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You can all now imagine the little skit.

Anyhow, I, in all seriousness, have considered the idea of running a game of good ol' DnD on this forum (4th edition of course, unless I have a bunch of people who really want to play a group of spellcasters who obliterate every encounter they lay eyes on), but I figured I should see how many people, if any, would actually be interested in playing.

If I did run a game, it would probably be mainly play by post, with a bit of IM mixed in when we had the time. It would be cool if everyone had there shit together beforehand, but I'm not opposed to teaching people how to play if that's what it comes to.

Anyway, any questions, interest, whatever?

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I've been needing to learn to play D&D. The last forum I attempted to play on, I got banned (but now I"m unbanned, but forgot to consider trying again).


4th edition is crazy easy to play. I think I already have you on MSN as well...

At least I have someone who used to be called something else and is now called Samuto.

Edited by ZXValaRevan
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4e is pretty heavily dependent on grid use. I wouldn't recommend it without unless you're experienced with it/have experienced players/both.

Not to say it's impossible.

Edited by Urist McMiner
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4e is pretty heavily dependent on grid use. I wouldn't recommend it without unless you're experienced with it/have experienced players/both.

Not to say it's impossible.

I am quite experienced with 4e, being a crazy ass DnD nerd. Usually I just screencap a map I've made with Maptools or someshit and upload it with changes every turn. I figure I can handle this. I spend to much time on CharOps as it is, so I need some DnD that doesn't involve that. :D

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I've never played 4, though I'm fairly fluent in 2nd, 3rd, and 3.5. I can't imagine 4 would be be difficult if I got my hands on a source book, and if I can find the spare time, I'd definitely be interested.

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You can easily get the books on 4chan's /rs/, if you're willing to put up with downloading Cadillacs and Dinosaurs or Touhou futa once or twice.


If you need something, hit me up over MSN.

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Better watch out, WotC has been cracking down on anyone who dares to redistribute shit twinkie.

Yeah, they stopped putting out their .pdfs. :( I'm not too worried though, I'm only really distributing information that people could legally get for free anyway.

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My girlfriend is trying to teach me to play D&D, but she has yet to finish explaining it all to me. She doesn't want anyone else explaining either, supposed to be a bonding thing I guess.

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