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How many of you here are left handed?

Game Janitor

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To elaberate, I do most things left-handed... Write, fighting stance (right arm out further than left), computer mouse, mast-uhh *cough*. But, when I play pool, I think I play it right-handed - the left hand supports the tip of the cue when my right hand holds it and delivers the drive. This is right-handed playing, right?

I also kick left-footed, but feel confident in kicking with either foot, really.

Edited by Raven
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Right handed.

I feel bad for lefties when writing essays. Most of you probably learned how to write without getting ink on your hand though.

Smudges everywhere.

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Right handed.

I feel bad for lefties when writing essays. Most of you probably learned how to write without getting ink on your hand though.

I used a fountain pen for about two years straight... I learned to hover my hand just enough to stop it smudging.

I smudge with my right hand.

You write from right to the left?

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You write from right to the left?

I smudge the line above because I don't hold my pen properly - I use my ring finger and middle finger for support and my index finger just kinda sits there above them, and my pinky pushes against the paper to keep me steady.

Edited by Crepe Knight
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Right handed.

I feel bad for lefties when writing essays. Most of you probably learned how to write without getting ink on your hand though.

Why do you have to bring up the bad times? I used to smudge pencil lead while writing important stuff because I would sometimes sweat, due to different circumstances, nervousness, hot room, etc. I only type now.

Let's remember the good things about being left handed, like... ... ... damn...

Well let's at least not focus on the bad things. There's gotta be something right?

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I feel bad for lefties when writing essays. Most of you probably learned how to write without getting ink on your hand though.

I didn't :( I learned how to stop smuding the page but no matter what I do one of me fingers on my left hand ends up having some ink on it.

Anyway, left handed but use a computer like a right-handed person.

I'm right handed. Someone once said that guys are more commonly left handed than girls. I think it's bullshit but let's see if it's true.

If left-handedness is a genetic and carried on the x-cromosone and recessive then you would have less girls being left-handed.

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Does being ambidextrous count? :(

I'd say so, personally. My grandfather's ambidextrous.

And another thing, I use the left hand for the computer mouse. However, I use my middle finger on the left button, and the finger between the middle finger and the thumb for right clicking. I think most lefties switch them around, but I didn't bother.

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Does being ambidextrous count? :(

I'd say so, personally. My grandfather's ambidextrous.

And another thing, I use the left hand for the computer mouse. However, I use my middle finger on the left button, and the finger between the middle finger and the thumb for right clicking. I think most lefties switch them around, but I didn't bother.

The index finger, or pointer finger. I do this as well for pure convenience sake, though I can see why others would switch the keys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am and I got a lot of trouble for being a left handed. But hey, I also use computer like a right handed (it sucks when I play shooting game cause it always takes me too long to be able to aim at enemy)

Edited by Frozen Sulley
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All you lefties are an abomination on the earth and commit blasphemy against god. You deserve to be shunned and ridiculed by society.

Funny, I was thinking the same thing about Right Handers. I mean come on! We have to learn to write with your right-handed notebooks, cook with your right-handed pots and pans, drive on your highways (though I understand Europe reversed it to piss off American drivers XD) and even the Military demands you do everything "Right". I mean WTF >.>;

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All you lefties are an abomination on the earth and commit blasphemy against god. You deserve to be shunned and ridiculed by society.

Funny, I was thinking the same thing about Right Handers. I mean come on! We have to learn to write with your right-handed notebooks, cook with your right-handed pots and pans, drive on your highways (though I understand Europe reversed it to piss off American drivers XD) and even the Military demands you do everything "Right". I mean WTF >.>;

I've never heard of right handed pot or pan. :unsure:

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