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Best/Worst in the Series Round 22


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Done because people wanted it.

Please vote for what YOU think is the best/worst in the series for this round. The round will last for about three days, after which I will tally the votes, and will add the top three to a list in the opening post of the next topic.

It would be nice if you nominate ideas for when I'm out of them. I'll keep track of the nominations. Please nominate only once a round.

Please remeber to nominate. Also, if your vote is not for one person/thing/etc, it will be thrown out.

Previous winners (best)

Best NPC: 1st- 3-13 Archer ; 2nd- FE10 Daein Army ; 3rd- Eltshan

Best Swordmaster: 1st- Rutger ; 2nd- Lakche ; 3rd- Shanan

Best Hair: 1st- Titania ; 2nd- Heath and Stefan (tie)

Best Non-Final Boss: 1st- Black Knight ; 2nd- Alvis and Trabant (tie)

Best Thief: 1st- Pahn ; 2nd- Matthew ; 3rd- Lifis, Volke, and Sothe (tie, FE10 Sothe can only be assumed)

Best Personal Weapon: 1st- Graphcalibur and Pugi (tie) ; 3rd - Wolf Beil

Best chapter: 1st- FE10 2-E and FE5 chapter 14 (tie) ; 3rd- FE6 Chapter 21, FE5 chapter 24x, FE5 chapter 13, FE4 chapter 5, FE5 chapter 22, FE9 chapter 13, FE9 chapter 26, FE8 Ephraim's Route chapter 11, FE10 4-5, FE9 chapter 17, and FE10 3-E (tie)

Best final chapter- 1st- FE9 ; 2nd- FE4 ; 3rd- FE5

Best final boss weapon- 1st- Judge ; 2nd- Flametongue and Loputousu (tie)

Best Personality: 1st- Levin and Kieran (tie) ; 3rd- Wallace

Best rapist or attempted rapist: 1st- Narshen ; 2nd- Oliver ; 3rd- FE10 opening movie soldiers

Best tactician: 1st- Mark ; 2nd- Soren ; 3rd- Jeigan Book 2

Best Est Archetype: 1st- Nino ; 2nd- Sara ; 3rd- Zeiss and Pelleas (tie)

Best GBA Critical animation- 1st- Lyn (Sol Katti) ; 2nd- Warrior (Axe) ; 3rd- Hector (Armads)

Best Console Critical animation- 1st- Celice 1st attack ; 2nd- FE4 Swordmaster/FE10 Black Knight (tie)

Best Epilogue- 1st- FE4 ; 2nd- FE10 ; 3rd- FE9

Best Gato Archetype- 1st- Athos/FE5 Sety (tie) ; 3rd- Galzus

Best DS critical animation- 1st- Hero (2nd attack), Swordmaster (2nd attack), Mage, Lord, Berserker (1st attack) (tie)

Best Form of Abuse- 1st-Favoritism; 2nd-FE9 BEXP Abuse; 3rd-Arena Abuse

Best FE- 1st- FE4 ; 2nd- FE5 ; 3rd- FE7 and 10 (tie)

Best Ruler: 1st- Alvis ; 2nd- Ashnard, Naesala, Caineghis, Dheginsea, Sanaki (tie)

Previous winners (worst)

Worst NPC: 1st- The three generic Caelin soldiers in FE7 ; 2nd- Lachesis' 3 Pallies and FE8 Chapter 19 Armor Knights (tie)

Worst Swordmaster: 1st- Karla ; 2nd- Shanam ; 3rd- Lucia

Worst Hair: 1st- Vaida ; 2nd- Gheb, Lowen, and Makalov (tie)

Worst Non-Final Boss: 1st- Aion ; 2nd- Toras ; 3rd Batta the Beast (6-way tie broken by a random number generator)

Worst Thief: 1st- Cath ; 2nd- Daisy ; 3rd- Ricardo

Worst Personal Weapon: 1st- FE9 Rolf's Bow ; 2nd- Sol Katti ; 3rd- Daim Thunder, Ettard, Amiti of FE9, and Caldabolg (tied)

Worst chapter: 1st- Lyn's prologue normal mode ; 2nd- FE6 chapter 14 ; 3rd- FE7 Chapter 11 (Eliwood's tale), FE10 4-1, FE10 1-5, FE4 chapter 7, and FE7 16x/17x (tie)

Worst final chapter: 1st- FE6 ; 2nd- FE10 ; 3rd- FE8

Worst final boss weapon: 1st- Dark breath ; 2nd- Nightmare ; 3rd- Ravager

Worst Personality: 1st- Aran and Vika (tie) ; 3rd- Soren, Florina, Horace and Clarine (tie)

Worst rapist or attempted rapist: 1st- Gheb ; 2nd- Oliver ; 3rd- General Lang, Eliot, Garnef, and Narshen (tie)

Worst tactician: 1st- Malledus ; 2nd- Mark ; 3rd- Soren

Worst Est archetype: 1st- Sophia ; 2nd- Est and Fiona (Tie)

Worst GBA critical animation: 1st- Great Knight ; 2nd- Thief ; 3rd- Mage, Bishop, Pirate, Soldier, and Ewan (tie)

Worst Console critical animation; 1st- FE10 Sword Armor ; 2nd- FE4 Mage Knight ; 3rd- FE4 Bow Users

Worst Epilogue: 1st- FE9 ; 2nd- FE11 ; 3rd- FE8 and FE4 (tie)

Worst Gato Archetype: 1st- Karel ; 2nd- Gato/Gotoh ; 3rd- Lehran

Worst DS critical animation: 1st- Sorceror, General (Bow), Mage (tie)

Worst Form of Abuse: 1st-Battle Save Abuse; 2nd-Arena Abuse; 3rd-RNG Stat Abuse

Worst FE- 1st- FE1 ; 2nd- FE7 and 8 (tie)

Worst Ruler: 1st- Desmond ; 2nd- Dheginsea ; 3rd- Mordred, Alvis, Darin, Talis, Nailah, Micaiah, Victor (7 way tie :o)


Best/Worst Unit

Best/Worst couple

Best/Worst pegasus knight

Best/Worst Hairstyle

Best/Worst Paladin

Best/Worst Pig

Best/Worst Gaiden Chapter (2)

Best/Worst Late Non-Final Boss (2)

Best/Worst quote

Most/Least Intelligent Character

Most/Least hyped character

My vote

Best: 18x (FE7, EM). Aion isn't very good, and Kishuna makes the chapter easy. Well, other than his 4 guards.

Worst: Chapter 24x (FE5). Lesse, you're recruiting a suck character that can barely do anything, and this is a chapter that is hard as hell, and you die pretty easily.

Edited by Joshybear25
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Best: 21X (Fire Emblem 5 good source for more warp staffs and not to mention your units are near the exit except for the captured ones)

Worst: 24X (Fire Emblem 5)

Edited by Cyas
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Best:FE7 21x Pt. 2 It's the most fun of them

Worst:FE5 24x I went crazy with that one. Especially since I forgot a Door Key XD

I nominate Best/Worst Unit

Edited by luigi bros
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Best: SD 24x

Finally a back door for the case you miss out at the Falchion.

Worst: FE7 19xx in Hector's story

Because it's sooo much fun wasting dozens of turns in Lyn's mode to get Nils to level 7. You might not even want to play Lyn's mode in the first place.

Dosn't help that a other requirement, killing Kishuna in one turn, is a risky gambit requiring you to restart the chapter over and over until you finally get lucky.

Edited by BrightBow-User
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Worst: FE5 Ch24x. Status staves flying all over the damn place and Eyvel is way past her prime.

Best: FE5 Ch21x. Six warp staves, not to mention several other items up for grabs? Hello!

I nominate best/worst archer/sniper/marksman.

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Best FE8 6x? the one with Ephraim, Forde, Kyle and Orson

Worst 19xx due to aising nils to lvl 7

Edited by mikethfc
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Does the chapter 27 bit where you fight the BK count? Because that would be my Best. As for worst, Idk, I havn't played any of the other games...

I nominate best/worst archer/sniper/marksman.


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Best: Can I say FE6 in general because I like that they have some actual significance since you get the Divine Weapons there.

If not, 8x in Blazing Sword. For some reason I like it very much.

Worst: Shadow Dragon 16x. Going a little overboard with closed rooftops there, huh?

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Best FE8 6x? the one with Ephraim, Forde, Kyle and Orson

5X. ;)


Best: Fe5 4X because you get ASVEL!!!! :awesome:

Worst: Fe7 19xx. What. Level spamming Nils for just a crappy chapter and some backstory? nty. <_<

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Does the chapter 27 bit where you fight the BK count?

If this counts, I'd like to vote for this for best Gaiden chapter. As for worst, I'll pass as I've only played FE's 9 and 10.

I'd like to nominate Best/Worst Forced Unit, please.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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@NinjaMonkey and kirsche: I guess it would count, though you need both best and worst. It's why I disqualified 1 vote in ROund 21.

I can't give a worst due to there not being any other Gaiden chapters in FE's 9 and 10 (which are the only ones that I've played).

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Best: 19xx (FE7). A gaiden chapter, to a gaiden chapter? That provides backstory to the whole game? And is a little more difficult than most chapters of that game? Yes please!

Worst: 29x/31x. It barely even deserved to be called a chapter. It was just preparation for the last two/three chapters, and getting a character who isn't all too great. ._.

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@NinjaMonkey and kirsche: I guess it would count, though you need both best and worst. It's why I disqualified 1 vote in ROund 21.

Kk, I won't vote then.

As a side note, I found it funny that Degh is on the list for both best ruler and worst ruler 0_o

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@NinjaMonkey and kirsche: I guess it would count, though you need both best and worst. It's why I disqualified 1 vote in ROund 21.

Kk, I won't vote then.

As a side note, I found it funny that Degh is on the list for both best ruler and worst ruler 0_o

Some: Degh for best just for that "GOLDOA WILL NOT MOVE!" and "HOLD! HOLD I SAY!"

Others: "Degh's a pussy for not helping out his own kind".

Best: C21x of FE5. Awesome stuff to get there

Worst: C24x. Put simply, it's a beginner's hell, many players want to keep all the characters they recruited alive and this one's hell bent on keeping one of your characters or 2. A first timer would have some serious rage here.

Edited by ?!
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