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I think that Colm is a great character, but what is the better promotion for him, a rouge or an assassin?

Rogue. You can't beat not having to use a lockpick to open chests. I usually turn Marissa into an Assassin.

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I prefer having Colm as an Assassin and let Rennac do all the chest and thief stuff so I can use Colm to use Silencer on the Draco Zombies in the last floor of the ruins in Creature Campaign. Rogues not bad too but I prefer Assassin better.

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I prefer having Colm as an Assassin and let Rennac do all the chest and thief stuff so I can use Colm to use Silencer on the Draco Zombies in the last floor of the ruins in Creature Campaign. Rogues not bad too but I prefer Assassin better.

Agreed & Seconded.

I always train Rennac, his growths aren't bad, his Str could use a little boost so I give him 2 Energy Rings & Goddess Icons for his luck.

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Colm gains +1 HP as an Assassin over +1 Skill as a Rogue. Really, really negligible differences.

It's really Silencer vs. Stealing and picking locks.

Silencer may seem more useful, but it only has an activation rate of half of your critical, so you'd have to lug around Killer Weapons and be in range of +Crit supports to make it even a little bit reliable.

Meanwhile, Rogue doesn't force you to field a terrible character like Rennac.

I prefer Rogue, but it doesn't matter.

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Assassin. Caps are the same for each class, and the differences in promo gains are almost negligible. However, going Assassin nets him a little extra CON, which lets him spam Killing Edges with no AS loss. Since Killer Edges add 15% to his chances to activate Silencer, he actually has a plausible chance at OHKOing most enemies.

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If you have room for Rennac whenever thieving is needed (which you usually should), go for Assassin. It probably make much of a difference in the end, since Silencer doesn't activate that often, but I prefer the Assassin's animation.

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Assassin. Caps are the same for each class, and the differences in promo gains are almost negligible. However, going Assassin nets him a little extra CON, which lets him spam Killing Edges with no AS loss. Since Killer Edges add 15% to his chances to activate Silencer, he actually has a plausible chance at OHKOing most enemies.

1 AS will not stop Colm from doubling... anything, really, especially considering how pathetic enemy AS is in this game, what with all of the monsters.

Edited by Ninji
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The fact I don't care about Assassins helps.

Also, enemies are pathetic in FE8, so Silencer is rather pointless if you ask me.

Edited by Tiena
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With the exception of a handful of enemies (generals and dracozombies really), a critical will kill an enemy. So, Silencer means that half the time you kill the enemy, you super duper kill them. Color me unimpressed.

I'd go rogue.

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a rouge

:France: C'est rouge? :facepalm:

Don't worry. I make the same mistake too. XD

Anyway, I prefer Rogue.

Edited by G-Dragon
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I make Colm a Rogue. I really don't care for Assassins in FE8, and Silencer leaves me unimpressed since a critical usually spells doom for an enemy anyway.

Edited by Jonathan Aulin
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I make Colm a Rogue. I really don't care for Assassins in FE8, and Silencer leaves me unimpressed since a critical usually spells doom for an enemy anyway.

Not quite, Silencer is very useful when it comes to faceing high HP and defnsed enemies like Draco Zombies, GK and Generals :awesome: .

Edited by soul1112
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Not quite, Silencer is very useful when it comes to faceing high HP and defnsed enemies like Draco Zombies, GK and Generals :awesome: .

DracoZombies are in all of 1 chapter. Generals are EXTREMELY uncommon. And you don't even see that many Great Knights. Color me unimpressed.

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Dracozombies are in, what, 1 chapter? Great Knights and Generals don't even appear in later chapters.

Oh yeah? Does Creature Campaing count? There are GK, but that must be only in Rausten, the same goes for Generals, but still, later on the Cyclops have a great defense, usually ranking in like +20 Def.

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I was speaking only of the main game, but even in Creature Campaign, it's probably best to make him a Rogue. The majority of enemies are lolbonewalkers and pathetic enemies like that, so Colm is still going to be one rounding without Silencer. At least with Rogue, you don't have to waste money on a Lockpick, I guess.

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