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Guess the favorite FE character of the person above!

luigi bros

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XD Sain.

Pros: Hits like a tank

Cons: Chases after anything and everything in a skirt

Soft Spot tier, only for utility.


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Is cute, but not in the "I want to do you" way. I don't feel the urge to tease him, so he goes in Soft Spot tier.


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Let's say Roger salvaged a playthrough for me.

Pros: He actually shows a personality in SD, despite the fact that he's got only a handful of lines, grows in ways that leave me scratching my head.

Cons: I'm not a child molester.

If he were seven years older, he'd be a favorite. . .but he's not, so he gets Soft Spot (since I don't feel the urge to tease him).

In terms of SD, everyone's guessed the two I'd tease mercilessly, and one of my favorites. One more favorite still remains.


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Pros: Comes with nice stuff?

Cons: Don't like his growths, not particularly cute, not very smart.

Meh tier, because he gave me good stuff.

You above me. . .try to answer if we did get it/didn't/were really far off regarding your favorite character.

Since I didn't get an answer last time, my guess of Rhys still stands.

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Pros: Have yet to be disappointed by him, stat-wise

Cons: PITA to recruit (especially if Priscilla isn't my healer of the run), not my favorite affinity, no paired ending with Rebecca, I'm not a child molester

The fact that I've always been impressed with him as a unit puts him in Soft Spot tier.


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