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Final Chapter Is Ridiculous



84 members have voted

  1. 1. The Boss or Bosses That Makes You Say F**k

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I vote Linus, Lloyd, Darin, and Uhai.

Reed bros. were hard for me. Linus w/ Brave Sword and Tomahawk is hard, and then you have Lloyd with regal blade, with an A support. yay, fun.

Darin was a little hard cuz I dun use many mages and most of my units couldn't do much damage to him or had loldefense. Hector saved the day there.

Uhai wasn't so much hard as "yeah, it's Rienfleche! I finally get what I'm named after!

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People actually have trouble with this chapter?

Send a heavy axe user, like Hector or Dart, to kill Darin. Uhai can be handled if you just rush him with something, I usually warp Canas over just because Canas isn't doing much else. Ursula's easily dispatched with a swordmaster or something. Kenneth is a joke, just Bolting him from afar and then bring someone else in if you didn't kill him. Jerme doesn't even bear mentioning.

Lloyd and Linus are the only hard ones. Easy enough, though. Berserk one or both of them and watch the fireworks. Kill whoever's left with either a flying unit or Paladin if it's Lloyd or an assassin/Eli/Lyn if it's Linus. Simple.

Edited by Aitherion
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Kenneth is a joke, just Bolting him from afar

No offense but do you even fact-check? Kenneth has 56 hp/29 res even in Normal Modes. Bolting only has 13 might factoring in WTA. Even 20/14 Nino with her 22 mag is doing 6 damage per hit here. Would be more if she supported Canas, but apparently Canas is being warped somewhere "because he doesn't do much" when the final is like his one chance to be useful with Luna.

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Using either Canas or Athos with Luna along with an Iron Rune is probably the safest way to defeat Kenneth.

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I don't see why the final chapter is so hard. It's pretty easy once you figure it out.

Uhai should be lured out of his cell. Then you surround him on all four sides and beat him to death. Who cares if he can double your units?

Athos can easily handle Kenneth's cell.

Guy or Raven can easily handle Brendan.

Hector can easily handle Darin.

Canas can easily handle Ursula.

Linus and Lloyd's cell is the only challenging one. One option is to lure them into the open, and then blast them from 2 range. Or you could use Nini's Grace on Hector or Oswin and have him block the chokepoint.

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  • 2 months later...

I said only Lloyd and Linus made me say f**k.

I took out Uhai in 3 hits with Rebecca + Silver Bow. I don't see the problem here.

Kenneth's crit can be migitated with Forblaze.

Ursula can be dealt with using Mani Katti or Wolf Bale or whatever.

The Reed Brothers are the real problems, since they can both double most of your guys (Linus can double ALL of them), and no one can double Lloyd.

Then again, I haven't played HHM.

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This chapter is so easy for me :D. Berserk/Sleep FTW :D. I have the two brothers go at each other's throats and then 1 shot the remaining one, have brendan attack whoever he comes out with, and I think I do the same with Ursula. Anyone else I put to sleep 8D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lloyd is evil and hard especailly with his brother...

Unia is hard but I usually use athos are just put that block thing to stop him.

Brendan is easy I just use Eliwood are Lyn to easily beat him

I just use Hector plus a support just incase...

Ursala I just use any magic user...

Jerme is unbelievable easy.

Linus is only hard if his brother is around

Kenneth is easy I just use Athos

Lloyd is the hardest

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My plan every play through the game has been Heath with rex hasta or killer lance to take care of uhai and the Reed Brothers. For Uhai just get close in range, attack, have nils play for Heath and finish him off if you didn't the first time, then he is ready to get up and fight the brothers.

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Lloyd has this annoying little habit of going after my slowest person on the field, and doubling/criticaling them. Linus has this annoying little habit of finishing off any surivivors.

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The only ones are Uhai and Ursula. I usually Silence Kenneth, Jerme + Runesword is lol, Brendan is easy with a sword, Darin requires Pent, and I usually let Lloyd and Linus kill each other via Berserk :awesome: Uhai's quite fast and Ursula is usually the main damage dealer in her room with Jerme, especially since I usually need Athos somewhere else.

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Uhai was hard for me, I had to restart a whole bunch to find a strategy to beat him and all the guys in 1 turn. (Which wasn't too hard)

Kenneth critted Athos, and killed him. So he's dangerous in that sense.

I forgot how I dealt with the Linus and Lloyd, but I didn't have too much trouble.

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The only ones are Uhai and Ursula. I usually Silence Kenneth, Jerme + Runesword is lol, Brendan is easy with a sword, Darin requires Pent, and I usually let Lloyd and Linus kill each other via Berserk :awesome: Uhai's quite fast and Ursula is usually the main damage dealer in her room with Jerme, especially since I usually need Athos somewhere else.

Totally never thought of the besrerk thing. Genius! I really ought to try that.

And although I never have this problem (I always train Canas), I imagine Ursula could be fairly annoying if you don't have a Luna user handy.

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My plan almost every play through the game has been Lyn to take care of Uhai, Lucius with Aureola to get that Luce tome out of Kenneth's grubby mitts (I always train him, Canas too), Hector to fight with Brendan, Athos to take care of Ursula and Jerme, and last but not least, Darin and the Reed Bros. are always the odd ones out. With Darin, it's because I'm always having a different plan to take care of him. With the Reed Bros, I'm always have some of my best units gang up on them. (Nils does play an important part in this however.)

Edited by Idun and Sephiroth fan
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I found the whole chapter fairly easy after I got all my lords (except Eliwood), Dart, Raven, Karel, Serra, Priscilla, & Canas all to level 20. They could almost take 2 of the boss rooms without healing. But that berserk idea is awesome it will make the chapter a lot easier.

Edited by Masamune_Wielder
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Oh yeah, in my PTs Lloyd always kills Linus, so the Regal Blade doesn't dissapoof, and then Lloyd is always weak enough to get Luna-shotted or something :P If anything, hope that Lloyd doesn't crit Linus, for then Lloyd won't be as weak.

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  • 4 weeks later...

What I find dangerous is when my assassins or swordmasters get Berserk'd. Jaffar is like saying instant death to your team, and most of your assassins if the carry a Killing Edge each...that's what I do, I even take all three at times X_X

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