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Let's Discuss The TearRing Saga.


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Almost every FE game has a batch of great pre-promos.

FE4: Oifaye, gen 2 Fin, Shanan, Sety/Hawkeye

FE5: Dagda, Olwen, Eyrios, Dean, Sety, Galzus

FE6: Percival, Echidna

FE7: Marcus, Geitz, Pent, Harken

FE8: Seth, Duessel, Saleh

FE9: Titania, Muarim, Tanith, Geoffrey

FE10: Complicated with the 3 tier system. Generally though, the higher the base level, the better (eg/ Shinon > Leo, Skrimir > Mordy, Zihark > Edward, Haar > Jill, etc).

Actually, I think he meant about the experience thing. Notice Sigurd at base level will gain as much experience as say...Noish at level 5. So for this game, a guy like Raffin will actually gain more experience than Garo despite the promotion.

EDIT: Bleh, beaten.

I'm well aware of that, obviously. My point was that Seisen pre-promotes only lose promotion gains, instead of that + extra levels.

Technically they didn't lose them. Promotion boosts are the base stats difference between both classes.

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You're kidding, right? Garo is horrifically bad, because he has trouble hitting anything that isn't nailed down. He also can't promote, and doesn't learn really good skills until around level 30. To make things even worse, you'd have to drop a Super Proof on him to even gain any levels past 30.

Had no clue you couldn't promote him ;;>> I was referring to earlygame anyways, but if accuracy's THAT big an issue early on...

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I'm well aware of that, obviously. My point was that Seisen pre-promotes only lose promotion gains, instead of that + extra levels.

[Edit]: Also, I was sort of referring to the old "all pre-promotes are evil" mindset that used to plague people.

All FE4 prepromotes have their promotion gains added to their base stats.

Edit: How did I miss that post, CF...?

Edited by Ninji
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Garo looks like a fighter Arden. Slow as hell, low move, hits HARD.

Also, this skill system looks pretty neat,FE could "take some notes" off it XD

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Garo looks like a fighter Arden. Slow as hell, low move, hits HARD.

Also, this skill system looks pretty neat,FE could "take some notes" off it XD

Could someone explain it? YayMarsha's run skips through things and I can't read Japanese anyway so I'm sort of in the dark about it, except that characters seem to be learning skills as they level up.

Also I kind of WTF'd at Narron's promotion gains. And at lv10? What the shit, man. Then again growths by level in Tear Ring seem to be a lot lower in general so the gigantic promo gains at low levels might make sense.

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I probably mentioned this before, but I probably won't be able to create a TRS board simply because it's not popular enough. If it changes, I wouldn't hesitate to create one.

Anyway, I briefly looked up Map 25 since I forgot what it was and I don't think I want to know anymore. I do remember it being a desert-based chapter with some annoying dragon knights. I vaguely recall spamming savestates just to get everyone to survive their assault >___<

As for powering up weapons, I think what IOS mentioned is correct. Some weapons are already "half" upgraded for you in that they count as having 50+ kills.

One important point that's been missed is that once the weapon reaches exactly 100 Kills, there's a (50 - Luck)% chance of the weapon turning into a cursed weapon - each time you use it you'll have a (31 - Luck)% chance of taking your own damage. You can remove these curses via certain events or just give them to Zeke (since he's not affected by curses). Or if you've got a 99 kills weapon, you could keep loading savestates until you get a non-cursed 100 kills weapon.

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Anyway, I briefly looked up Map 25 since I forgot what it was and I don't think I want to know anymore. I do remember it being a desert-based chapter with some annoying dragon knights. I vaguely recall spamming savestates just to get everyone to survive their assault >___<

I meant to say Map 35, sorry (if that is what you were referring to). Map 25 is no match for Lionel and his manly Piluim tossing skills. :P

One important point that's been missed is that once the weapon reaches exactly 100 Kills, there's a (50 - Luck)% chance of the weapon turning into a cursed weapon - each time you use it you'll have a (31 - Luck)% chance of taking your own damage. You can remove these curses via certain events or just give them to Zeke (since he's not affected by curses). Or if you've got a 99 kills weapon, you could keep loading savestates until you get a non-cursed 100 kills weapon.

Ah, that explains so much. I was arena abusing once (for the heck of it, since it's obviously not necessary), and the cursed Iron Lance became a blue star weapon. The cursed Iron Sword, on the other hand, became a red star weapon. I sent Sasha in a few times and then WHAM! Self-critical.

It's good to know exactly why that sword started doing that. Also explains why Zeek was able to use the Devil Spear so safely in my first playthrough...

Edited by YayMarsha
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I probably mentioned this before, but I probably won't be able to create a TRS board simply because it's not popular enough. If it changes, I wouldn't hesitate to create one.

Or you could look at the flip side of the coin: creating a TRS board will increase popularity as a result.

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YayMarsha, could you comment on Samson, Estelle, Xeno, Lionheart and Alicia? Those five are catching my eye as well (Vincent commented on some of them already, but I would like a second opinion :D )

Sure, if you want.

Samson is someone I would recommend using for any playthrough, unless you have something against mega tanks (or axe users). If I remember correctly though, the dude suffers from a severe lack of support. I've also seen him get pretty RNG screwed on one of my playthroughs, but it's not all that likely. Also worth noting that I believe he can get a Master Axe by speaking to his wife (?) about halfway through the game.

I've always found Estelle to be a bucket of meh. She's too weak to hurt anything, and lacks the defense/HP to take hits. Granted, I don't think I've ever promoted her (maybe she'd be usable then). If you want a cavalry unit with high speed, definitely go with Sun instead.

Xeno seems pretty unnecessary, because you'll be forced to use Shigen later anyway. He's not bad though (my last casual playthrough's Xeno was on steroids), and I'd recommend him WAY more than Attrom. Of course, I also like Yuni, so Xeno had even more of a purpose. You should probably focus on Shigen and Vega though, since Xeno doesn't even get a personal weapon.

Lionheart isn't worth using, in my opinion. The dude just starts out too meh, and his weapon selection can't save him. If you like the class though, it's obviously a better idea to use him instead of Shirou (too much work). If not, just bench him and replace him with Loffaru later. Better caps, better weapon selection (lances > every weapon type), good skills, and better support options.

Alicia is shaky, in my experience. I've had one that was awesome, but most of the time she comes out as merely decent. Still, she beats the crap out of Maruju and Meriah in overall usefulness (ignoring double Aura Rain). Unlike Maruju, she learns Charge at a time when it can actually serve a purpose. That is probably the best reason to use her right there, because Charge is the best thing since sliced bread for a magic user. And since she can grab Sylpheed as well (you can see where this is going)...

As a side note, my super biased opinion says that people shouldn't ignore Sierra. Very useful character, especially for low turn runs.

Hopefully this is what you were looking for. If not, oops. :P

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Yep, that helps a lot. I think I've figured out who I'm going to use on my first playthrough of the game (Just need to download ePSXe). Could you just quickly comment on Sasha and Mahter as well please? Those are the only two other characters I've been considering. Thanks.

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Yep, that helps a lot. I think I've figured out who I'm going to use on my first playthrough of the game (Just need to download ePSXe). Could you just quickly comment on Sasha and Mahter as well please? Those are the only two other characters I've been considering. Thanks.

You probably shouldn't bother with Sasha, unless you don't mind babysitting her for a very long time. She can be somewhat useful (she promotes twice), but Raffin is still beating every other Dragon Knight in terms of usefulness. Also, he doesn't need to drop 10,000 G on the Dragon Flute like everybody else does. You could wait to promote Sasha, but the only free Dragon Flute I can remember comes REALLY late game.

If you plan to use her though, make absolutely sure you recruit Mel and have Mel/Sasha speak to each other in Map 6. If you don't, you will permanently miss out on the Pegasus Flute. This will also keep Sasha from promoting to a Dragon Knight, so she will be very useless. (I've had this happen before, and it's not fun.)

Mahter is hawt, so that's a great reason to use her. Seriously though, Mahter is probably the second best flying unit in the game. Even as a Dragon Knight though, her usefulness seems to decline from Map 34 on. Lots of indoor stuff by that point, so you might want to use a lot of swords earlier in the game.

As for stats, she's just how you would expect a Pegasus Knight to be: high speed, decent strength. I would recommend using her and seeing how your luck plays out (just scrap her and focus more on Raffin, if the RNG hates you), and throwing her on Team Holmes when you get the chance. Obviously, if you have to choose between Sasha/Mahter, go with Mahter.

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I think I've figured out my team then.













Then a healer or two if necessary, and probably Sierra. I'll probably drop Roger if I'm using too many characters. Oh, and how does splitting up your army work? Can you only do it every so often?

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The splitting is a bit like in Gaiden, where each group fights in their own chapters. However you don't control the order of chapters - it's depends solely on the storyline. So (just making it up) Chapters 1-8 might be Runan's chapters, 9-12 are Holmes's, 13-20 are Runan's again, etc.

Similarly, the groups will rejoin at certain points in the story, at which point you can swap over characters. These occur after Map 8, 23, 30. Having certain characters in certain groups can be quite beneficial (although annoyingly there's no sure way to know what's best without looking at guides).

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The splitting is a bit like in Gaiden, where each group fights in their own chapters. However you don't control the order of chapters - it's depends solely on the storyline. So (just making it up) Chapters 1-8 might be Runan's chapters, 9-12 are Holmes's, 13-20 are Runan's again, etc.

Similarly, the groups will rejoin at certain points in the story, at which point you can swap over characters. These occur after Map 8, 23, 30. Having certain characters in certain groups can be quite beneficial (although annoyingly there's no sure way to know what's best without looking at guides).

Speaking of guides, are there any good ones? GameFAQs has a few that are utterly unreadable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

LethalRedArmy seems to have a good faq on gamefaqs, that covers pretty much all the essentials for the game. YayMarsha's mock run on youtube is also a good bet to help you to familiarize yourself with the game.

I couldn't get over that guy's colloquialism's and grammatical shortcuts. I expect a degree of professionalism in a FAQ.

The mock run is really nice, although he speeds through the menus and such so fast that I have almost no idea what half the options do.

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I finally got this started and working, so it looks like I'll need a guide too. Guess I'll be sticking with the one on the site/LethalRedArmy's for now. I think I'll start a playthrough topic similar to the ones for FE5, etc.

So look for my Tearring Saga playthrough topic tomorrow!

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I have Tearing Saga complete walkthought in my hand now(It's not in English)

maybe I can answer some question about it form now on(like how to spite characters between Runon's and Holm's amry to fit the the event in each rout)

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So how does promotion work again? Units can go 20 levels without promoting, then they get 20 more after they promote, but levels aren't reset? So if I early-promote, the character's level is capped lower than if I'd waited and a Super Proof is needed to raise it?

Also: Narron has a skill that says (lv10 Gold Knight). Will he get this upon promotion if his level is higher than 10, or does he HAVE to promote at 10 to get it?

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So how does promotion work again? Units can go 20 levels without promoting, then they get 20 more after they promote, but levels aren't reset? So if I early-promote, the character's level is capped lower than if I'd waited and a Super Proof is needed to raise it?

Sounds right to me. Also, units who can't promote get to reach Level 30 by default. I can't remember how pre-promoted units work though.

Also: Narron has a skill that says (lv10 Gold Knight). Will he get this upon promotion if his level is higher than 10, or does he HAVE to promote at 10 to get it?

He has to promote at Level 10 to get it.

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