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Your favorite Zelda title

Phoenix Wright

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Wind Waker, definitely.

I think OoT is overrated :|

It's understandable if you've played both and thought one was better...

But most people who say this usually haven't played OoT. Not saying you haven't, but still.


@burning_phoenix: There will always be those Nintendrones who will never stop defending the stuff Nintendo will churn out to please the hardcore crowd.

Me: TP is Ocarina Light.


Me: Actually, it was for Gamecube too. We haven't gotten a truly Wii Zelda yet.


Me: So was Resident Evil 4.


Me: *Closes Gamespot Forums*

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To be honest, both A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time are both tied for first, as they are the first two Zelda games I've ever played. (I know I've listed ALttP as my favorite game of all time, but I had to choose between that and OoT, so I went with the one I played first.)

Majora's Mask comes in second.

The Oracle titles are tied for third.

Wind Waker comes in fourth.

Twilight Princess comes in fifth.

Of course I liked Link's Awakening too, but those five are the ones I enjoyed the most.

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Link's Awakening for me.

Ditto: Link's Awakening is an awesome game. I'm not a hardcore Zelda fan, but that game is one of my favorites :D. OoT is great, but for some reason I can't explain I don't like it that much [even when I know it was an amazing concept as a game]. Phantom Hourglass & The Wind waker would be my next on the line [yet they were kinda easy :/].

Honorable mention to ALttP <3.

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1: The Legend of Zelda (this is the first game I ever beat for the NES, I think? Anyway, strong memories for me).

2: Link to the Past

3: Majora's Mask

4: Link's Awakening

5: Oracle of Seasons and Ages. (mostly because of roc's cape + peg seeds in seasons. See how many times you can hit onox by jumping from claw to claw!!!)

Sometimes Majora's Mask is #1 though.

I was pretty disappointed with Windwaker aside from the graphics, the tower dungeon and the Medlii dungeon. Makar is a pimp, but his dungeon was pretty boring all the same.

And the only good minigame was the one where you use the leaf to fly across the ocean. Everything else was mehhh.

I like Twilight Princess a lot, more than Ocarina of Time, even if everyone else hates it.

I really liked the Adventure of Link, and the music for the temples and the great temple are awesome. Thinking about this game actually makes me realize how tiny the soundtrack for NES games sometimes is, here are all the tracks I could list:

1: Map music

2: Fight music (plays on any encounter, and in any non-town and non-temple area of the game)

3: Town music

4: Temple music

5: Great temple music

6: Boss fight music

7: Thunderbird music

8: Dark link music

9: Indoor music (almost forgot this one)

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The best is Link's Awakening. That's easy for me.

After that, it's tougher to say. The Oracles games continue what Link's Awakening did well, but are a bit too slow-paced for their own good.

A Link to the Past is overall very good, but I think that some of the dungeons just fell flat, the overworld was poorly designed by Zelda standards and a lot of the cool items you got were only actually useful a couple times.

The N64 games were a lot better, unlike with a lot of franchises Zelda didn't lose much of its original ethos during the transition to 3D and fully utilized the new options that had been given to developers. Majora's Mask I'd put a couple steps behind Ocarina of Time, though, since it's so much more limited.

Wind Waker was also very good, but I think it would have been better with a different graphical style. The graphics just didn't match the locations they were portraying, or the plot for that matter. It's hard to believe you're exploring ancient ruins when they're colored so brightly and every enemy and character is so over-the-top in their design. I'm not saying that every game should look like Diablo II, but a little gray and grime can go a long way.

I really liked the 4 Swords, but never finished the game since I couldn't get multiple other people to play with me very often and you really can't go back to playing single player once you've seen the game played the way it was intended to be.

The Minish Cap just wasn't memorable for me, I'm sure it was good but I can't remember anything that was particularly cool.

The original Zelda, a lot of people like that one but I never really got into it. It's hard to really enjoy the game whose every aspect has been redone and improved in the process. There wasn't much in the way of puzzles, and all of the fights were slow-paced and monotonous compared to any of the games on later systems.

I haven't played anything other than these yet.

In the end, my list would be:

1) Link's Awakening

2) Ocarina of Time

3) Wind Waker

4) Majora's Mask

5) A Link to the Past

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Zelda 1 (NES). Because of the challenge and the fact that without a walkthrough, it might take several months..maybe even a year to finish it. As the game gives you no clues to know what to do in your next destination, or where to find the dungeons as most of them are hidden, and that it may take months and months of time to find them.

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I like A Link to the Past the best. I feel it established a lot of the ideas that are now canon as quintessential features of the Zelda series.

Notably, it introduced many of the most memorable and lasting musical themes of the series.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ocarina of Time, I still get chills when I think of my first time playing it...man, I was a noob

Was it anything thing like not knowing where to find the Kokiri Sword?

No...I had troubles defeating Gohma and with the earlier temples(Dodongo cavern, and I spent several hours on Jabu-Jabu),

once I became an adult(in the game) it went much better

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1. Twilight Princess

2. Wind Waker (very close second)

3. Minish Cap

4. Ocarina of Time

5. A Link to the Past

6. Oracle of Seasons

7. Oracle of Ages

8. Link's Awakening DX

9. Phantom Hourglass (hated that temple you go to over 9000 times. it drove me to never beat the game)

10. The Adventure of Link

11. Majora's Mask

12. Link: The Faces of Evil

13. Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon

14. The Legend of Zelda

Never got to play Four Swords since I no one else had a the game or a link cable.

I haven't played Four Swords Adventures yet either though I want to.

Never played Zelda's Adventure either but I don't realyl care t

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I don't think I ever posted in this topic.

Anyways, Majoras Mask is the best one IMO. Ocarina was great as well, I've beaten that game a lot and some of the bosses are so cake for me.

Twilight Princess was good but it's just eh, A Link to the Past will probably be my third.

I didn't like sailing in WW, Minish Cap was decent, only played one of the Oracle games, never beat the first one since it was hard (but it's good) and haven't played Phantom Hourglass. I probably missed out on a few more but too lazy to say whatever about those.

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