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Guess the favorite FE character of the person above!

luigi bros

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How about Wyvern Knight!Jill with Killer Lance and 100% crit?

That would be cool, she could kick asses like that of Petrine even more and possibly Valter if she met him.

And stay cool whie doing so :wub: . Yeah!

Mmmm, L'Arachel teaching you how to be a real justice follower?

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OMG! Seraph Knight!Thany and Archsage!Me?? OMG!!

I bet it's frickin' awesome! Wind X Ice baby! Dodgin' a lot of hits makes us both killer dodgemachines! With Stun, I guess were one broken duo! YAY!

Errmm..... Bikini!Marisa?

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Marisa is cool, tough the bikini gets her out of character. And I don't want to mess with Gerik.

Then the Frost's a Stun and Flare combination, pretty cool haha.

I guess mine would be Thunder x Dark.

Mmmm, Patty?

Edited by Light Lord
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Patty is cool and all, but I have to admit that her comabt sucks. Unless she has Azel as a father. But I prefer Dew.

*insert your favorite class here* Thany?

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