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When you rinse off dishes..


What kind of water do you use?  

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Yeah, I've been thinking about this ever since my little sister said it was disgusting that I use cold water to rinse the soap off dishes. I don't see what the big deal is.

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I have used cold water unless say I was doing a lot of dishes and the regular dish water had gotten colder, then I rinse with warmer water. For some reason I vaguely remember being told once that cold water helps remove the soaps suds better than warm water; and then I do the latter since warmer water does help kill bacteria, just to be safe when the dishwater has gotten colder.

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If you're going to run them through the dishwasher, it doesn't matter at all.

If you handwash your dishes, you can't sterilize them (or even kill the majority of the germs and crap) without hot water.

Plus, the feeling of raw skin after washing a sink full of dishes in hot water is awesome. :3a

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Hotter than the fucking Sun. It varies based on the season, but it's usually either ice cold or skin-burningly hot. I choose the latter, since I'm not a slob and like eating off clean plates with clean utensils.

Also, like Aitherion said, the feeling of spongy hands in cooler air after having them immersed for minutes in ridiculously hot water is refreshing.

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I usually use warm water, because I have a low tolerance for steaming hot things. I keep my house at a nice cool 70 degrees, if that tells you anything for my tolerance for hot things. I tend to let my dishes soak in cold water first, to make it easier to get shit off of the plates. However, I at least rinse with warm water.

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I fill the bowl with warm/hot soapy water, while I put all dirty cutlery, plates and cups etc. to the side. I clean the cleanest of the bunch first, then move along to the dirtiest, preventing the water from getting contaminated with bits of food that may be left on the plates.

Plus, I hate putting my hand in water and feeling pieces of food floating in it, goes straight through me.

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If you are looking to kill bacteria more effectively than with soap alone, you'll need to use water that is at a much hotter temperature than bare hands can safely handle. You'd best buy an autoclave for this purpose because automated household dishwashers are ineffective moist heat sterilizers, the vast majority are incapable of sterilizing anything via heat. Hot water, ideally over ~30°C/~90°F, will enable you to more quickly clean off grease (assuming you use detergent, which works better with hot water because detergents incorporate enzymes, or at least soap). It may also be better to use hot water if you're at all concerned with leaving streaks. If you're like me and don't eat greasy foods, hand washing your dishes with soap and cold water is no less sanitary than hand washing your dishes with soap and hot water (unless you're willing to don some thick gloves and use water exceeding ~75°C/170°F). I use cool water because it's the first temperature water to come out of the tap.

Edited by Wistyrean
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Hot when I feel like it. Some say they can't take the temperature of the water I wash dishes in. My mom takes the cake though, her water is fucking hot. Like, one-second-then-pull-away hot.

I hardly ever wash it in cold water though, unless I just got out of football practice.

Edited by Old Snake
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I wash dishes in warm-hot water. I can't take hot water, but its hotter than warm.

I usually use warm water, because I have a low tolerance for steaming hot things. I keep my house at a nice cool 70 degrees, if that tells you anything for my tolerance for hot things.

I prefer to sleep at about 60 degrees (50, if that's how cool it is outside), so that should tell you something about my internal furnace. That, and when the room is that cold, I wake up sooner.

Edited by General Spoon
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