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Largo vs boyd


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I'll take Boyd over Largo any time. I've never found much of a use for Largo other than having him tag along as a filler character for a chapter or two.

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Neither. Boyd has that stupid Tempest skill which really shafts his accuracy when his Biorhythm is at its lowest point (42% hit with an iron axe is really awful), whilst Largo joins too late to be any use (by chapter 25, I've already got my endgame team, with the exception of Nasir).

Besides, I prefer Kieran over those two anyway.

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You know, you can remove skills in this game.

Kinda stuck with it until chapter 8, sadly.

I like both, but Boyd takes the cake since he's already well built with supports and such by the time Largo's there. If he happens to get RNG screwed at least Largo's there to fill in.

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I prefer to use Boyd, he has good bases, good growths, good supports and his awesome to be a fighter and by then a warrior because he has both nice stamina, str and high skill and speed, his other stats are average but somehow good; if Tempest is of matter, then remove it and try adding another skill, I usually give him Colossus only not to waste an Occult skill (without use) but it's free choice. Largo is also good, his stands with great hp and str, he caps skill in three or four level-ups and his speed is nice, but he lacks luck, def and res; so it's a risk to have him at the range of any sage or bishop, worst when equipped with bolting, purge, etc... In fact, I recommend using Boyd, he's better in my opinion and has better luck and def stats than Largo; nonetheless Largo is also nice but he lacks defensive stats. I defenitely go for choosing Boyd.

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I prefer to use Boyd, he has good bases, good growths, good supports and his awesome to be a fighter and by then a warrior because he has both nice stamina, str and high skill and speed, his other stats are average but somehow good; if Tempest is of matter, then remove it and try adding another skill, I usually give him Colossus only not to waste an Occult skill (without use) but it's free choice. Largo is also good, his stands with great hp and str, he caps skill in three or four level-ups and his speed is nice, but he lacks luck, def and res; so it's a risk to have him at the range of any sage or bishop, worst when equipped with bolting, purge, etc... In fact, I recommend using Boyd, he's better in my opinion and has better luck and def stats than Largo; nonetheless Largo is also nice but he lacks defensive stats. I defenitely go for choosing Boyd.

So if Largo has better speed, you would like him better? I think that he could use more defense.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Both. They have axes, what more do you really need? One has better overall stats (Boyd), the other has a crit lead and speed lead (Largo). Both are tearing up the place. About the only more broken thing would be Axes and Staves... and flight...

Edited by SlaveBlade
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