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Wi-Fi Battles: "What is 'cheap'?"

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Blocking the exits is really cheap, but if you bring 2 Ballisticians with maxed-forge Pachyderms or something, you can potentially wipe out the blocking unit in a turn. This assumes that you position them correctly, however.

For example, I have three identical teams where characters are placed in a different order just to handle whatever map I'm playing in.

That puts you at 5-4, but any advantage you gain is negated by the fact that you have 2 Ballisticians.

That is a terrible strategy, since map selection is usually random. Make 1 team that can handle all of them.

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Actually, the style I move my units in is rather different from what I've seen most others do. And my Ballistician are rather well hidden. You don't even expect them to be where they are. Except on Map 3, where the blocking tactic screws things up, regardless. You win. Blocking tactic is cheap.

Edited by Eltoshen
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your ballista aren't well hidden i knew exactly where they were when i played you, i have a balista team too so i know, ballista don't hide well as much as they camp in a secure place since u need to keep them within 10 spaces of your units to attack so by preocess of elimination you where in the cell area or around it where it would be had to enter( i didn't have a warp staff on that team). If you use a balista team its very easy to beat some one who uses one by using a normal team ( hey i didn't have forges on that one)

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/end thread

Seriously, hacking is the only cheap method.

Think about 800 years ago, when swords and lance and etc were used.

In a real war(from back then), would you be stupid enough to waste your men, or be smart and send in your falco knight your horsebacks or infantry to distract the enemy, then spam your ballistacatapults and sniperarchers.

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your ballista aren't well hidden i knew exactly where they were when i played you, i have a balista team too so i know, ballista don't hide well as much as they camp in a secure place since u need to keep them within 10 spaces of your units to attack so by preocess of elimination you where in the cell area or around it where it would be had to enter( i didn't have a warp staff on that team). If you use a balista team its very easy to beat some one who uses one by using a normal team ( hey i didn't have forges on that one)

Actually, it was camped right next to the castle, about 3 spaces off, so you couldn't see it unless you actually moved across the top. Although, you died too fast so I didn't even get the chance to use it often.

Nice guess, though, since my Sage was actually positioned there.

Edited by Eltoshen
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I've never seen a decent ballistician team. What makes yours so great?

I don't have a ballistician team. I only use one, at most. I never said it was great either, just that there are many ways that I've learned how to hide my ballistician, which doesn't include smacking them in the middle of cell on map 4 (I think it was that map). And with his forged Pachyderm, he hits 100% of the time with 53 damage. Subtract max defense and he's hitting 23 damage from range. Combined with Swarm is a guarantee kill from afar.

Edited by Eltoshen
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A few calculations against max Def units...


25 Str + 28 Mt - 30 Def = 23

30 Mag + 6 Mt + 2 rank - 25 Res = 13

Minimum = 36, Maximum = 55


25 Str + 28 Mt - 24 Def = 29

30 Mag + 6 Mt + 2 rank - 20 Res = 18

Minimum = 47, Maximum = 67, +8 Res to survive


25 Str + 28 Mt - 22 Def = 31

30 Mag + 6 Mt + 2 rank - 23 Res = 15

Minimum = 46, Maximum = 66, +7 Res to survive

I wouldn't consider that guaranteed, especially if your opponent uses Pure Waters.

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29 + 28 = 57.


31 + 25 = 56.


23 + 23 = 46.

All of them can be killed by the next initiated attack. And we are assuming that units are already positioned in the area, since they are needed to scout anyways.

And without abuse, it's basically impossible to ever get a character to have near to max resistance or near to max defense unless your name is Merric, but even that's hard. So in the end, they basically fall to either the Sage or the Ballistician.

Edited by Eltoshen
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And that's why ballisticians suck on wifi. The end.

If you don't know how to use them, that is, since I have never lost with my "ballistician" team, as you pointed out except against one hacker and a team with Palla/Katua as Snipers and Est as a Swordmaster + two Sages with Warp...

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And that's why ballisticians suck on wifi. The end.

If you don't know how to use them, that is, since I have never lost with my "ballistician" team, as you pointed out except against one hacker and a team with Palla/Katua as Snipers and Est as a Swordmaster + two Sages with Warp...

To be fair, online play isn't really all that competitive. I use a team without forge and still managed to win over 90 % of my matches. Does that indicate no braves = good? Not at all, and no one here doubt your ability to use ballisticians effectively. But if you faced a player of equal skill level your team will be much more inferior than a standard one.

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