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AP Courses

Phoenix Wright

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I'm currently taking AP U.S History this year. Of course, since I've only started school this week on Wednesday, I can't really judge it's difficulty. All I know is, I feel sorry for the Dutch foreign exchange student in my class, since that book doesn't exactly use simple words. She doesn't seem super fluent yet, though she does seem fluent enough to have most forms of conversations. Anyway, I think I'll have to take another AP class, but the only other option I think is AP English, which frightens me.

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Just took AP Bio, taking Physics C, Calc AB, Eng 12 and Econ in a month.

Did you take both AP tests?

I think that Mechanics AP test (aside from the first FRQ) deserved a big fucking hell.

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Ah, AP classes. I miss those days. :lol: I got college credit for about six courses, so I managed to save a little more than a semester's worth in tuition money, and also got to move ahead with my degree-specific classes. That alone is a pretty good reason to take APs, if you can find a college willing to accept the credit. This is sort of an obvious question, coming from me, but has anyone here taken an AP art class? (2D/3D Studio or Drawing?) It's actually a little more difficult than one would think, and the grading scale goes up to 6 instead of 5.

@ Kintenbo: It's been a while since I took APUSH, but if your teacher is any good, prepare to write lots of essays. (Annoying, but they pay off in the end!) Particularly on the AP United States History exam, try to be as fact-specific as you can. With AP World, I remember being able to make generalizations about time periods without really throwing in too many facts, but for APUSH, the graders are looking for names, dates and numbers, and will dock you points if you don't reference certain facts or details. (This is the same for AP Government, if you end up taking it. I'm not sure about the other history classes.) I thought the material was a little dry, but I learned a lot, and it was worth not having to take it again in college. XD

Edit: As for English, try to take it! Taking it in high school really helped me out. I managed to wiggle out of two semesters worth as a college freshman with just one AP exam, so you can save yourself a lot of trouble by trying to take it in a slightly more risk-free environment.

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Just took AP Bio, taking Physics C, Calc AB, Eng 12 and Econ in a month.

Did you take both AP tests?

I think that Mechanics AP test (aside from the first FRQ) deserved a big fucking hell.

Not taking any AP tests for senior year... since I'll already be accepted into uni by then anyhow. Though is there any benefit to taking an AP exam senior year?

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Can't you still get your AP test information and send them to your college to still qualify for credit?

Oh yeah, what am I saying. I've been thinking too much about admissions that I forgot why I took those courses in the first place.

Do you need to take both tests for physics C to get college credit?

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Taking this coming year (senior): AP Literature, AP Economics (Macro&Micro), and AP European History.

I'm in for hell, apparently, because Lit and Euro are supposed to be work-intensive? And I heard the test for Euro was killer.

Took and passed: AP Us History (3), AP World History (3), AP Language (4), and AP Government (5) <-- Government = easiest AP class ever, it's like a really funny joke that just tickles me funsies.

Will be taking May 2010, but not taking class for: AP US History (retake, want a 4 or 5, doh) and AP Psychology.

I've passed all the AP tests I've taken, yay!

Adam: Have fun with the tests and all the retarded busy work/projects in World. Everyone failed the first unit test in my class 8D D AVERAGE, WHOO.

As for summer work, I've only got retarded reading for Lit and then some literary analysis of sorts. Beowulf&Grendel. Almost done with Beowulf, will prolly start Grendel tomorrow. Oh, the wonders of procrastination.

I actually like AP. It's fun. :D

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Junior year I took Language & Composition and Calc AB. Senior year I took Lit & Comp, Calc BC (I was going to take ProbStat except I realized that if I was going to manage the course track I wanted in college, I needed as much calc out of the way as I could get), Environmental Science (pleh) and Chinese. I got my calc credit (yay) and some English credit. Unfortunately the Enviro didn't really do anything, and the Chinese test ate me for breakfast. Lunch. Whichever. (It would've helped if it hadn't been directly after the calc exam!)

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