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So, was this game as "they" said?

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I believe that I said earlier that it was Easy Mode. :rolleyes: Anyway, after playing RD on easy, followed by PoR on easy, I have come to the conclusion that in my mind, PoR is harder than RD.

For example, the dragon enemies in PoR, are so much tougher to beat (mainly due to the dragons in RD having crappy accuracy, despite them having a bigger attack range). The only thing that is easier in PoR is the final boss, despite Ike being the only one who can damage him (and yes, I do know what Ashnard does on Hard mode).

Ike, Tibarn, Giffca, Neasala, Ena and Nasir are able to do damage to Ashnard, not only Ike.

Edited by Rolanmen1
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When did I ever say that?

You said "the main reason why it's hard is that it's not even finished," and the main reason why FE5 is difficult is because of game mechanics and not enemy parameters (like FE11).

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Wow, you've never restarted in EM? What an achievement! You're great!

*insert sarcasm tags*

Given that I'm not a seasoned FE veteran like yourself (I only got into the series late last year), yes it is. Besides, I still find myself making "schoolboy errors" even though my last playthrough was my third time around (I'm not going to go into examples because it'd be too embarassing).

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Given that I'm not a seasoned FE veteran like yourself (I only got into the series late last year), yes it is. Besides, I still find myself making "schoolboy errors" even though my last playthrough was my third time around (I'm not going to go into examples because it'd be too embarassing).

If making "schoolboy errors" got you killed in PoR EM but not in RD EM, then it does seem reasonable to call RD's EM easier for you than PoR's EM.

Still, once you've beaten a few easy modes, the only way to get better (if you want to) is to move on to NM. Although if you have a good transfer for Jill and Marcia it will probably make it easier (or if you don't and if you want to try PoR NM before RD NM then you can aim to get them to level 20/20 with some stats capped). Others benefit a lot from transfers too, but I can't think of any characters whose early game is improved by a greater amount than theirs is. Capping Str and Spd in PoR are the most important for a transfer for them.

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There are a few moments in hard mode where you want to pull your teeth out (But then again almost every FE has those chapters in its Hard mode) but aside from that its generally pretty normal in difficulty.

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You said "the main reason why it's hard is that it's not even finished," and the main reason why FE5 is difficult is because of game mechanics and not enemy parameters (like FE11).

but you have to admit that FE5 is really unpolished.

don't get me wrong, FE5 may possibly be my favorite FE game, but i still say that the game could have been better executed. or something

Edited by Hello Vader
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Seriously, I'm not a veteran (only FE8 and FE10), but after 3 playthroughs, you should be used to the difficulty of EM. A few runthroughs and you should know all the special tricks the game has up its sleeve.

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You said "the main reason why it's hard is that it's not even finished," and the main reason why FE5 is difficult is because of game mechanics and not enemy parameters (like FE11).

When I said that, I didn't mean that every new game mechanic would be wiped in a "completed" version. I merely meant that, as Bianchi noted a few posts up, the execution of said mechanics seems awfully rushed, and that's why Thracia is difficult, at least, imo.

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Not difficult, really. (you can save whenever you want) The only thing is that micahia gets one shot by anyone.

Can't save whenever on HM, and Micaiah just needs a seraph robe to avoid that fate. Swordmasters might still ORKO at times, but that is not "one shot" anymore.

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Micaiah still gets doubled by everything frighteningly often.

Not really. By 1-E she should have 13 speed, and the only things that double her are myrms, 2 soldiers, 1 archer, and the boss, and the steel blade myrm can't, so it is only 3 myrms anyway: 6 units + boss. The rest can't, and the soldiers and archer can only double assuming you didn't force 14 speed on her by finishing off a level with bexp once she got to level 18 and capped mag and res. It might take a couple of resets, but while it is her 4th best growth, it is short of tying for 2nd by .05. Heck, with a 13.65 she could even reach 14 naturally. In 3-6 you are likely blocking the chokepoints with other people so she is just firing over heads when she isn't healing, and in 3-12 I can't see the stats but she is likely not facing direct attacks anyway because you are using 2 or 3 guys to choke the opening. In 3-13 she is behind the line.

4-P I'll give you, because we need to be a bit aggressive to finish in 10 turns and that means protecting Micaiah is annoying and she can be doubled by things. In 4-3 she again shouldn't be attacked because enemy move sucks and she can avoid being in enemy range all the way to Stefan if someone kills the two dragonmasters in the northeast (any sword user can park him/herself in range with a wyrmslayer and slaughter). She shouldn't be attacked there at all and it should be easy. If you can get her to level 17 by the end of chapter 4-3 then any bexp you can spare in the base before 4-E-1 (before promotion) will boost her spd to the point where nothing will double her in 4-E-1 and a few levels will protect her from anything but swordmasters doubling her in 4-E-2. And given how it is unlikely you will have anyone with enough stats capped to make using bexp worthwhile immediately after 4-5 (most units are --/20/10 at best, many are less) it is a case of use it now or don't get the benefit for a couple of chapters.

Aside from 4-P she really isn't ever in much danger of being ORKOd. I can't defend her 4-P much aside from saying that if you can keep her close to the action without getting attacked she can probably OHKO almost any damaged paladin on player phase by using Thani, so that is nice.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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I played Easy Mode for a long time and it was really hard to move to Normal because strategies I would use in Easy didn't work in Normal. Hell, I once had a Trueblade Edward in 1-E. It was a primary sword-user solo. Zihark was ~--/15 at that time. Makalov promoted in 3-11 (I think) and Mia promoted in something crazy like 3-3. Unfortunately, she could no longer ORKO everything as early as 3-5, even with everything capped, with a Wind Edge, because they're so weak and female Trueblades have garbage caps. EM can be soloed with one character at a time, easily.

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It's not THAT hard. It's a little more difficult but that's all. If you're worried play Easy Mode.

The story isn't at all laughable. It has MANY plot twists that keep it going.

To be fair, a lot of those plot twists were easy to predict. Compared to other US Fire Emblems, this is a hard game. The Battle Saves did make things easier though.

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Not really. By 1-E she should have 13 speed, and the only things that double her are myrms, 2 soldiers, 1 archer, and the boss, and the steel blade myrm can't, so it is only 3 myrms anyway: 6 units + boss. The rest can't, and the soldiers and archer can only double assuming you didn't force 14 speed on her by finishing off a level with bexp once she got to level 18 and capped mag and res. It might take a couple of resets, but while it is her 4th best growth, it is short of tying for 2nd by .05. Heck, with a 13.65 she could even reach 14 naturally. In 3-6 you are likely blocking the chokepoints with other people so she is just firing over heads when she isn't healing, and in 3-12 I can't see the stats but she is likely not facing direct attacks anyway because you are using 2 or 3 guys to choke the opening. In 3-13 she is behind the line.

First, Micaiah will only have 13-14 AS if she has reached 18/0 and gets BEXP. Both of these are rather unlikely. Micaiah relies mostly on combat EXP to gain levels, yet she is a player-phase only type of unit, so it's difficult for her to reach 18/0 in the first place. Then, once she does reach 18/0, BEXP only helps her not get killed, whereas for other units it improves their offensive parameters as well. This is without mentioning that BEXP is extremely limited in the first place.

Second, if Micaiah is even slightly speed screwed or doesn't reach 18/0, then suddenly she is doubled by soldiers, fighters, and archers. 1-9 enemies are IIRC pretty similar to 1-E enemies, and Micaiah gets her ass raped pretty badly.

Aside from 4-P she really isn't ever in much danger of being ORKOd. I can't defend her 4-P much aside from saying that if you can keep her close to the action without getting attacked she can probably OHKO almost any damaged paladin on player phase by using Thani, so that is nice.

She also needs to get up close to attack a paladin, and there are paladins coming from 2 directions with minimal terrain obstacles to prevent them from using their high move from getting around chokepoints.

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First, Micaiah will only have 13-14 AS if she has reached 18/0 and gets BEXP. Both of these are rather unlikely. Micaiah relies mostly on combat EXP to gain levels, yet she is a player-phase only type of unit, so it's difficult for her to reach 18/0 in the first place. Then, once she does reach 18/0, BEXP only helps her not get killed, whereas for other units it improves their offensive parameters as well. This is without mentioning that BEXP is extremely limited in the first place.

Second, if Micaiah is even slightly speed screwed or doesn't reach 18/0, then suddenly she is doubled by soldiers, fighters, and archers. 1-9 enemies are IIRC pretty similar to 1-E enemies, and Micaiah gets her ass raped pretty badly.

Bexp is limited, but if you get her to 80 or so in 1-8, it doesn't cost much to finish. And some people have trouble getting her to level 18 by the end of 1-8, some don't. I'm clearly in the second category. Of course, I have Edward scarf down vulneraries in 1-P and get hit on enemy phase to focus kills on Micaiah. It may not be what the game suggests, but since I'm dropping him ASAP (and Leo, too), I figure who cares what the game suggests.

She also needs to get up close to attack a paladin, and there are paladins coming from 2 directions with minimal terrain obstacles to prevent them from using their high move from getting around chokepoints.

Meh, the idea is to make them use all their move and sit in front of one of your walls. She can smack over your walls head. Otherwise, Tanith and Sigrun don't have anything better to do, they might as well rescue her and take/drop. There are ways of getting around certain problems. Again, I said I can't defend her 4-P much. It is a pain to do stuff like that all the time and part 2 and 3 are fun because I don't need to do stuff there like I did in part 1. Just saying that her 4-P woes can be mitigated.

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I highly suggest this game. The Difficulties not *too* hard if you do your first runthrough on normal, I like the Storyline, But FE7s was better

BTW I hate micaiah, her speed is terrible and so is her HP, the only reason I use her is B/c shes mandatory and Llanya sucks and you dont have tormod for alot of Chapters

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(and Sacred Stones, since I'm stuck on Ch.4)


Sacred Stones is the only game I play on something higher than the lowest difficulty.

Also, just as a tip, USE NOLAN. I don't care if you use Volug or Sothe, just USE NOLAN. He's not getting doubled, has good defenses and HP, and has a good enough skill growth to be able to hit things. Earth Affinity too. He's similar to Barst with Cord growths.

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