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Chocolate Kitty

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ideally the hood should go under and around the collar but over the shoulders.

Not ideally, haha DEFINATELY, this collar makes no sense :(, you want the cloak clasped under the collar, then pushed back around and sagging toward the back, then raised up over the head, imagine putting the cloak/hood on and then flicking the collar through the front opening, this is what you want it to look like, the hood may have to be edited toward the bottom to look looser to actually accommodate this.

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Wait what... Oh, you're a girl, scared me there XD

Walk into a sprite thread and find only homophobia.

Spell's nice. Ephidel looks like Ephidel with suspect shading, although I doubt I'd know how to improve it.

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Well, normally I wouldn't be so arrogant, but I DID win the round, so...

At least I know the sprite was really good.

On Dancer's sprite, I don't really like the ponytail, and the bangs/body size seem a bit off. Oh well. I'm sure there're problems with mine, too.

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