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how much do you plan playthroughs in advance?


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i'm getting the itch to start another PT, so i've been starting to think about doing FE9 and FE10 on hard. i'm thinking this time i'm going to really sit down and carefully plan out my character usage, supports, data transfer to FE10, BEXP distribution, forges, and planned stat boosters. if i do fixed growth mode that'll be another element to plan out. just curious how much others do this kind of pre-planning? haven't done this so extensively before, but i'm kind of geekily looking forward to it. ;)

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I planned on using all the characters I used last time ended up using two many characters so did the last 2 levels with only Ike nasir and giffca give nasir the demi band and laguz stones and keep ike near nasir when in range of a sleep staff and make sure it breaks before ashnard moves incase his gauge is low especially when ashnard touches the medallion

From memory oscar + lethe mordecai and muraim helped a lot and share the demi band with them use mist not rhys as a healer to make the BK battle easier

Ill post more if I remember anything else

Also in answer to your question only Playthrough I planned was the gaiden run in FE DS

Edited by mikethfc
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If you mean the following: "Im going to use Dorcas and Dart this playthrough and not bother with the Kishuna chapters" or the like, no i dont do that. I do, however, usually use different units each playthrough of any given FE game. How thats decided is merely whim when i start playing.

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rarely try to, this pt i'm currently finishing this pt which was supposed to be of ppl who died in hard mode but i got off track and i ended up doing something completely random.

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Used to plan out supports in FE7 until I figured they took too long and thus weren't worth the effort.

In FE9, I just plan the characters I'm going to use throughout the game, since there's nothing like Creature Campaign, where I can use whoever the hell I want.

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It's kind of weird with me. I usually start a game with a general idea of who to use and what I'm going to do with them. Then as I get further along, that plan starts changing radically. Maybe it's because one unit didn't turn out as well as I thought they would be, and another unit that I was using temporarily was turning out awesome. Or one unit doesn't need the resource I was going to give them and I can give it to someone else and make them awesome.

A lot of my playthroughs end up with me starting with a group of characters and ending with half of them replaced.

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I always plan on using more male characters but I always end up forgetting about that and go with my usual units many being female characters.

If we're talking about skills then I usually just have some people use some if it will help them but I always forget about some good skill combinations such the Wrath and Resolve set up.

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I don't unless I'm trying to do FE10 HM (We can work together on this, I'm trying as well, btw), and as for character selection, I base it off how the character got blessed/screwed by the RNG. The RNG has forced me to drop some normally brilliant characters before...

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I plan out ahead of time every character I'm going to focus on using (mainly just people I'm taking to Endgame), their support partners, a general idea of who I will probably give my stat boosters to, and in FE10's case: skill distribution among separate teams.

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If I'm playing FE4, I have all pairings planned by the end of prologue, if not before.

Otherwise, not much. This is particularly evident in the GBA games, where basically only the lords got full supports (and those were sometimes wacky, too).

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