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Guess the favorite FE character of the person above!

luigi bros

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Somehow, I KNEW you were gonna react like that.


well then don't do it :angry: k

He's okay, but he takes such a fall in 3DS.

@NM *headdesk*

Tinny in a short skirt?

Edited by Luka Megurine
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well then don't do it :angry: k

Tinny in a short skirt?

Sorry. I'm just not too big a fan of anyone who's kids try to kill me on a regular basis. :mellow:

And :wub:

Edited by crashman_alpha
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Vika in a bridal gown, you in a groom's tux with Edward as your Best Man and Laura, Titania, and Elincia as the bridesmaids and Oliver as the pastor that marries you two? :awesome:


Only in RD. Best Sniper ever.

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Vika in a bridal gown, you in a groom's tux with Edward as your Best Man and Laura, Titania, and Elincia as the bridesmaids and Oliver as the pastor that marries you two? :awesome:

I'm not sure about being married by Oliver...

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Dorcas with a 45% Spd growth and tankier?

He needs a better SKL growth so he can hit things too.

I'm not sure about being married by Oliver...

He only marries the most BEAUTIFUL of couples! :awesome:

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Did you even see the picture I posted? He CAN hit things. Or are you dumb enough to actually put him against enemies in forests or sword-using enemies? Blaming characters for your own incomptetence is not nice, you know.

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ERL's guess, but with Renault instead of Oliver?

Unless he knows where Tellius is, Rhys'll have to do...

Did you even see the picture I posted? He CAN hit things. Or are you dumb enough to actually put him against enemies in forests or sword-using enemies?

I've had him miss against Lance-wielding units...

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You are just getting RNG screwed then. It's impossible when he has almost 80 displayed hit on axe users in HHM, he must have close to flawless Hit against lance users, depending or not they were on forests or othe type of terrain. Either that, or you are just trying to prove me wrong with your own, bad experiences.

I'll keep playing once you come up with better guesses. This topic seems to have outlasted it's usefulness...hmph.

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is EPIC!!!

Damn Soul, do you know how arrogant that sounds?

Anyways, this one's at you, NM.

Sothe getting hit by the Blue Falcon and dying, and Captain Falcon getting pissed because he wanted to do a FP?

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