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Let's Discuss The TearRing Saga.


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I don't suppose there's a way to manipulate the RNG in any way in this? I tried doing a bunch of different things before Runan leveled up, even attacking with other characters, and he got the exact same levels no matter what I did. Are level-up bonuses determined at some particular time? Start of turns, start of the map, whatever?

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Also, what emulator do you guys use to play this thing (I'm assuming no one is using an actual PSX, although I guess somebody could use a PS2 or something)? The one I'm using has really inconsistent framerate issues where the game is running way too fast, but I'd like something with savestates and plugin support. It's been ages since I actually bothered to play a PSX game.

Ugh, I tried another emulator that works better framerate-wise but periodically freezes up and won't accept inputs for several seconds at a time. I'd forgotten just how much of a pain emulation was after the 16-bit era.

Edited by Renall
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ePSXe has been working fine for me. You just need to get the right plugins.

Any recommendations? Or do you mean "the right plugins for your system," as I sure as heck don't know what those are. The game LOOKS fine, it's just being a bitch about playing at the right speed.

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I didn't quite understand clearly, but the only framerate issue is where it's going too fast, right? I'm sure there's a setting somewhere that will fix that issue (I had the same issue myself once), but it's probably not one that's completely obvious. I don't have the emulator on me right now to check either.

Google etc. will probably give you the right help.

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Yeah, the issue is overspeed, not being too slow. I'll poke around at it, I haven't used ePSXe seriously since I replayed all my Final Fantasy games a few years back.

EDIT: Gameplay question, how do you tell the game not to deploy people? YayMarsha's playthrough shows that there's some button you press to put down a red line which I assume means 'do not deploy anyone under this,' but I have no idea which button that is.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone know of a way to keep Leteena without getting Ezekiel? alvin's walkthrough on ChinaFE seems to mention it but I'm not sure what he means.

Also, if you don't recruit Narsus in Chapter 9, will he still steal half your gold? Is there any significant penalty if you choose not to recruit him? The Guild Key sounds like the only thing, but if I'm not wrong you can use Yuni or get another from a random encounter.

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This is just to inform people who don't know about the event you're talking about:

Even after you've fulfilled all the requirements to recruit Leteena, after Encounter Map 5, you have to make one of two choices. I believe the first one makes Leteena leave, while the second one makes both Kreiss and Leteena leave.

However, if Ezekiel is in the party, it appears no matter what you choose, neither Kreiss nor Leteena will leave (hence why Ezekiel is recommended if you want to recruit Leteena).

As for your question:

I'm not completely sure either. Do you think you can link me to the page where it's mentioned (since I can read Chinese much better than I can read Japanese)?

I assume you can bypass the leaving event (if you haven't got Ezekiel) by killing either Kreiss or Leteena before finishing Map 26. If you're holding onto the Dakruon, it seems it will revive them for the Ending if it has enough uses remaining. I don't understand how exactly it works in Leteena's case though (there's mentions of transferring the Dakruon, but I have no clue what that does).

Oh yeah, for Narcus, I don't think you'd be missing out on much. However, Rishel is a pretty solid character and you need Narcus to recruit Bud who recruits him. I don't think he'll steal your gold if you pass him in Map 9, but I don't think losing out on half your gold is really that bad though.

Edited by VincentASM
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希望レティーナ(蕾迪娜)加入后不离开,以后必须有エゼキエル (艾泽基尔)在队,这是最后的选择机会了。



I understand the first part, but I don't get what he's trying to say in the last sentence.

Well, IIRC you can still get Bud and Rishel if you pass Narcus in Map 9, he just has to be alive. YayMarsha did it in his playthrough, so the only things that you could miss out on are the Guild Key and the secret shop in Map 9. The temporary loss of gold hurts somewhat because the Dragon Flute can be purchased in the next map though. (Narcus returns it after he's recruited in Map 26)

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Hmm, I'm not too sure what they meant either. I assume it's got something to do with killing them off and sending them to Holmes's army (by resurrecting them with the Dakruon). That way, the choosing event won't occur (since it's a Runan thing).

I never tried not recruiting Narcus, but I can imagine that would work as well. I suppose Narcus himself isn't really worth using (despite his cloning ability), so I don't see why you shouldn't skip him.

As for the Dragon Flute, you can get an average of 9000G from three Gold Bags that you should have obtained, so you'd just need another 1000G for the flute.

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From the videos I'm seeing, this game looks redonculously easy. I mean come on, Roger? He just shows up and is invincible on his starting map!

There better be a hard mode...

It's not as easy as you think. Only in Runan's route will it give you any trouble. Thank god that you can get unlimited EXP in Holmes' route!

Holy shit. This game is extremely fun to play, with such nice animations, br0ken dudes like Naron, Staves that SAVE THE GAME.... just awesome.

That really has no meaning if your playing this on an emulator.

Zeek looks absolutely ridiculous. I recall seeing him with 50% crit on a boss, and he probably 2HKOed anyway.

Also, javelins seem overpowered in that game, or maybe the game in general is just way too easy. You don't generally see that many units being used in a speedrun, which would seem to indicate poor enemy quality.

Hell, he can use devil weapons without it backfiring on him and that he will be your most powerful unit in awhile.

Zeek looks absolutely ridiculous. I recall seeing him with 50% crit on a boss, and he probably 2HKOed anyway.

Also, javelins seem overpowered in that game, or maybe the game in general is just way too easy. You don't generally see that many units being used in a speedrun, which would seem to indicate poor enemy quality.

I found out that Zeek

pulls an Orson

so at least he's somewhat balanced that way.

Ironically enough, Chapter 16's playthrough shows him using many more characters then in the other chapters. Perhaps there's a difficulty spike around there?

I did get spoiled of that when I saw him battle against you in the demo. -_-

You really cannot get through some of the earlygame chapters without him. It's as if the game is forcing you to use him.

I'm kind of curious to see how mages fair in this game. YayMarsha is pretty much ignoring them in his mock speedrun, but AOE spells seem pretty cool to me.

Alicia seems alright with her Daim Thunder copy, while Marj is basically a Marich clone with his high critical tome. Sierra can warp, Rishel's tome cover his weak defense and I guess Afriid can work like Gato.

However, they don't get staves when they promote. The only magician who can heal is Lee, and you'll likely favor Narron over him early on while Lionel could take his spot later. Consider also that mages have low movement too.

The only reason to even bother recruiting him would be to get the Defense Staff for Plum. He's just abut useless.

30 uses. Weapon repairing seems a bit easier too. Repair staves can be made by combining a Repair Hammer and Heal Staff in the Craftsmen, and both items are purchasable. Repair staves have 3 uses, and fully repair one weapon.

EDIT: Beaten

There is another Repair Staff in Chapter 16. You can repair it with the other Repair staff from the crasftmen shop to have infinite uses.

TRS is a great game. I've played it a few times, never had a proper chance to beat it, though. There's lots to like about this game, and I would Let's Play it if there were a full translation available. Hell, I had some influence of this game when making my weapon icons in my FEGBA ROM hacks.

IOS: Magic users are pretty standard, with units having pretty low Mafgic all around(half of it is Resistance) though characters like Meriah and Rishel own faces with their personal spells.(Meriah is practically FE3Bk 1/FESD Linde with an all hitting AOE spell, Rishel has a 70 use 1-3 Monster effective spell, Alicia has a Dime Thunder-esque spell, etc.)

Yeah, and it's disturbing that this game has such a low audience. This game needs moar luv. ^__^

You need a tier guide so that you know who to spend time training? There isn't much to worry about, really. Zeek is there to bail you out if you ever get in a rough spot (he should be used anyway, to be honest), and you can use Team Holmes to train any units you want for later.

Being careful not to overuse him.

Garo looks like a fighter Arden. Slow as hell, low move, hits HARD.

Also, this skill system looks pretty neat,FE could "take some notes" off it XD

Could someone explain it? YayMarsha's run skips through things and I can't read Japanese anyway so I'm sort of in the dark about it, except that characters seem to be learning skills as they level up.

Also I kind of WTF'd at Narron's promotion gains. And at lv10? What the shit, man. Then again growths by level in Tear Ring seem to be a lot lower in general so the gigantic promo gains at low levels might make sense.

Their levels stay the same even after class change.

I probably mentioned this before, but I probably won't be able to create a TRS board simply because it's not popular enough. If it changes, I wouldn't hesitate to create one.

Or you could look at the flip side of the coin: creating a TRS board will increase popularity as a result.

I was thinking that maybe this game will get a larger audience if someone has the time to work on a fan traslation patch of this game. Well, for actual game owners can just use a japanese language pack to read the translation script of the game.


I'm also dissappointed that Sages cannot use staves either, but oh well.

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You can cope just fine without Zeek. There's Narron, who is also OP as hell, and you get Katri in Holmes' route which will make the chapters easier since AoE Breath beats up a lot of stuff. Map 18 could cause some problems... if you were required to kill Barbarossa in the first place. He gets removed from the field along with all of his troops after turn 30. It kinda seems that the developers intended for the game to be easy, giving alternate ways to beat Barbarossa and Julius when you can't just brute force your way through.

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I think Narron is the most broken character I've ever seen in a SRPG. I mean granted he's not some completely invincible all-destroyer from the moment he joins like Cid in FFT or something, but he grows so ridiculously fast and then keeps growing long after he ought to have peaked. Elite in this game (or whatever they call it) is just crazy.

He'd be a bit more balanced if he had lower promo gains, maybe.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Wen Yang

Okay, just got Tearring Saga a while ago, finished one playthrough, and starting a second.

Impressions from the first playthrough (beware: spoilers abound)

- Difficulty is pretty low, some parts can get really luck-based though (Map 13 and Krisheenu anyone?).

- Narron is god. Enough said. He's so broken decided to not even touch him on my second playthrough.

- First playthough (especially Runan's part) was harder than it should have been since I overused a certain character... Hereby I resolve to kill his treacherous ass on the second playthrough.

- Holmes is a nice change of pace. A Bow-using lord for once, and he kicks ass and takes names too. :)

Anyway, for the second playthrough, I plan to use the following characters (as in favoring them over others):

- Sasha

- Raquel

- Estelle

Just to see how they'll do in the end. I've seen comments on Sasha (promoting twice sounds good to me) and Estelle (Ambush + Wrath + Elite Combo? Gimme!), but anyone here got any personal experience or anything to say about Raquel?

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Personally I liked Roger better for Wrath and Ambush together. It kinda helped that he has a support with Mel for added critical.

If you want to try Raquel, I'd highly suggest you to pick Luka. From what I heard these two will have a talk at some point and then Raquel will be able to kill humans and monsters alike, though Ruka dies at the same time I think. Otherwise she's pretty good at weakening humans for others to kill (think Elincia in FE10). Still, I'd probably consider Rennie over her if you really want a good Bowmaster. At the same time you could try Lee, who's actually pretty good, or Ezekiel over Luka and Narron.

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Guest Wen Yang

Heard about that bit on Ruka/Raquel, although I'm still lacking details on how to activate the bit that lets Raquel kill humans.

Not like it matters much, since she'll be a great help for leveling Sasha & Estelle early on. Not being able to kill while still getting awesome Exp thanks to elite works well, and those she leaves at 1 HP gets fragged by Estelle/Sasha right afterwards.

Roger was meh for me, first time through I used him and I found that he ends up slow and rather fragile, but maybe I got RNG-screwed.

On a side note, is it just me or does Maruju suck compared to Meriah/Alicia? His Wundergust is practically crap compared to Starlight (OHKOs most things from the get-go) and Brenthunder (ORKO, guaranteed).

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Roger's growths are barely any better than FE6 Marcus. I just really like his skill set and make good use out of it, plus I try to have Mel close to him as often as possible.

As for Marj, he's indeed pretty uninteresting, despite being the first Mage of the game. You didn't mention Rishel, but he's also pretty good thanks to Sunflame's defense bonus, amazing range, durability, power and effectiveness against monsters.

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Guest Wen Yang

Rishel is awesome as well.

I only mentioned Alicia/Meriah since they joined your party shortly after Maruju joins, unlike Rishel which joins quite a bit later.

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If I played that game I know I'd use Runan, Sierra, Narron, Xeno, Frau, Verna, Maruju, Mel, Raffin, Sasha, and Mahter

what I dont like is that apparantly Pegasus promote to wyverns and i don't understand japanese ^^'

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Well, in the earlier Fire Emblems, Pegasus Knights promoted into Dragon Knights. Just think of it as getting a new mount upon promotion. 'Cause otherwise, a pegasus evolving into a dragon... that's about as mysterious as Eliwood's magic pony trick XD

Man... if Fire Emblem/TearRing Saga could take one thing from another series, it should be the Langrisser series... I wanna see Gryphon Knights and Mermen mounts and all sorts of things now XD

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