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What I hate about this game...


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What I hate about this game are promotional gains...really:

-Paladins get +1 in everything excluding Def & HP, really why did they take away FE6's awesome promotional gains?

-Berzerkers get +1 in skill, even Geese gets +3, Gonzales get +5.

-Erk's promo gains suck, Lugh got +4 which help alot, Erk instead get a crappy +1 in Mag, it's not like he's that strong to get so low Mag at his promotion, the same goes for Serra, it's not like she'll end up super strong.

-And what about Shamans? In this case...Canas, he gets no Mag at all, the game programmers probaly thought: "I guess he's pretty strong, so no Mag gain for you".

-Warrior's promo gains suck, they don't even get speed. What about Dorcas? FE6 had godly promo gains for them.

-Assasins have the worst of them probaly, seriously, no skill gain? Oh, c'mon! +1 Str gain!? Legault's Str sucks, Matthew's is just slightly better, Assasins should get the PoR promo gains, it's not like assasins here rely on Str and Skill :( .

Seriously, FE6 had more than great promotional gains to be changed.

Your thoughts?

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Well I want to say that since this is the First FE game that came out in the USA so they wanted it easy for the American people to play the +1 gains in everything is not too bad its just that they made this game quite easy on normal mode, so if they had their FE6 promotion gains it might've been way too easy FE6 had those great promotion gains for its harder than FE7. So yeah they probably thought if they made FE7 like FE6 hard Americans that wanted to try this series might be put off by it. But yeah I do hate that warriors don't gain speed on promotion and shamans don't get magic on promotion.

(just my opinion)

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After playing FE6 first, I was disappointed by the low promotion gains. However I think its a nice method of balancing and, besides, I get the impression characters have better growth rates here so they'll likely still get good stats in the end.

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I guess that hurts the value of early promotion, otherwise what's the big deal? Promoting doesn't just give you extra stats, you also get +con, +move and probably another weapon type.

My biggest complaints about FE7 would be:

-Lack of item slots. 5 just isn't enough.

-Weapons need to be bought in a chapter. This is just clumsy. If I want to stock up on 20 hand axes, I have to fill up someone's inventory and send the remaining weapons to Merlinus. Why not just have a shop before a chapter like in most other FE games?

-Annoying support system. You cannot even tell which characters can support each other without looking at a guide, you're not informed what the support bonuses are, and they take way too damn long. Nobody wants to put 2 units adjacent to each other for 80-120 turns just to get small bonuses, avoid usually being the only meaningful one.

-Lategame enemies that suck. What was IS thinking putting so many monk enemies in the game? And why do unpromoted enemies outnumber promoted ones like 5 to 1 in lategame maps?

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I guess that hurts the value of early promotion, otherwise what's the big deal? Promoting doesn't just give you extra stats, you also get +con, +move and probably another weapon type.

My biggest complaints about FE7 would be:

-Lack of item slots. 5 just isn't enough.

-Weapons need to be bought in a chapter. This is just clumsy. If I want to stock up on 20 hand axes, I have to fill up someone's inventory and send the remaining weapons to Merlinus. Why not just have a shop before a chapter like in most other FE games?

-Annoying support system. You cannot even tell which characters can support each other without looking at a guide, you're not informed what the support bonuses are, and they take way too damn long. Nobody wants to put 2 units adjacent to each other for 80-120 turns just to get small bonuses, avoid usually being the only meaningful one.

-Lategame enemies that suck. What was IS thinking putting so many monk enemies in the game? And why do unpromoted enemies outnumber promoted ones like 5 to 1 in lategame maps?

My sentiments exactly. Also, the con system in itself made the game even more of a joke than it ever needed to be. Enemies tend to favor the heavy and inaccurate Steel weapons during midgame and lategame. And magic users love to use tomes of C-rank and above.

Edited by Jonathan Aulin
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I guess that hurts the value of early promotion, otherwise what's the big deal? Promoting doesn't just give you extra stats, you also get +con, +move and probably another weapon type.

My biggest complaints about FE7 would be:

-Lack of item slots. 5 just isn't enough.

-Weapons need to be bought in a chapter. This is just clumsy. If I want to stock up on 20 hand axes, I have to fill up someone's inventory and send the remaining weapons to Merlinus. Why not just have a shop before a chapter like in most other FE games?

-Annoying support system. You cannot even tell which characters can support each other without looking at a guide, you're not informed what the support bonuses are, and they take way too damn long. Nobody wants to put 2 units adjacent to each other for 80-120 turns just to get small bonuses, avoid usually being the only meaningful one.

-Lategame enemies that suck. What was IS thinking putting so many monk enemies in the game? And why do unpromoted enemies outnumber promoted ones like 5 to 1 in lategame maps?

I LOL'd on the fact that, that is SO true, there's like this one spot in Cog of Destiny and there's two druids with Luna and more than 10 shamans around, they only manage to be a piss, monks piss me off since they can't even damge Hector sometimes.

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I hate how it is difficult to have a healer have divine tomes without staving to much.

Never mind the fact that Divine sucks. Shine >>>>>>> Divine.

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Ok...........Canas is awesome since he gets a lot more defence then a regular mage would (trust me it helps to have defence).

Dorcas doesn't have a lot of speed because his Skill makes up for that, but then there's Bartre. Serra started out a healer for reason, so what if she doesn't become hax; as long as she can heal my general to almost full hp when he's at 1 I'm good.

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Hmm my biggest complaints would have to be...

A lack of divine weapons

No female shamans

Only 1 Valkyria

No female shamans

Only 1 druid(Who is not female)

No female shamans

The enemies are stupid and atk with 0 hit or dmg

No female shamans

Merlinus comes too late

No female shamans

All of the axe users fail(Minus Isadora)

Seriously, Why cant Sofiya join. She just gives us a stupid talisman. T.T

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Hmm my biggest complaints would have to be...

A lack of divine weapons

No female shamans

Only 1 Valkyria

No female shamans

Only 1 druid(Who is not female)

No female shamans

The enemies are stupid and atk with 0 hit or dmg

No female shamans

Merlinus comes too late

No female shamans

All of the axe users fail(Minus Isadora)

Seriously, Why cant Sofiya join. She just gives us a stupid talisman. T.T

Sophiya can't join because has faith in the group fighting evil, Merlinus doesn't come late, he joins in chapter 12 and you have many chapters to let him survive til' he promotes and he takes no slots when it comes to picking units.

Not all the axe users are fail, Hector's good, he's strong, has decent speed, good defense and gets some skill, you're probaly implying females as axe users own, Isadora gets wighted down by axes.

And who cares if there's only one Valkyrie? Priscilla is really good, in FE6 there's two but I highly doubt you use Cecilia that much.

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All of the axe users fail(Minus Isadora)

Try using Harken, then say that again. Seriously.

Also, how can Isadora not fail for having 6 CON as a promoted unit (as well as other crappy stats) not using magic? Heck, even a simple iron axe weighs her AS down by 4!

Edited by Raymond
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Um, what? 5 item slots is plenty, not sure what you're doing wrong here

Other games (I know he's played) have more, and more convenient ones (like seperating items and weapons). 5 slots is hardly enough for me. Just 1-2 more would help out enormously. Just look at the stuff you want to pack as, for example, a Cavalier.

You'll want an Iron Lance and an Iron Sword for WT control. Then you'll want a Steel Sword, because that's actually his strongest weapon that doesn't weigh him down too much. You'll want a Javelin for range. And one slot leftover for a vulnerary or something. Now you don't have room for effective weapons, reaver weapons, another vulnerary (in case your current one only has 1-2 uses), and most importantly: fresh weapons when your old ones start breaking. I usually sell weapons that have like 5 or less uses left and buy new ones, except as said earlier, FE7 doesn't even allow you to buy iron whenever you want (even FE5 and FE6 had this, never mind FE8 or wooow FE9/FE10 base system). So I have to drag near broken weapons along or I might run out.

And then the game processes, and you'll also want to carry your promo item for just after you leveled up (instead of stupidly promoting at 15.76 or something like it), you might want to trade things from your thief before he steals something (can't steal when he's full), you might want Door/Chest Keys, Elixirs, new weapon types, etc etc.

Only having 100 inventory space in Merlinus isn't helping.

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Try using Harken, then say that again. Seriously.

Also, how can Isadora not fail for having 6 CON as a promoted unit (as well as other crappy stats) not using magic? Heck, even a simple iron axe weighs her AS down by 4!

That's right, I forgot to mention Harken, he's great since he doesn't looses AVO for using a simple iron axe, I give him a Body Ring so he could use Basilikos without AS loss :lol: .

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Ugh. Aside from a lot of poorly designed maps, I hate the tactician thing. Having the characters look at me and talk freaked me out.

These are only a few reasons why this is my least favourite game in the series by far. Too many things to pick on. @~@

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The only complaint that I really have is that none of the female characters are barefoot (the reality of things ever since Fire Emblem 5-11). Really, if that's my only complaint, let alone me finding that complaint worthy, it should be clear that this is my favorite game. Well, my only serious complain is no speed bonus for Warriors, since both characters really do need it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Now you don't have room for effective weapons, reaver weapons, another vulnerary (in case your current one only has 1-2 uses), and most importantly: fresh weapons when your old ones start breaking. I usually sell weapons that have like 5 or less uses left and buy new ones, except as said earlier, FE7 doesn't even allow you to buy iron whenever you want (even FE5 and FE6 had this, never mind FE8 or wooow FE9/FE10 base system). So I have to drag near broken weapons along or I might run out.

Stop right there. Reaver weapons? Are you kidding? The only one worth using is the SwordSlayer because it auto crits on Myrmidons and Swordmasters =D +1 awesomeness factor for Hector. Effective Weapons? People use those? O.O If you actually NEED the Horseslayer, Wyrmslayer, Armorslayer in place of a unit, your RNG must've sucked big time. Even in the beginning of the game, horseslayers, arorslayers, hammers suck if you bothered to train Sain or Kent; they can take out cavaliers/paladins/knights/generals with ease with the use of Iron weapons.

Plus most of the "effective" weapons have the side effect of weighing a lot (lolSol Katti). 13 wt for the Horseslayer Lance? Screw that; I'll take the Iron Lance any day.

And then the game processes, and you'll also want to carry your promo item for just after you leveled up (instead of stupidly promoting at 15.76 or something like it), you might want to trade things from your thief before he steals something (can't steal when he's full), you might want Door/Chest Keys, Elixirs, new weapon types, etc etc.

My inventory for a level 1 Hero named Raven:

Iron Axe

Hand Axe

Iron/Steel Sword


That's plenty of room. You just need to know what to bring. The iron axe has 45 uses so that's PLENTY of axe exp. Raven's skill combined with the hand axe make archers and snipers alike go "Oh no!" when they get too close. The elixir I'll use when he gets low on hp (obviously).

And might want chest/door keys? Thief pl0x. You get two; promote one and use the other for your thieving needs. Plus there's nothing really worth while to steal, except promotion items.

Only having 100 inventory space in Merlinus isn't helping.

How so? That's...more than enough room...

Edited by p00nage 4
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And what i hate of FE6 and FE7 is that when you promote an unit, its new weapon comes at Rank E, except for Lords and Bishops.

I'm pretty sure that units getting higher ranks for their new weapons is one of the bigger reasons why FE8 is so easy.

I second Vykan's sentiments about the support system.

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True, any extra items can be packed into units that aren't being used e.g. I could use Isadora as a 5 spot supply unit.

True, that's what I do with unused units, the item slot doesn't have any problem, 100 is alright, perhaps you're buying too much items?

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That's right, I forgot to mention Harken, he's great since he doesn't looses AVO for using a simple iron axe, I give him a Body Ring so he could use Basilikos without AS loss :lol: .

Raven is faster than Harken regardless of which weapon they carry and he's technically an axe user. Other axe users are slowly but they don't lose AS. Basilikos doesn't matter since it only exists against enemies it doesn't make a difference against.

Stop right there. Reaver weapons? Are you kidding? The only one worth using is the SwordSlayer because it auto crits on Myrmidons and Swordmasters =D +1 awesomeness factor for Hector.

They're buyable, and they're awesome. +2 def/+30 avo ftw. Lancereaver allows Guy to take on batches of wyverns without death risks like usual, for example. The only reason not to use them is when it's overkill, but sometimes it won't be.

Effective Weapons? People use those? O.O If you actually NEED the Horseslayer, Wyrmslayer, Armorslayer in place of a unit, your RNG must've sucked big time. Even in the beginning of the game, horseslayers, arorslayers, hammers suck if you bothered to train Sain or Kent; they can take out cavaliers/paladins/knights/generals with ease with the use of Iron weapons.

It's not a matter of needing, it's that they help a lot...though sometimes they do need them. Kent and Sain actually do not have the atk/AS to ORKO everything in the game with iron, especially not early on. If they did in your game, you're not playing HHM, or you RNG abused, solo'd with them, or they got blessed. Especially Generals is bull - even people like Geitz have trouble ORKOing SoT Generals using a _Silver Axe_.

Plus most of the "effective" weapons have the side effect of weighing a lot (lolSol Katti).

Sol Katti's a bad example, since it's a bad weapon on a bad unit. Horseslayer, however, doesn't weigh down Oswin or promoted Lowen, and hardly has any effect on Kent/Sain. Just because you can't load it on Florina doesn't make it bad.

But even if they stop you from doubling, Horseslayer's ~18 mt iirc can still sometimes do more than doubling with an Iron Lance or something. Depends on enemy though.

My inventory for a level 1 Hero named Raven:

Iron Axe

Hand Axe

Iron/Steel Sword


That's great, except he can't kill anything he doesn't have the atk/AS for without a miracle crit, like Generals or bosses. He's also screwed if one of his weapons run low, and he can't force WTA on sword users.

"omg but i dun need that"

The point is that it _helps_ a lot to have those weapons around, and the limited inventory prevents that.

The iron axe has 45 uses so that's PLENTY of axe exp.

Steel Axe not only gives him more power, but it also gets him that WEXP for Killer Axe much faster than Iron Axe does (like 3 times as fast).

And might want chest/door keys? Thief pl0x. You get two; promote one and use the other for your thieving needs. Plus there's nothing really worth while to steal, except promotion items.

Raven being able to open doors/chests is handy - it's handy on any unit. Sometimes there's multiple chest rooms. Sometimes you'll want to open the door with another unit so a thief can go in and steal things. Sometimes there's enemies near, and thieves are much worse at taking those on than Raven, so you'll want Raven to go in, etc.

You get two; promote one and use the other for your thieving needs.

Regardless of the fact that this is only significant for like 5 maps in the entire game, this has nothing to do with inventory issues.

Plus there's nothing really worth while to steal, except promotion items.

Promo items are very worthwhile to steal, and then there's often gems and stat boosters.

How so? That's...more than enough room...

It's barely enough. Not as bad as on ranked, but you'll still have to put items in unused people's inventory often enough. It's most annoying when you want to prepare for long stretches without a shop available, like after FFO/CB.

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