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It's actually a second promotion (3rd tier), not a third.

As for your actual question, the people who could answer that most accurately are the developers from IS, I guess. But I guess it just made sense story-wise in FE10. After all, it would not have made any sense if the GMs all started in Tier 1 Lv-single-digit again, and it also would have been pretty pointless to just have them hit their max level with lightning speed unless they came, like, only very late in the game where this would actually have been justified without them being overpowered (and I actually would have liked that better - more DB usage and stuff - but hey, you can't have everything).

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I have a related question: Why did the third tier was mostly playable characters only?

Just look at it: no generic third tier enemies (does the spirits count?), and the few bosses who were had unique classes anyway except for the senators and Levail (well, there is Zelgius too, but all the fights with him as a Marshall are only watchable).

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I think it's because it's a sequal. Well in the sense that about half the characters are pre-promoted. And it wasn't that much but it was in FE2. Actually for one class, if done correctly, has infinate promotions.

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I think it's because it's a sequal. Well in the sense that about half the characters are pre-promoted. And it wasn't that much but it was in FE2. Actually for one class, if done correctly, has infinate promotions.

Villager - Mercenary - Swordfighter - Demon Fighter - Villager I belive this is what you mean. I really like the third Tier, and I hope it stays :)

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I hope the infinate promotion from Gaiden returns. But I like three classes. It wasn't kept in Shadow Dragon though.

Probably because it wasn't around in FE1. I do hope that the third tier is in the next game. :P

Edited by Bryan
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I hope it's:

A. A completely new continent with a Trainee Prince. Actually, just make most characters you get in the beginning (Prologue in other words...) Trainees. Then they'd be actually useful. And also give them three promotions. Sort of like this:

Journeyman can go either Pirate, Viking, or Brigand upon reaching Level 10. Then when we get to Level 20 with any of those classes, you'd be able to Promote AGAIN. WITHOUT any PROMOTION ITEM. We save those for the last promotion.

Anyway, choices would be:

Pirate can go either Viking (Axes: D-S, Waterwalk 1/2 penalty, 7 Mov) or Berserker, Fighters can go either Berserker or Warrior, and Brigands can go either Warrior or Conqueror (Axes: D-S, Mountainman 1/2 penalty, 6 Mov).

After that, when they reach Level 20, you need to promote them again with a class specific item. Don't worry, those items only affect classes with the following base-trainees.

Apprentice (Swords): Hero Crest

Recruits (Lances): Knight Crest

Journeymen (Axes): Barbarian Crest

Students (Bows): Spirit Crest

Pupils (Magic): Wizard Crest

Newbies (Flying/Beast Mounts): Majestic Crest

Afterwards, a single-path promotion occurs and your class automatically promotes into a powerful class.

Viking -> Seamaster (Axes: C-SS, Waterwalk no Mov penalty, 7 Mov)

Berserker -> Warlord (Axes: C-SS, Crit Bonus +20)

Warrior -> Reaver (Normal Reaver Stats)

Conqueror -> Guardian (Axes: C-SS, Mountainman no Mov penalty, 7 Mov)

I digress. Or B:

A Wii sequel to Magvel. We were left with a cliff-hanger of sorts.

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