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List of removed support conversations

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I would have liked to see Pelleas X Soren...

Cone to think of it, I would have liked to see all of them on the list, as well as that one that isn't... but then I'd have to finish Radiant Dawn about 15 times just to unlock every single Support Conversation, like I did in Path of Radiance.

(Well, technically I finished PoR seven times, but you get the idea.)

Anyway, I like that Ike was supposed to have conversation options with Elincia and Mia, if for no other reason than to prove that he wasn't necessarily homosexual.

Not that there's anything wrong with homosexuality, but I always thought Ike's love for Soren was more fraternal than sexual.

Edited by Paper Jam
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Not that there's anything wrong with homosexuality, but I always thought Ike's love for Soren was more fraternal than sexual.

Indeed, to Soren's regret. However, I kind of got the idea that Ike's love or affection for everyone was more fraternal than sexual. Lethe acts all shy, but Ike just acts totally oblivious. I actually can kinda see a moment of something beyond friendship in the A elincia support tho, it's hard to tell but I could believe it there.

(with titania it's kind of weirdly maternal but more of a master/student who are becoming equal but in a surrogate way since Greil is his real master, so in my imagination Titania is Ike's surrogate mom and surrogate dad which is weird, which is no wonder because it's my imagination.)

One pattern I've noticed that isn't really a strong indicator, but is kind of interesting, is that Ike is the first FE lord to have more supports of the same gender than opposite gender (eliwood was tied, everyone else had more of the opposite). And lethe doesn't count as a support because she's a sub-human. He's a ranger's ranger, a lord's lord, a hero's hero, a vanguard's vanguard. This is true for FE10 as well, going by that list, but I guess it doesn't count as much since they seemed to go out of their way to give everyone tons of supports (ike has 13) and there are more males than females.

All this is really just to say that they didn't go out of their way to make Ike obviously straight, since the ratios the male lords of previous FE games have had are all aberrations.

Even though I'm not active enough here for you guys to notice it, this is a topic that I've spent a lot of time on, and I'm not really sure why. NO I DONT WANNA COME OUTTA THE CLOSET.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Damn another round of Kieran Vs Oscar would've been epic and Ilyana eating more boots Mia challenging everybody to a duel including Ilyana's tapeworm

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I see...so not everyone in that list have a paired ending? That's good, seeing as it would be ridiculous having so much to support, LOL.

So, those supports got deleted cuz' of the many ammount of characters in this game?

Edited by soul1112
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