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Why do you take part in forums?


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Why do you log on to SF or any other forum? Do forums suit your topical needs, or do you go for the people on the forums more? Do you go for being a respected stand-alone poster, expressing some form of artistic creativity, finding a niche persona you can get some laughs out of, making friends of some significance, being a feared/respected mouth or just doing your own nonsense as it pleases you? I try to go for getting to know people and communicating with them, though I have problems with sustaining that very long usually.

History with forums: My first forum of any relevance was a webcomic one, f@nboy$, which I joined 2 years ago. I got "lucky" and pretty much identified with a fad that has something like spanned the forum's lifespan to date, the show Scrubs, and got a lot of laughs out of being a talking reference to it. That got something like old and made me feel like a clown at some point, and while there were some interesting and friendly people there, I wasn't getting any closer so stopped making much out of it. Fine people to this date though, and the guy who makes the comic (once in a blue moon now) and his brother have drawn some fucking nice artists together through their comic, probably the best collection of art thread doodlers I've ever seen on a forum that isn't topically related to art, not to mention their forum has more interesting capabilities, such as embedding songs on thread pages, than I have seen elsewhere. If you like forums, give them a visit definitely, but be assertive with those dudes. (:

Aside from some other gaming forums like SWF, Shoryuken and Dustboards, which I have only done so much outside of topical interest with, Serenes is the only forum I have dropped some serious mileage on. I started out looking for a FE forum with a laid-back attitude, progressed to find SF because a personal friend (Metal Rabbit) posted widely here, and ended up visitin more than a month because, frankly some people were the worst kind of amusing to watch post. Plus summer of brawl. I initially vowed I would put as little of my effort into caring about any given greater issues posted here as possible, and now I don't really know where I have ended up as far as that spectrum goes.

tl;dr: /using forum as livejournal

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To be 100% honest, I have no reason at all for being here. I don't like Fire Emblem, and I definitely didn't come for the community. I'm just here for the sake of being here really.

As for other forums, mostly I join for the same reason, but occasionally I'll join one for legit interest in the subject.

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Initially, I figured I'd join the most popular FE forum since I had lots to discuss about FE (especially after playing FE6, FE4, FE5 and FE7 recently). Thus I joined the Fire Emblem: Sanctuary of Strategy forums.

At first, I wasn't sure if forum-going was my thing, especially hearing about how time-wasting they could be. However, I had lots of fun discussing my favourite pasttime, which was probably the most important thing. Eventually I learned quite a lot about FE, went back to play FE3 and FE2 and then pirated played the latest release, FE8.

Around that time, I decided I'd make some use of my gained FE knowledge, so I started making some webpages to help people with my favourite FE, FE5, as well as the newly released FE8. Needless to say, those webpages eventually went on to become Serenes Forest, the site.

In any case, before I lose the plot... More recently, I've stuck around FE forums mainly to see what's the latest FE gossip and also to help people having trouble. As a matter of fact, I have an account on every notable FE forum, although it might not be obvious that I'm there... I don't frequent other forums that often, but I do drop in from time to time to see what's up.

So, really, I just go to forums to help where I can (and if it doesn't too much effort), correct wrong info (I love doing this for some reason) and perhaps add in my own cents to some interesting discussions.

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The first real forum I had was FESS. I was just looking around for information, found it, liked the discussion, and lurked around. I remember a bunch of cool stuff, especially older members before the place ended up in elitist/dead status years later.

The reason I stuck around was I liked the ability to discuss whatever. I still continue to use forums for this, naturally. That's all it really is. It's fun to think that all the time I spend talking is wasteful, but hey, so is everything.

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For fun, I suppose.

Been on forums since 2001. First one I ever joined was called PGamers and it used a service called UBB. It eventually moved over to vBulletin though.

It's long gone now though.

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Well, since I became a fan of the FE series after playing FE9 and FE10, I looked around to see if tehre was anything to do with FE I could do.

That's when i came across FEPlanet. And from tehre, I heard gossip about this place and joined here, then i joined FEE, FEFF and GFAQ's in that order. Overall, I stay here to debate FE, which has to be my favourite passtime. The internet is the only place I can actually discuss FE as none of my friends have played it.

But yeah, mostly for fun.

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Usually I only join places because I lurk most of the time and get pissed off whenever I can't say something to someone. Yeah. That pretty much sums it up.

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Well im not gonna give my whole history of forums but ive been on a shit ton.

Im here because i like talking about Fire Emblem. I stay because some of the members are awesome.

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I'm on this forum to discuss FE (though I'm actually not all that good at them), hang out with people who share my interests, and share my story with other people. Actually, I think writing my story is one of the only reasons I've stuck around so long.

This was my first forum that I ever joined. Even now, I only help out on Jarly's site and post very infrequently on a KH site.

And I've noticed that people on this forum are actually quite smart, and fun to talk to. Even the totally dumb people here are still WAY smarter than 80% of the people who go to my school (of course most people here are also a tad older, which may explain the IQ difference). It's nice not having to explain every other thing you say.

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I came to this forum for a while to read discussions on one of my favorite series, and eventually, felt the need to contribute. I used to frequent AWN (Advance Wars Net), and rather enjoyed myself there for some time. The forum was small, but felt tight-knit. I left because I didn't think AW had much left to talk about, and I was too stupid at the time to take part in more serious discussion. Anyway, I'm staying here as long as there's something keepin' my attention.

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