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FE1 on Japanese Virtual Console


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Not sure why it took so long (maybe because of the FE1 remake), but FE1 (Ankokuryuu to Hikari no Tsurugi AKA Dark Dragon and Sword of Light) will be available on the Wii Virtual Console (in Japan of course) from "October 2009" for 500 Wii Points.

I'm assuming nobody really cares, but whatever : P

Edited by VincentASM
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Not sure why it took so long (maybe because of the FE1 remake), but FE1 will be available on the Wii Virtual Console (in Japan of course) from "October 2009" for 500 Wii Points.

I'm assuming nobody really cares, but whatever : P

If it's any consolation... I care.

And hopefully they put up the rest of the snes games on vc and then put them up on the vc over here in the states. I don't care if there to lazy to translate them either. I hate playing games on an emulator. It just gives me a headache.

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^ True but none of them are text heavy RPGs which you need either Japanese knowledge or Gamefaqs to actually get through.

I'm assuming nobody really cares, but whatever : P

It seems in the wider Internet a lot of people care for some reason. Almost as if they are oblivious to the DS version being a remake. Even better when you get people saying this like:

"I want the original FE, I'd gladly trade it for the DS dud."

Bear in mind that was after I explained the FC version is nearly unplayable due to its inventory management (I didn't even get started on the stupid quirks).

Not only FE1 but also other games that got a DS update, Chrono Trigger and Kirby Super Star, are coming out in October in Japan as well.Oh and Bahamut Lagoon and the only home console port of the very first Street Fighter.

I don't see Chrono Trigger on my lists :( And speaking of that company, when will Enix games appear on the VC?

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