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what other forums do you frequent?


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i used to hang around IGN's fire emblem board, but most of the regulars there kind of had an attitude and it was kind of hard to get much real conversation. i've also been around the gonintendo boards lately, and although the people are cool it's not that popular a board. gamefaqs' FE board was pretty decent, but i didn't get that drawn into it. i just joined this board, so the verdict's out on that one. ;)

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I hang around FEU a bit, some other sites to troll. I also regular www.dndadventure.com (it's my homepage :3), and the Wizards of the Coast forums (at least the DnD sections).

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As the Light Fades - Pretty much my home away from home. We've hit our third anniversary this year. Not bad for a expanding group of friends who mainly had SSB in common and just wanted to get away from the original NSider.

Minegarde - I've been going here recently due to my increasing access to Monster Hunter and the recent release of Monster Hunter 3(tri~) in Japan.

Mangashare - Manga and anime. Usually decent discussion.

NeoGAF - I haven't been approved yet but I can still lurk.

A couple more that I can't think of at this exact moment.

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GameFAQs - Yeah... I just go here to lurk and post every now and then on the OT anime and manga board. That and lurking on certain game boards.

Gaiaonline - I don't actually go to the forums at all anymore because it hurts my head. I just talk with some of my IRL friends there as well as talking with a friend who moved away last year.

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Well, I guess that I frequent something awful, but I don't have an account there. Other than that, I don't really go anywhere else.

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None anymore.

The only previous video game forum I frequented was DGN, a forum dedicated to the Command and Conquer RTS series (It has since gone downhill). The other forum I was a significant member of (over 1000 posts) was TFF, a large forum about tropical fish and the aquarium hobby. Of course before Serenes I was a member of FESS, but I never had many posts there, ironically enough.

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From Bricks to Bothans: www.fbtb.net

My first foray into the online world of forums. I stay there because of the nostalgia. I barely collect any LEGO anymore, but I do collect Star Wars action figures.

And so I visit www.rebelscum.com and its forums to keep updated on what's going on in the SW collecting community!

Oh, and www.ukuleleunderground.com! That's where I learned to play my ukulele!

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Pretty much just FEP and GTS+. I used to go to Serebiiforums, but that place has gotten too stupid lately. I've joined countless other forums, but I've forgotten most of them.

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The Dugout- A British board dedicated to discussing the Football Manager series of games

N-Philes- Been there for years now. General stuff as well as videogame chat.

Big Soccer-International soccer website. Mostly hang around the asia section dealing with Iranian Trolls.

TF2Forum.com- A small Team Fortress 2 community.

Esports.com.sa- Hang around their TF2 forum. They run the only two TF2 servers in the Arab World. :(

Edited by burning_phoneix
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I wish I was a part of more forums but I find it hard to find them. A few years ago I joined madnesscombat.net, didn't really like it there for too long.

Although... there is this one section in this one imageboard that I frequent.

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I hang around FEU occasionally. I lurk around FE Spritez every now and then mainly just to see if AK has updated his sprite thread and tales.namco (usually only to keep an eye on the Graces topic now). Also, once in a blue moon, I post in Tales Chronicles...

Currently looking for a new forum to lurk in.

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