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Destroy the person above you.

book of life

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  • 3 weeks later...

*Draws out Gold Experience Requiem and begins pummelling away*





*Blasts the above poster into infinite death*

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*Marches up to GG and cuts his head off with an axe (before burning the body and burying the cremated remains, somewhere in Siberia)*

*NM's initial attack is reset to zero, deleting it from time and preventing my death.*

*Proceeds to take the opportunity to turn ^'s clothes into Boa Constricters while NM s recovering from the swing, then punches a hole through NM's chest via Gold Experience for good measure*

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*Makes sure that GG's parents never get together (and therefore GG is never born)*

*The time paradox causes a ripple in time tahat deletes NM from existance, which then causes a second paradox deleting the first as well as NM's attempt to split up my parents*

*Turns ^'s tongue into a viper, which then bites the inside of ^'s mouth and injects him/her with enough venom to drop an Elephant*

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