoming. Truly part of the Est archetype.

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Assume more like half the RNs you get are low (so 3-4 at a time per level up) and then those drops make things much easier.

If that's the way you abuse, sure, that's fine.

It still seems like a waste to me. 7 lows is tedious, but I can't stand to ensure +0s on those highs.

In what world is Nino decent?

Normal mode where I arena abuse everyone.

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Normal mode where I arena abuse everyone.

That makes Nino even worse, since now she competes with a bunch of 20/20 characters at her 5/-- self, and the only arena she has access to lasts for 5 turns and is 2-3 maps before the end of the game.

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That makes Nino even worse, since now she competes with a bunch of 20/20 characters at her 5/-- self, and the only arena she has access to lasts for 5 turns and is 2-3 maps before the end of the game.

No one is competing for the EXP so she has no trouble getting a lot. She can reach 20/ by the end of Night of Farewells alone.

Sure, I could give the drops to another latecomer like Vaida, but Nino has the most levels to grow.

Edited by Meteor
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Through much babying. She's in the Est archetype for a damn good reason: You've already PLENTY of other units who are doing what she'll be doing after all that babying and you at the end of the game. Why waste time with her? The only reason I've gathered from Est defenders is that they love to see green on their character's stats.

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I'm not defending her as a good unit; I'm defending her as a good choice for the Afa's drops if everyone I want to use is already max level by the time you get them.

And yes, it's for the green stats. If I was going for efficiency I wouldn't bother putting everyone through the arena.

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The only point I want to get across is that Nino doesn´t suddendly become relatively decent compared to other units if everyone gets arenawhored.

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On my first playthrough I made the stupid mistake of giving it to level 15 Marcus. It said give it to your favorite unit and it was my first FE game ever so I had no idea what I was doing.

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First playthrough-I've given them to Nino.

Every other playthrough I usually give it to either Priscilla, Erk, or Nino.

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First playthrough-I've given them to Nino.

Every other playthrough I usually give it to either Priscilla, Erk, or Nino.

What lvls are your erk, and prissy by that point O.o Shouldn't they be somewhere around 20/- ? Thus making the drops kind of a waste (only 20 lvls to grow and who honestly gets any of there chars to 20/20 anyway), seeing as how Heath, Rath, Nino lol are able to benefit from them much more? I guess if you don't use any of those chars then give it to whoever, but I personally like to use Heath every playthrough b/c he's one helluva badass.

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How do low level units benefit from the drops "much more" than higher level units? A character who starts out at level will average about 2 more points in each stat at maximum level. A newly promoted character or a level 1 pre-promote will average an extra one point in each. Two extra points in each stat versus one extra point in each stat doesn't strike me as much of an advantage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Afa's Drops adds 5% to all of the unit's growth rates.

So, if you use it on someone who's at a lower level, they have more chances to gain stat points than a higher-level character would.

That's why a lot of people give it to Nino, because she comes in around the same time as Afa's Drops, and she's a low-level Mage.

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Afa's drops also increase the experience gained from each encounter, leveling up your unit faster. I apologize if this has already been stated, but I don't feel like reading three pages of posts.

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