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The connection of FE continents

luigi bros

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I've been thinking about this for a while. Are the continents in FE conected?

For Jugdral and Archanea in FE4 it's said that Narga took the form of a young girl, and Salamand, the Fire God, took the form of an eldery man. That sounds like Tiki and Bantu.

For Tellius and Elibe it's just that on Elibe there's a Manni Katti and a Sol Katti. On Tellius there's a Vague Katti.

I read this somewhere, I don't remember where but I think someone said that withing the Dragons' Gate of Elibe is Archanea's Fane of Raman.

What doesn't make sense is that in FE9/10 it's said that all the continents except Telluis were drowned in a flood.

I'm probably forgetting more, but what do you think?

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I highly doubt that there's anything special about the Mani/Sol/Varg Katti. The "katti" bit seems to have been derived from an actual weapon. And if I'm not mistaken, the information that Vincent found a while back indicated that FE4 took place centuries before the events of FE1/3, which makes it unlikely that Tiki and Jugdral's Narga are the same person. Nagi on the other hand....

Other than that, it certainly seems possible that at least some of the continents are connected.

Edited by Musashi
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I have a theory that the Dragon's Gate on Elibe leads to the Ice Dragon Temple in Akaneia (the one that appears in FE3 Book 2). Meanwhile, the Alterspire in FE11's Chapter 24x could be located on Elibe's Dread Isle. There's probably no real evidence for it though.

However, Farina and Geitz's support seems to imply some relationship between Elibe and Akaneia. When Geitz compares a line to Wyverns at Ilia, Farina debunks his guess telling him that Ilia doesn't have Wyverns, but maybe the line was actually talking about the dragons who live in Akaneia's frozen north?

Anyway, the Manaketes from FE8 could be linked to the Akaneia/Elibe ones, but there's no real evidence there either.

I haven't found anything at all for Tellius, besides Ike joining Marth in SSBB : P

Edited by VincentASM
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What doesn't make sense is that in FE9/10 it's said that all the continents except Telluis were drowned in a flood.

I'm probably forgetting more, but what do you think?

It's like one of the posters above said. The events in each continent don't have to happen at the same time. Maybe the story all takes place in different times.

But one thing I'm wondering is if all the continents except Tellius sank, then why the heck would Ike be leaving in search of another world? He'll just be in endless ocean. Well, I guess I could reason with it saying that Yune never stated that they stayed underwater permanently, kinda like Noah's flood, unless I'm missing something.

Also, an interesting info. In Moulder and Vanessa's support convo, Moulder explains about how a sniper from another continent came to a fare and Innes challenged him to an archery contest. I'd lol if it were Shinon.

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However, Farina and Geitz's support seems to imply some relationship between Elibe and Akaneia. When Geitz compares a line to Wyverns at Ilia, Farina debunks his guess telling him that Ilia doesn't have Wyverns, but maybe the line was actually talking about the dragons who live in Akaneia's frozen north?

Which support do you mean? Geitz and Farina don't seem to have one.


Edit: Either way wyvern's shouldn't have been in Ilia. Wyverns are something made up by the localisators, wasn't it?

Edited by BrightBow-User
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It's like one of the posters above said. The events in each continent don't have to happen at the same time. Maybe the story all takes place in different times.

But one thing I'm wondering is if all the continents except Tellius sank, then why the heck would Ike be leaving in search of another world? He'll just be in endless ocean. Well, I guess I could reason with it saying that Yune never stated that they stayed underwater permanently, kinda like Noah's flood, unless I'm missing something.

I think there's another continent beyond northeast Tellius, beyond Hatari, which was an unknown region previously.

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However, Farina and Geitz's support seems to imply some relationship between Elibe and Akaneia. When Geitz compares a line to Wyverns at Ilia, Farina debunks his guess telling him that Ilia doesn't have Wyverns, but maybe the line was actually talking about the dragons who live in Akaneia's frozen north?

Which support do you mean? Geitz and Farina don't seem to have one.


Edit: Either way wyvern's shouldn't have been in Ilia. Wyverns are something made up by the localisators, wasn't it?

He means Dart.

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My theory on the timeline:

FE4 -> FE5 -> FE4 -> FE1/Book 1/DS -> FE Gaiden -> FE3 Book 2
         /Dragon's Gate?---/
FE7 -> FE6 -> \_____Asheria floods FE 6-8 -> FE9 -> FE10

My reasons:

- See VincentASM's thread on Judgral being in the same universe as Akanaea.

- The Goddess/Asheria Icons in FE6-10 all use the same graphic (but inconsistent for other stat boosting items), but FEDS changes the graphic.

Edited by Rody
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Oh yeah, I did mean Dart. I was typing up that reply when I was barely awake.

I've always wondered whether the Divine Weapons of Elibe were responsible for causing the Akaneian Mamkute's mysterious decline.

However, if Elibe and Akaneia are indeed linked by the Dragon's Gate, it means the gate must lead to Akaneia in the past, since humans are still low in number (according to Nils) and the dragons can still retain their original form (well, I'm guessing since we haven't seen any humanoid Mamkutes from beyond the Dragon's Gate - only the Fire Dragons and Nils/Ninian).

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I don't exactly remember where I read it (think it's this site), but I recall reading about how the continent of Jugdral was located southeast of Akaneia.

Kind of a dumb thought, but someone should ask the FE developers if the continents are indeed connected if they ever get interviewed.

Edited by 21_21
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Either Tellius's flood took place after all the stories on the other continents, or it wasnt as big as they say it was. How do they know it drowned everything else? The continents are probably far enough apart, that without the technology Earth has, anybody looking for new lands would probably get lost in the middle of the ocean.

The Dragon Gate linking Elibe and Akaneia sounds logical.

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Most of the FE continents have similar shapes in general. However, when you look at the maps side by side, they're usually very different.

Eg. Tellius vs Jugdral

For one, Verdane has a huge lake in the middle, while Gallia has huge mountains.

Edited by VincentASM
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Tilt Magvel sideways and you have Tellius. Those are the only similarities I see though.

Yeah. I figured that the FE developers were running out of ideas for how the map of continents should look like.

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I was figuring I was reading too much into it, but (here I go again, this time prepared to be shot down), what about geological changes over time? Verdane's lake may have attributed to Gallia's ocean of forests.

Even with geological changes, it can't be.

For Tellius to have survived the flood, it's territory must have been much larger (not to mention higher in altitude too) than what it is by the time of the games, so only part of it, and not all, flooded, would be possible.

If so, if it's going by Jugdral>Tellius, it's not possible for Gallia to be near where Verdane was.

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