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Radiant Dawn's Story Development is Rediculous!


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We are fans of the series. RD is mechanically a good game, but there were many flaws to go with it. Mainly the character balance, personality, and the story. So I had decided to sum up the story, starting at part 1. This is a comedic view of the story to poke fun is all. So let's not get butt-hurt about this very unserious piece of work.

Do keep in mind I typed up this pile of fail a long while ago, so it is outdated. I will not re-write parts of it, because I don't like you people enough.

Part 1: What Could Have Been Great Build-Up

Michaiah: Uh-oh, bandits!

Eddie: I'm here to help!

Leonardo: I am also here as well.

Bandits: WARGH! *dies*

Michaiah: That was close!

Eddie and Leonardo: Yep.

Jarod: CURSES! *stabs subordinate* Foiled again!

Michaiah: When will Nolan and Sothe arrive?

Eddie and Leonardo: Dunno.

Nolan: I'm here.

Michaiah: SOTHE! *spanks his ass* where've you been, bitch!?

Nolan: sleep.gif;;

Sothe: *yipes at the sudden bad touch* Uh...just...scouting for another hideout...

Michaiah: *tugs his leash to choke him* You get back when I say you get back! Goddess help you if you're late again...

The other three: o0;;

Michaiah: They found us!

Everyone else: RUN!

Michaiah: Wait, haven't shown off my hax jesus skills! *heals kid*

Townsfolk: Like, whoa!

Guards: Moldy onions!

Laura: Hey, could you guys help me get medicine to my church?

Sothe: But we're kinda on the run here, we really shouldn't be-

Michaiah: WE'RE HELPING HER! *mind scrambling banshee screams*

Sothe: GODS, fine, we'll help, just make it stop! T.T

Nolan: I count my blessings every day that I have some hint of personality, still rock, and don't have to deal with that. Life is good.

Jarod: Let them pass!

Guards: They'll kill us!

Jarod: I don't care because I'm bad! Now let them pass...*curls snidely whiplash mustache they might as well of given him* They're falling right into my trap, nyahahahahahah!

DB: *pass through without trouble*

Jarod: HAH! My trap has sprung! Now go to jail! Do not pass go! Do not collect $200! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!

Michaiah: *goes to jail*

Illyana: Hungry...for...script...that...doesn't make me comedy relief...

Michaiah: They didn't have to bust me up before throwing me in a prison...

Kurt: *passes blunt* This olivi grass will take your mind off it...*coughs a lungful of smoke* Just don't exhale.

Sothe: My name's Sothe, I'm here to rescue you!...Are you high?

Michaiah: High as a kite. I think that chick there has the munchies.

Aimee: Nah, she's always like that.

Kurt: *giggling* I'm so fucking baked...

Nolan: Brought the boys to help bust you out.

Eddie and Leo: Hi.

Laura: I'm here too!

Michaiah: How the hell did all of you get this far without being caught by the guards?

Guard: !

*alarm goes off, guards swarm in, radar gets jammed*

Boss of the chapter: This wing sword is the greatest weapon in the world...

*Sothe steals the discipline skill, Michaiah drops a nuke on him*

Boss: *melts like he's seen the ark of the covenant*

Laura: ARAN! *glomps*

Aran: Hi.

Sothe: That was easy.

Michaiah: *reading the discipline manual* Yes it was. *thinking* Yeah, that looks fun...Sothe won't be walking right for weeks!

Nolan: Where do we go now?

Michaiah: The desert!

Sothe: The desert!?! Are you insane!? It's called the desert of DEATH! No one has returned! EVER! It's suicide!

Michaiah: *gives him a dark look* We don't...want...to bring back the duct tape again...

Sothe: Ok, we go ;;>>

Nolan: Such a bitch, the both of them...Fucking desert.

Everyone else: *don't object at all*

Caravan: *follows them into a place with no business prospects whatsoever*

Eddie: Nolan, why do we suck?

Leonardo: I would also like to know as well.

Nolan: Well an apple a day keeps- Oh who am I kidding? Fuck you two, that's why.

Eddie: I can be good! Just let me try!

Nolan: No! It's too dangerous!

Leonardo: I can also be good as well.

Nolan: ....HAAAAAAhahahahahahaaaaa! Don't kid yourself.

Leonardo: ...

Nolan: Now you two do whatever it is when I make you not work because I do both your jobs better at the same time.

Eddie and Leo: ...*start making out furiously*

Sothe: Who the hell are you?

Aran: Aran.

Sothe: ...Ok.

Michaiah: I hear something! Or someone...

Sothe: They followed us?!

Meg: Howdy!

Michaiah: AHH!! Kill it with fire!

Sothe: Michaiah, that's rude...

Meg: I'm looking for someone, can I tag along with-

Michaiah: *smacks her, steals her equipment and fortune* NO FATTIES!

Meg: T.T

Sothe: What the fuck Michaiah! We dont steal!

Michaiah: Says the thief with a small dick...

Sothe: *shuts the fuck up*

Michaiah: Birdie hears noise!

Sothe: We shouldn't be running off every which way, we're in a dangerous situation!

Michaiah: We're following birdy.

Sothe: Ok.

Laguz bandits: WE'RE BADASS! ROAR!

The bosses: *stereotypical music plays* We are Si-A-mee-eese, if you plee-eease-

Michaiah: Everyone, be on defense!

Sothe, Nolan and Aran: Ya think?

Illyana: I'll fry 'em from a distance! *thinking* mmmm, fried tiger meat. *drools like homer simpson*

Leonardo: I'll also attack form a distance as well.

Eddie: I'll...help?

Nolan: You two aren't doing shit!

Eddie and Leo: *boihug and cry in self-pity*

*steals treasure from thieves*

Laguz bandits: WE'RE DEADZORS, ROAR!

Michaiah: Birdy, where are you!?

Sothe: I think it went off to find an actual friend, since you clearly aren't one...


Sothe: T.T Maybe I will!

Nailah: This thing your bird?

Volug and Raphael: *passed out around her*

Sothe: Who are you?

Nailah: The only cool person in the entire part 1 besides him. *points at Volug*

Volug: *passed out, but panting like a dog*

Michaiah: We heard singing.

Nailah: Yeah, Raphael never got double teamed before and it turns out he doesn't take it too well in the backside. Damn virgin.

Volug: *grins in his sleep*

Everyone: o0;;

Nailah: Fucking prudes.

Raphael: *wakes up* Don't mind me, I'm a plot device...*shivers* ohh goddess it's wonderful...*passes out*

Nailah: See what I mean?


Volug: *licking at Nailah's feet, since she doesn't have boots*

Sothe: ...Can you make him stop doing that?

Nailah: Make me. Pfeh! That's funny, you making ME. You couldn't even make him stop yourself.

Sothe: Do you have to talk down to me like that?

Nailah: Bitches should be treated like such. *scritches behind Volug's ear* They're much happier when they know their place...*looks Sothe, head to toe, grinning* course, ya gotta break them in first...

Volug: *tail wags* X3

Sothe: o0;;

Nailah: Anyways, gonna let him be with you. I got other things to do. Found some mad tail back in town.

Sothe: ...Thanks?

Volug: *whimpers, clinging to Nailah:

Nailah: Awww, poor boy...*pets* I'll be back. Be a good boy for them and I'll use the clamps next time.

Volug: *tail wags strongly* OuO

Sothe: ...I'm gonna be sick.

*cash gets thrown at them*

Sothe: Hey, aren't those Zihark, Jill and Tauroneo?

Michaiah: Who?

Tauroneo: YAAAH! Babies! You are all BABIES!

Jill: Maggots!

Zihark: BONK!

Sothe: Nice to see you again!

Zihark: We're protecting the prince of Daien!

Sothe: Prince!?! Finally, someone we can get behind!

Michaiah: He's unimportant, let's just continue without him.

Sothe: FUCK you! We're meeting him.

Pelleas: Hi.

Izuka: Prince! There are people here! You do nothing, I'll talk to them.

Amelda: My baby boy, finally, I see you again, mweheheheh! *giggling ina clearly psychotic fashion*

Michaiah: Told you.

Sothe: Right, let's go. Come on guys.

Tauroneo: Daaaahh, dah dah dah dah dah, come sing with me!

Eddie, Leo, Illyana, Aran: Finally, we get to stick it to Begnion!

Zihark, Tauroneo and Jill: Hi, we're your replacements.

Eddie, Leo, Illyana, Aran: ...T.T

Zihark: Aran, you're cool. Come on.

Aran: ^^

Tauroneo: We make good team!

Fiona: Knights! Continue on! I'll fight them off!

Knights: Are you retarded? We're better than you and we have people rescued!

Fiona: Oh right. Ok.

Michaiah: Who are you?

Fiona: Fiona.

Sothe: ...*takes equipment and skills* You're bad and you should feel bad.

Zihark, Nolan, Tauroneo and Volug: *proceed to slaughter everyone*

Sothe: Sweet! Paragon!

Zihark: *takes it from him* HA! You wish.

Sothe: T.T...

Izuka: Let's rescue the prisoners! Poison the water supply!

Sothe: Yeah, let's kill puppies and skin them while we're at it. Then, we can tie helpless women to railroad tracks. Jackass.

Izuka: No one listens to me!


Sothe: Let's save the prisoners!

Tormod: Hai guys, what's going on in here?

Muarim: Wtfpwn!

Vika: *smoking olivi grass* Don't mind me, I'm on my way to page 10, hur hur hur.

*prisoners rescued quest completed*

Sothe: We got news they're executing prisoners in a swamp!

Izuka: Fuck 'em!

Sothe: for once I agree, this is an obvious trap.

Michaiah: Let's go save them! Tra la la! *skips off*

Sothe: *slits wrists*

Michaiah: We'll rescue you prisoners!

Rafael: It's a trap!

*soldiers appear*

Sothe: WHAT did I tell you!?!

Muarim: Lol, noobs.

Nailah: Oh for fucks sakes, you people are PITIFUL! Come on Volug, let's show these bitches how it's done.

Volug: *humps leg*

Nailah: No no, fighting! We're fighting! ...We'll take care of that later.

Raphael: *licks*

Volug: *licks*

Michaiah: There's so much she can teach us...

Sothe: No there isn't!

*prisoners rescued, gain 10 points*

Pelleas: You guys are the greatest! *everyone ignoring him, the meal more important* Uh...Hello?

Michaiah: Everyone's asleep. I wonder why, as I look up at the NIGHT sky.

Jarod: We drugged them! Now prepare to die!

Black Knight: *appears with plot device powder* Any smart villain would have just poisoned them and be done with it.

Jarod: Dammit! Why didn't I think of that!?

Black Knight: Because you fail. *Eclipse'd*

Jarod: ...I'm alive?

Jarod's anonymous friend: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-

Senator Hitler looking guy: Quell the rebellion now, or the people who don't already like us in begnion will not like us in begnion!

Jarod: Yeah, why didn't I think of that? You're a fucking genius senator. *grumbles*

Michaiah: We're here to stop you!


Michaiah: We're the hope of the people-

Jarod: WHO DON'T LIKE YOU! I'm two steps away from being a dudley do-right villain and I have 3 authority stars! I am somehow more liked than you will EVER be!

Michaiah: *shuts the fuck up*

Black Knight: I will go and-

Nailah: Too late.


Nailah: *Savage rape*


Michaiah: We saved Daien!

Pelleas: And I am finally king!

Everyone in Daien: WHATEVER! *continues living anyways*

End part 1.

Soon to come...

Part 2: Cool, but Pointless

tl;dr, I'm not funny

No criticism needed for the obvious not trying to write well here.

So who wants Part 2?

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ridiculous, not rediculous

inferior, not inferier

superior, not superier

the, not teh

rolf, not rofl

You came all this way to point out 2 typos, using two words I don't misspell anyways as an example, then the similarities of rolf and rofl since rolf is a fail unit thus the joke?

At least add a yo' momma joke, come on.

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Well Rafiel is a bastardization of said name. Besides, it makes me think of Raziel who would practically have the same voice as Raphael, and it creeps me out because I personally hate Raphael's pointless ass. Raziel's too cool to associate with him.

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So the only thoughts here seem so far are corrections of my grammar, of which not only did I warn in the OP that this would be full of fail, but not to criticize as this is nowhere near serious in an attempt at anything.

You people fail and can't read. That being said, here's part 2! : D

Part 2: Cool, but Pointless

Elincia: The war is over, Crimea restored thanks to the effort of my heroic bodyguards, now with a ruler...I can see nothing but peace.


Elincia: You can't be serious, what are your obje-

Aristocrat 1: Woman!

Aristocrat 2: RAAAA-


Elincia: *Facepalm* Begnion has an empress, they don't bitch about her.

Geoffery: Are you people serious!? You all suck! Do you have any idea what she went through to see you prissy bastards able to shout at eachother in a cramped room again!?

Aristocrat 1: no u!

Aristocrat 2: lololololol

Lucia: ...Did they suddenly just become retarded?

Elincia: Whatever, I'm leaving. Only use these people seem to have is yelling at eachother anyways, since we will never see or hear of them again.

*at the skies*

Elincia: Ahhhh, nothing like the free wind.

Marcia: Crackers!

Elincia: Since when did we have parrots here? Oh, it's just you. The hell you doing here?

Marcia: ...Why not?

Begnion dracos: Oi, what're you doin'?

Nealuchi: I eat banana.

Leanne: *jibberish*

Begnion dracos: GET 'EM!

Nealuchi: NO! *punch* EEEHHHH!! *punchpunchpunchpunch* Pan!

Elincia: Behind me, Leanne! I shall smite them with my- *pulls out slim sword* ...What the hell? *note written on it says "Shit happens when you party naked, love Makalov" * DAMN you Mak, and your drunken shenanigans! *tinks*

Marcia: Take that, ya soggy cracker! *hefts up steel, tickles enemy*

Nealuchi: *reverts* Uh-oh...

Haar: *Draco flying* Zzzzz...

Marcia: Oh Haar! I shall wake you!

Elincia: NOOOOOO, you'll break the game!

Haar: *Is awoken, with a mighty battle roar, burning light explodes out from his one eye and mouth, proceeds to SHOOP DA WHOOP the draco opposition*

Draco Boss: Ha! I'm still alive!

Haar: *Throws axe into his chest*

Draco Boss: AAARRRRGHHAAAAHHH!! *As he winces in pain, lifting weapon up and proceeds to drop it, looking at the weapon logged in his chest, up at his god-man-beast assailant, shrugs and proceeds to finally die*

Haar: *catches axe, falls back to sleep*

Elincia: Well...That was a waste of time. Let's go back home.

*MEANwhile, in the halls of ju-, I mean hillbillyfarmtownlandworld*

Neighbor: So hows it goin', Brommy?

Brom: Well I'm just doing the same thing every day of my life over and over, stuck with a wife and 5 goddamn kids of which I grew fat for the sole purpose of convincing the wife never to have sex with me again, which is not only not working due to the bonecrushing loneliness in this small 4 house village and lack of anyone better looking but also is getting payback as work is more strenuous now. The usual.

Neighbor: You feelin' alright?

Brom: Well, I wish I could take a chainsaw to a cow right about now.

Nephenee: *Boomhaur mumble* Heyman, rebelsbeinvadin'ourtownman, getyerarmorandhelpoutdereman.

Brom: Finally, I can run away again! Er...I'll be right there, Neph!

Rebel soldiers: *Echoes of lol and various memes can be heard*

Brom: Th' hell 'r y'all doin' here?

Rebel squad leader: Lulz, farmfag.

Brom: We don't like yer kind 'round here, y'all best GIT!

Rebel squad leader: *shows him a .jpg of a revover with it aimed backwards* Do it, you're an hero.

Brom: LET'S FIGHT! *cue mortal kombat music*

Nephenee: I'mfixin't'visitthathouseman, butthosethree'llkillmeman.

Heather: I'll visit for ya, if you'll- *This bit was censored by the good folks of Nintendo*

Nephenee: Crazycityfolk.

Brom: *Buries axe in leader's head, proceeds to skin him*


Brom: *Wearing him like a winter coat* Ahhh, all that pent up rage well spent.

Heather: Oh my goddess, you people are crazy!

Brom: *Creepy dance music plays* Would you fuck me?...I'd fuck me.

Heather: *vomits*

Nephenee: *vomits* That'ssickman...

Brom: Well now that I got that out of my system, we gots to tell the queen!

Heather: Well that's nice at least. I always wanted to- *Censored by Nintendo* with her.

*At the castle bar, apparently*

Lucia: Thank you for informing us, Brom.

Brom: No problem.

Heather: Oh hello there, I notice a beach view from here. Wanna go clam diving later?

Lucia: Oh sure! *Bar patrons notice* I love to dive for clams. *Drawing a couple snickers* It's one of my favorite hobbies.

Heather: I'm a pro at it myself. Love getting the pearl.

Lucia: Oh who doesn't?

Heather: Exactly *grins*

Brom: Yer a city slicker, right?

Heather: That must make you a fat deep-fried butterball eating hick, right fatty mctubbyfucker?

Brom: I'm big boned!

Heather: Sure thing, tons of fun. Maybe a salad and jogging will slim your ass bone down.

Brom: ...You ever seen a cow, city slicker?

Heather: Well I'm looking at one right now, am I?

Brom: Knock it off, I meant a real one!

Heather: No, you ever seen a crackhead ride the elevator?

Brom: ...What's an elevator?

Heather: ...You are a metric ton of stupid.

Lucia: I will go to investigate Ludveck.

Elincia: Its dangerous out there! *offers pendant* Take this.

Lucia: ...Ok? *puts it on, gains two resistance* ...What the hell?

Elincia: ^^

Lucia: Oh hey Lethe, hey Mordy! What brings you here?

Lethe: No reason other than game mechanics. Oh, and I've reformed my racist views in the matter of a short time, thought you should know.

Mordy: Durrrrrrr....

Lucia: Wanna join us? We're gonna investigate some dude.

Lethe: *twitches* DAMNHUMANSBLOODTOTHEBLOODGODRAAAA-*twitches* Sure ^^ Willing to be of help.

Mordy: Where we goin', Thunder?

Lethe: Just follow me, ya big palooka.

Lucia: Crimean ploce! We've come to search your estate for reasons of starting a rebellion of which we have absolutely no evidence of. Gotta love monarchy.

Ludvec: lolwoman.

Lucia: Pardon?

Ludvec: *ahem* I'm sorry, just a slight hiccup. Feel free to search the estate*cough*titsorgtfo*cough*

Lucia: ...

Lethe: VERY subtle, tard. *murder*Let's go search the villain cave he has out back.

Lucia: HA! Found the evil plans!

Nealuchi: Ding dong, herro!

Leanne *gibberish*

SoldierS: What's that noise?

Nealuchi: I'm breathing.

Soldiers: GET 'EM!

Nealuchi: NO! *kung-fu* AEEEEHHH!!! *punchkickpunch* Pan!

Lucia: Oh come on, this is too easy. *just walks out*

Mordy: Yeah. Fuck this shit. *walks out as the enemy tinks him*

Nealuchi: *flies out with Leanne in tow*

Brom: *picks up Nephenee, walks out as they tink him*

Lethe: Gotta get out-*untransforms* FUCK!

Heather: Err...

Soldiers: *hold spearends to their necks*

Lethe: Err...So...*in an act of desperation* I herd u leik catgirlz *pulls the string fastening the chest of her shirt*

Soldiers: Hello nurse...

Heather: I believe that would be me *grins*

Lucia: We got the plans...Lethe, how the hell did you and Heather make it back?

Lethe: *hair messed up, clothes ruffled* ...

Heather: *A pleased grin on her face, a bit too close to Lethe*

Lucia: Oh man...Gotta go *runs off* Geoffery, go charge his estate.

Geoffery: Weren't you just there? Mordy could have done something, ya know.

Lucia: Don't get into details, now go assualt him with your team. Where is your team anwyays?

*at the bar*

Keiran: *hyper*

Makalov: *drunk*

Danved: *schizoid*

Astrid: *stupid fail*

Lucia: ...I pity you.

Geoffery: It's not how they look dear sister...It's how you use them.

*at Ludvec's estate, the sound of lol filling the air*

Swordmaster boss: lol, noob

Geoffery: Oh, I'm the noob?

Keiran: You gonna give me orders?

Makalov: I ain't got time t' f*** around!

Danved: You got any questions about propane? Orrrrr propane accessories?

Marcia: I am so good.

Astrid: Blughagh.

*Keiran stimpacks, Makalov lays spider mines, Danved slames, Marcia cloaks and shoots things, Astrid's attack glitches up and becomes ineffective*

Swordmaster boss: HAXOR! I HAD NO HEROS!!!!!

Geoffery: Warcraft 3's for tards. *slays*

*MEANWHILE, back in the halls of ju-I mean Crimea Ca...Halls of Justice*

Elincia: Go find Ludveck

Lucia: OK

*does so, gets captured, showing she suffers from Dumbass in Distress Syndrome, or DDS*

Elincia: Dammit!

Ludveck: *at castle walls, army amassed* Lololololfail.

Elincia: Dammit, what do I do?

Lethe: I'll attack! *kung-fu TINK!*

Mordy: I'll tank! *untransforms* Fuck...

Brom: I'm here! *can actually die* Err...Let's think this through actually.

Calill: I'll snipe from here, thank you very much.

Nephenee: *chucks spears*

Marcia: *does same*

Nealuchi: Knock knock! *punchkick*

Enemy: Who's there? *kick'd*

Nealuchi: Beef

Enemy: Beef who?

Nealuchi: Beef broccoli, ok *punchkickpunch* Pan!

Elincia: Oh to hell with this! *wakes up haar*

Haar: RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-*leaps off castle roof, slams hammer into Ludveck's head, hard enough to devestate his entire army*

Ludveck: FUUUUUUUUUUUU-*dies*

Elincia: We won!

Ludveck: Lolno! Kill her! *Lucia abou to hang*

Geoffery: Dammit! I got here too late! ELINCIA! They play by Warcraft 3 rules!

Elincia: Broken nooblets! If they're gonna play dirty...

Soldier: It's the queen's men! Stop him!

Ike: Get 'em! *group slays* What fail. Only Anon would be so dickish as to rebel against Queen "for the good of the people everywhere lovesugarhugrainbows" Elincia.

End part 2.

Coming up next...

A Power Rangers episo- er...Part 3: Electric Booga- Ok, it's gonn be called Mighty Crushin' Greil Mercs. Fo' shizzle.

God, I fail so hard...

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